…but shilling for green-energy scams is okay?

Obama accused politicians (who didn’t support his global-warming concepts) as being ‘shills for the oil companies’…since, of course, it’s okay to shill for Solyndra.

Maybe he hasn’t read the article today where a group of applied mathematicians and scientists basically assert that warming-truthers have lost the scientific debate.

But he’s okay with that, so long as Big Green Donors like Steyer still kick in cash.

If ‘actions speak louder than words’…guess which Party is racist

The real Racist oppresses a class (race) of people, through their actions.

We disagree with Rush Limbaugh, when he says the best way to deal with those who accuse Republicans of racism is “not to reply at all.” There is a better way.


The KKK, Jim Crow laws, and Bull Connor oppression tactics were spawned in the South by Democrats, implacably determined to keep a black population from voting.

Since Democrat agenda pushed policies through in the ’60’s, blacks have suffered from dramatically higher income gaps, child poverty, and out-of-wedlock births.

Since ’07 when Democrats took over Congress, and ’09 when they won the White House, blacks have suffered double-digit job losses and household income decline.

And, for those who argue the last 50+ years of policies which have so negatively affected the black community were ‘well-meaning’, a question must be answered…

…when the graphs on these devastating policies starkly showed their grim trend lines, why weren’t corrections made in the first decade…or the second…

…or the third…or the fourth…


Actions do speak louder than words…the history of one Party screams ‘Racist’.

Which Party do you think deserves that label?

If issues of child poverty, education, household income, and jobs are so crucial, why would decades of negative trends benefit the Party causing the problem?

Of course, if keeping that Party in power by race-baiting is the primary value

…then by all means, black community…keep voting Democrat.

…so, conversely, the president hates Republicans more than he LOVES Iran?

Another day, another Foreign Relations stooge claiming the proof that, by writing an open letter to Iran, ‘Republicans hate Obama more than they love America.’

Why doesn’t the obvious ever get spoken?

Since, FIRST, Obama refused to include Congress in his ‘negotiations’ with Iran…

…then by the same Foreign Relation standard noted above, wouldn’t it be just as easy to say, by Obama doing so, he hates Republicans more than he loves Iran?

After all, the Constitution mandates Legislative Branch involvement, but…

  • Obama’s the one who refuses to work with Congress on this matter;
  • Obama’s the one who restricted Congress from discussing this matter;
  • Obama’s the one who fought against triggered sanctions in this matter; and,
  • Obama’s the one who is PUSHING to allow Iran nuclear capabilities.

(For the sake of accuracy, isn’t it logical to state only love for Iran could motivate a world leader to push for the #1 terror exporter to acquire nuclear weapons?)

Would you encourage your kids to give their school bully brass knuckles? No?

Then why encourage the world to give a global terror-exporter…nuclear weapons?

Case closed…America’s president hates Republicans more than he LOVES Iran.

Hey…don’t blame BlueCollar…we’re just using the Liberal standard.

Would you want to be married to a police officer in Ferguson, MO, these days?

Can you imagine how the husband or wife of a Ferguson cop feels when their spouse goes to work?

Political race-baiters should be indicted for their despicable actions.

Police unions should step up to protect their law enforcement membership, and demand accountability from those in high public office who endanger officers.

Period. FULL STOP.