If ‘actions speak louder than words’…guess which Party is racist

The real Racist oppresses a class (race) of people, through their actions.

We disagree with Rush Limbaugh, when he says the best way to deal with those who accuse Republicans of racism is “not to reply at all.” There is a better way.


The KKK, Jim Crow laws, and Bull Connor oppression tactics were spawned in the South by Democrats, implacably determined to keep a black population from voting.

Since Democrat agenda pushed policies through in the ’60’s, blacks have suffered from dramatically higher income gaps, child poverty, and out-of-wedlock births.

Since ’07 when Democrats took over Congress, and ’09 when they won the White House, blacks have suffered double-digit job losses and household income decline.

And, for those who argue the last 50+ years of policies which have so negatively affected the black community were ‘well-meaning’, a question must be answered…

…when the graphs on these devastating policies starkly showed their grim trend lines, why weren’t corrections made in the first decade…or the second…

…or the third…or the fourth…


Actions do speak louder than words…the history of one Party screams ‘Racist’.

Which Party do you think deserves that label?

If issues of child poverty, education, household income, and jobs are so crucial, why would decades of negative trends benefit the Party causing the problem?

Of course, if keeping that Party in power by race-baiting is the primary value

…then by all means, black community…keep voting Democrat.

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