Ever wonder why ‘ancient civilizations’ are STILL third-world countries?

An article speculating on climate-change as an agenda developed to allow third-world nations to shake down the more developed countries begs the question.

Forget for the moment debating this hoax that is ‘climate change’.

The United States is less than 250 years old…look at all we’ve achieved. Why is it resource-rich civilizations in Africa, South America, etc haven’t?

(And don’t pull the ‘colonial rule kept them down’ schtick, because our ancestors fought successfully against ‘colonial rule’…with a lot less going for them.)

Constitutional scholar suffers from foot-in-mouth disease

A federal appeals court denied Obama’s amnesty efforts, and hilarity ensues.

During a 2014 Chicago speech, Obama pointed out to a heckler in the crowd that he had just taken action “to change the law” (on illegal alien deportations).

The court ruled Obama’s Constitutional job is to carry out laws, not ‘change’ them.

You’d think a constitutional scholar would know that, right?

Msg to Univ of Missouri activist football players…your NFL future just vanished

Mizzou ‘college’ kids worked up into pc hysteria convinced team players to protest.

Some of the football players needed a distraction (their season being 4-5) so they joined in and threatened to boycott games until the college president resign.

Mind you, there was nothing to get hysterical over…but activist agents worked the black athletes up into a mindless rage…athletes no doubt hoping for an NFL future.

But what NFL team will pick such troublemakers?

Message to pampered Mizzou striking athletes…better start attending classes…

…you’ll need that education in the Real World.

Media attacks against Rubio and Carson target uninformed, low-info voter

Conservative media can forget the high-minded recriminations, deploring the Left-wing media for their baseless attacks against Ben Carson and Marco Rubio.

It’s not about incompetent or slovenly reporting, or un-edited fact-checking…

…these lying attacks are meant to coerce low-info voters.

When Hillary Clinton or Obama go before the Nation and utter bald-faced lies, the same Left-wing superPAC media go to great lengths to ‘parse’ and validate them.

And you can learn just as much when you notice who’s NOT being attacked. You don’t see the scurrilous stories about Trump or Jeb Bush, do you? Why?

Those are politicians the Left thinks they can beat…or work with.

Pay attention to who the Leftist media targets…

…those are the ones Democrats fear most.


You heard it here first…Politico attempt to assassinate Carson’s character is a LIE

Last week Politico headlined that Ben Carson admitted fabricating a story about a West Point scholarship, and BCP pointed out their story proved nothing of the sort.

Within hours, the mainstream Democrat superPAC media was pushing the same lie.

Now conservative media is fighting back, with the same facts we noted last week.

You heard it here first…this is nothing more than a hit-job on Ben Carson.

Forget agenda-journalists…are there no editors in the Liberal media nowadays?

So why is Dianne Feinstein blocking water recovery projects for drought-stricken California?

A TWS article reveals the hypocrisy of Democrats when it comes to law-making.

Using an example of CA Senator Feinstein, the story notes that Democrats have, of a sudden, become vociferous in their protests against adding riders to legislation.

(It goes without saying that they were happy to use the process when it served their purposes…but now that Republicans are a majority in Congress? Riders are b-a-d.)

But the intriguing part isn’t the hypocrisy…that’s typical behavior of Democrats when they’re in the minority. Question is, why is a CA senator blocking access to water?

Feinstein has been blocking a water-recovery project in the San Bernardino desert for years, and continues doing so, with the very rider process she now opposes!

California is going through a drought, primarily because of environmentalists who have fought to stop any water-capture infrastructure projects for decades. (As a result, 50% of all rainfall and/or snow-melt flows to the ocean, year after year.)

So, why is Feinstein blocking much-needed water from being recovered? Reports show ‘hundreds of billions of gallons’ of underground water could be retrieved…

…otherwise, an Environmental Impact Report says it will be lost to evaporation.

(Besides, how does taking underground water make a desert less of a desert?)

Knowing Democrats like Senator Feinstein, it’s not about environmentalism…it’s more about who donates to her campaign re-election coffers. Big money=big favors

Sadly, Californians are paying the price of her tactics…

…having to drastically conserve on the one hand, then when municipalities realize their revenues are falling as a result, they’re hit with higher water bills anyway.

So, hey, drop her a line…let her know how you feel.


Those who worship composite-girlfriend creaters and Benghazi liars have no moral authority over Ben Carson

Ben Carson wrote that he was offered a West Point scholarship, and now he’s been challenged by a liberal group who say West Point has no records of that offer.

Carson’s campaign responded that as an ROTC youth, Carson attended a banquet and met several West Point officials who suggested he could get an appointment.

Politico is slamming Carson, trying to smear him as a liar…with a lying headline.

Their headline: “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship”

But then, the story beneath their headline reads far differently. Carson’s aides have responded that Carson met West Point officials, and was offered the opportunity.

So an ‘admission of fabrication’ is a lie…by Politico. At best, Carson may have erred in noting an ‘offer’ as a scholarship ‘opportunity’, but politicians have done worse.

This is the same Politico who have NO PROBLEM giving Obama a pass for all the ‘composite’ girlfriends it was discovered he had created in his memoirs as real.

The same Politico gives Hillary a pass over her Benghazi lies where Americans died.

Carson may have embellished a West Point suggestion, but think about it…he was at a banquet with WP officials, and they could very well have made the suggestion.

Whereas it would be impossible for Obama to produce his composite girlfriends, and Hillary Clinton can no longer hide the damning emails that prove she lied.

Their double standard is breathtaking…but don’t expect a Politico apology…

…or an NAACP protesting an assault against a true icon of the black community…

…after all…Carson is a (horrors)…Republican.

Trump no El Stupido

An activist group will give a $5000 bounty to whoever disrupts Trump’s SNL skit.

A liberal Latino superPAC is offering $5000 for denouncing Trump as racist during his Saturday Night Live performance, and we know just the one to collect on it…

…Donald Trump.

While we aren’t big Trump fans, we’re even less fans of over-using the race card.

Just before the announcer says ‘Live from New York…’ Trump should run out on stage and start his ‘cold open’ with the declaration ‘Trump is a racist’…loudly…

…then demand the superPAC give him his cash before the close of the show.

Even better…Trump can then offer to prove he’s a racist, by finding (specifically) a young single Hispanic mom in the crowd…and give her that $5000.

Brash? Bold? Challenging? You bet…after all…

…that’s ‘The Donald’ we all know.

Republicans should welcome this high-drug-prices fight with gusto

Prescription drug prices are spiking because of Obamacare (as opponents of that legislation predicted, way back when) yet Democrats want to know why?

Do they have mirrors in the Capitol Hill restrooms? Democrats seeking answers on the rising cost of pharmaceutical prices need only look in the mirrors available.

Because, as everyone knows, Obamacare passed solely based on Democrat votes.

Remember? It passed without one GOP vote. They said drug costs would rise, and as predicted has gone up as warned, and there’s only Democrats to blame for that.

Republicans should welcome this fight with enthusiasm.