DOJ website says ‘conviction’ is necessary before a Presidential pardon is possible

Obama threatens blanket amnesty for illegals, but unless he plans on negating Congressional law, all he can do Constitutionally is bestow an executive pardon.

But how can one be pardoned if they haven’t first been convicted?

Some argue a presidential pardon doesn’t require a conviction (or even a charge).

The Justice Dept. Pardon Attorney website contradicts that, stating (Constitutionally) “…only federal criminal convictions…may be pardoned by the President.”

If Obama’s DOJ says a conviction is necessary, that should finish the argument…but we know, with this President, the letter of the law is a very fluid, very flexible thing.

The Democrats finally concede they lost the Alaska Senate seat. Republicans now have 53 Senate seats as of Jan, 2015, and could pick up Louisiana, making it 54 seats.

Obama may veto Republican efforts to stop his amnesty ploy, but illegal immigration amnesty is opposed by the majority of Americans, and that’s not lost on politicians.

Democrat Senators up for re-election in 2016 may well be forced into something very distasteful to save their Senate seats…voting with the GOP to override an Obama veto.

Or, Obama might do what he’s done before…ignore or break the law.

Either way, it’s up to the GOP to show some backbone and hold Obama accountable.

Re, amnesty, there’s a difference between executive ‘action’ and ‘executive order’

Recently, Obama has taken to promising executive ‘action’ on illegal immigration.

This is a deviation from what he was spewing before elections. Then, he talked of ‘executive order’ as a means of forcing his personal beliefs on America.

Our U.S. Constitution expressly grants a President “…Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses committed against the United States…” (Art II, Sect. 2)

Granting a pardon or reprieve for illegal entry into the Nation would be executive action.

A President must also “…take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed…” and that’s where many Presidents often try to introduce their ideology in the interpretation.

Deciding how law is to be executed, or executed differently from congressional intent, would be an executive order. Many argue ‘faithfully executed’ means faithful to the law makers’ (Congress) intent…some Presidents believe their ideology should direct intent.

We’ll offer more in-depth data as we go along, but in the meantime, take note that Obama is talking ‘action’ instead of ‘order’…and a Pardon does not confer citizenship.

According to our Constitution, only Congress can do that, having the power “…to establish an uniform Rule of Nauralization…” (Art. I, Sect 8).

And make no mistake – those necessary laws are already on the books…

…Democrats (and Obama) just don’t want to enforce them.

Immigration law isn’t broken…Obama’s oath to ‘faithfully execute the law’ is broken.

Pre-election ego now gives Obama post-election ‘mandate’ blues

He said it before the election – “…my policies are on the ballot.”

Unable to control his ego, he’s faced with an inconvenient truth: that statement seals his fate as a lame-duck president…voters emphatically rejected his Democrat cohort…

…and as such…emphatically rejected his policies as well.

Result? A GOP M-A-N-D-A-T-E.

Discretion is the better part of valor, but that’s never been his strong point…and now, he must face the ‘mandate’ reality his ever-present narcissism has created.

His pre-election ego has given Obama post-election mandate blues.

Open mouth…insert mandate.



Every segment of this election was about stopping Obama and Democrats

Democrats lost 13 House seats…8 Senate seats… and 3 Governor seats…

…and Republicans picked them up.

Don’t let anyone tell you this election proves the Nation wants bi-partisanship…

…Americans want Obama and Democrats STOPPED.



Proof? Obama said every one of his policies were on the ballot.

Proof enough for you?

Here are the states that are happy with black-American unemployment in double digits…

Democrat policies over the last 6 years have driven black joblessness to twice the national average…thus, states electing Democrat Senators wish to keep it that way.

Here are the 12 states evidently okay with that disgraceful statistic…

Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virginia…voted to continue those policies.

Fortunately for black-Americans, at least 8 states (incl. Alaska) soundly rejected them.

(Ironically, that minority segment probably heavily supported the states that stayed ‘D’.)

Tuesday’s election is a mandate to stop failed Democrat policy.The GOP has a chance to prove they can create jobs that help ALL Americans, including minorities.

With House and Senate control, they can put effective legislation on Obama’s desk.

Then it’s up to Obama to sign them.

If he doesn’t, and black joblessness remains high, it’s on him and Democrats. If he signs them, and minority unemployment doesn’t improve, it’s on the Republicans.

Obama and Democrats claim Republican policy won’t work. Signing Republican bills into law gives Obama, Reid, and Pelosi a chance to prove that claim…

…vetoing the bills means he’s afraid GOP policy will work.

Classic definition…between a rock and a hard place.

(Soon to be Senate Minority Leader) Harry Reid reveals the Democrat damage-control message plan

“The message from voters is clear: they want us to work together.”

Addressing a historic defeat in losing 7 Democrat Senate seats, Harry Reid clings to a delusional theory that telegraphs the Democrats’ plan to mislabel their Waterloo.

No, Harry…mid-term vote results don’t indicate a desire for ‘working together’.

The message IS clear…

…voters don’t want your Party’s agenda.



GOP wrests CO, AR, MT, WV, SD Senate seats from Democrats (UPDATE – wins IA & NC, Republicans take Senate)

8pm in CA, and the GOP has taken Colorado, Arkansas, Montana, W. Virginia, and S. Dakota from Democrats, and Iowa, N. Carolina, and Virginia are within their reach.

You could wake tomorrow with the news the GOP won 8 Senate seats from Democrats, while holding all Republican seats, giving them solid control of the Senate.

Fingers crossed.

UPDATE – Joni Ernst took Iowa from Democrats, Tillis took N. Carolina from Hagan…

…GOP has the Senate, with VA still too close to call, Alaska not yet reporting…

…could be HUGE for GOP!!

(The big question now – what REAL Democrat in NH & VA is ok with status quo?)

Election Day’s here and soon we’ll know the Nation’s mood

Voter fraud, and push-polling by the national media notwithstanding, today’s election results should indicate the citizenry’s mood, and the Nation’s future direction.

For Californians with a conservative/GOP bent, helpful voting tips can be found here.

Concerned citizens should make every effort to vote.

Tomorrow will be the beginning of an interesting future for America.

For elected leaders, let’s hope ‘integrity’ plays a large part in that future.

Uuhh, Senator Landrieu, wasn’t it a Democrat South that was ‘unfriendly’ to black-Americans?

Louisiana’s female Senator up for re-election says the South’s racist past is a problem.

In a state that had a female governor until its current Indian governor (Bobby Jindal) was elected, Landrieu says her current polling indicates an anti-woman, anti-black past.

When Democrats have nothing in the ‘good idea’ category, they play the race card. And she may not have checked a mirror lately, but she is a woman, elected 3 times

…in her ‘anti-woman world’ of Louisiana! H-e-l-l-o-o-o?

Beyond that, is she oblivious to the fact that past South racism was Democrat-imposed?

The KKK, Bull Connor tactics, and Jim Crow laws were all Democrat constructs.

Too bad the media seems as oblivious to those facts as Landrieu.

Hopefully, Louisiana’s voters are smart enough to see through her.