Those who worship composite-girlfriend creaters and Benghazi liars have no moral authority over Ben Carson

Ben Carson wrote that he was offered a West Point scholarship, and now he’s been challenged by a liberal group who say West Point has no records of that offer.

Carson’s campaign responded that as an ROTC youth, Carson attended a banquet and met several West Point officials who suggested he could get an appointment.

Politico is slamming Carson, trying to smear him as a liar…with a lying headline.

Their headline: “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship”

But then, the story beneath their headline reads far differently. Carson’s aides have responded that Carson met West Point officials, and was offered the opportunity.

So an ‘admission of fabrication’ is a lie…by Politico. At best, Carson may have erred in noting an ‘offer’ as a scholarship ‘opportunity’, but politicians have done worse.

This is the same Politico who have NO PROBLEM giving Obama a pass for all the ‘composite’ girlfriends it was discovered he had created in his memoirs as real.

The same Politico gives Hillary a pass over her Benghazi lies where Americans died.

Carson may have embellished a West Point suggestion, but think about it…he was at a banquet with WP officials, and they could very well have made the suggestion.

Whereas it would be impossible for Obama to produce his composite girlfriends, and Hillary Clinton can no longer hide the damning emails that prove she lied.

Their double standard is breathtaking…but don’t expect a Politico apology…

…or an NAACP protesting an assault against a true icon of the black community…

…after all…Carson is a (horrors)…Republican.

One thought on “Those who worship composite-girlfriend creaters and Benghazi liars have no moral authority over Ben Carson

  1. Pingback: You heard it here first…Politico attempt to assassinate Carson’s character is a LIE | BlueCollarPerspective

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