Have they been Killing Us Softly…With Their Song?

Headline: “U.S. Life Expectancy Declines For The First Time Since 1993”

That would’ve been good to know before the election, right?

Or, how about this one: “Study: The Obama Recovery Is A Myth”

(Both studies generating these headlines were released over the last few days, but the cynic in us can’t help but wonder if they were held up for post-election release.)

Middle-age death rates have been climbing, along with a general sense of unease, and maybe the answer to the question of cause comes from some pull quotes…

“…research…brought worldwide attention to the unexpected jump in mortality rates among white middle-aged Americans. (emphasis added) That trend was blamed on what are sometimes called diseases of despair: overdoses, alcoholism and suicide.”

“Over the past five years…improvements in death rates were among the smallest of the past four decades. There’s this just across-the-board [phenomenon] of not doing very well in the United States. (bold emphasis added)

‘Over the past five years’…?

‘…diseases of despair’…?

Gosh, wonder what could have caused that?

At a risk of over-simplifying, we suggest life-expectancy-paper researchers read the 120-page ‘Obama non-recovery’ study provided by center-Left leaning Gallup.

Page 32: “At the country level, the level of GDP-per-capita is very strongly correlated with fundamental measures of health and well-being such as life expectancy, as well as self-reported measures of health and subjective well-being and satisfaction with one’s standard of living.” (emphasis, underlining added)

If you’re like most Americans, just mention of ‘GDP-per-capita’ causes eye-glaze. If you can look beyond that, though, economic prosperity correlates to our health.

No amount of Sham-stream media fawning over Obama’s false claims changes that.

Fortunately, on election day enough Americans manifested what the studies show.

Now, it’s up to our elected officials to reverse the ugly trend of the last 8 years.

(And, please hurry, Republicans…none of us are getting any younger.)

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