There is nothing sacred that will stop their attacks…and that may prove their ultimate undoing

Weaponizing federal intel and law enforcement agencies for political purposes…


Using the media to hoax an American public pushing lies as opposition research…


Falsifying the dialogue during a presidential phone call, before members of Congress…


Manipulating the solemn occasion of impeachment for cheap political advantage…


What’s next?

Photoshopping the President burning an American flag? Maybe putting a pillow over Grandma’s face? Urinating on an Apple Pie? Shooting at police from a back-alleyway?

Put nothing past these people…

…after all, a disgraceful liar like Adam Schiff is still a member of Congress…

…but, for how much longer?

SHAMpeachment Witnesses? File that under ‘be careful what is asked for’…

We wonder if the Democrats (mis)handling this sham really understand what they’re putting themselves and their Party in for, with this strident, relentless witness demand.

Okay, the Democrats accuse President Trump of abuse-of-power over withholding the Ukraine aid until corruption allegations are investigated, so that’s all in play…right?

If this is about Ukraine and quid-pro-quo, (then VP) Joe Biden threw his boss Obama under the bus in that video, where Biden coerced the firing of a corruption prosecutor who seemed to be getting uncomfortably close to incriminating his son Hunter Biden.

(Remember? Ukrainians said only the President, Obama, could do that. Joe said ‘call him’…which pretty much implicates Obama as being behind the quid-pro-quo firing.)

So, if the Senate allows witnesses, the first one in the box for Republicans should be the guy behind the original quid-pro-quo extortion drama – Barack Hussein Obama.

President Trump has to be rubbing his hands together with anticipation.

Stud Poker? What say you, Chuck Schumer…we see your John Bolton call…

…and raise you an Obama.

Unpresidential acts should continue until objectivity returns to journalism…& civility returns to Democrats

At, never-Trump’er Jonah Goldberg writes “Our Nation Is Paying for Trump’s Refusal to Be Presidential” (we don’t link articles based on false premise)

In a glaring myopia for the overwhelming negative coverage of Pres Trump, he notes…

“…his impeachment illustrates the damage bad character can do to the presidency, the culture, and the constitutional order…” …as if Democrats would play nicely otherwise?

Goldberg even resorts to a demonstrably false new book to support his false premise.

Sorry Jonah, we’re not buying it. If being ‘presidential’ means letting the Left tear you down with no attempt at defending yourself or fighting back, you can keep it.

The one thing you never-Trump’ers, the FakeNews media, and hack Democrats have not tried is to act objectively, with civility and honesty…a telling failure on your part.

Pres. Trump’s achievements to date have been as a result of strong ‘character’…not in spite of his character. Defending oneself, fighting back, is as American as it gets and if that’s not ‘presidential’…nothing is. Playing the high-road victim card is a loser concept.

At the very least, detractors should be able to acknowledge that…but they won’t.

Don’t expect his ‘unpresidential’ behavior to change, until you guys do.

Need a concise, factually based argument against their SHAMpeachment? Here you go…

21 state Attorney Generals wrote a letter to the Senate, advising them to reject the SHAMpeachment articles written up by partisan House Democrats as not credible:

“Article I is based upon a constitutionally-flawed theory that the President can be impeached for exercising concededly lawful constitutional authority…” going on to state “This “corrupt motive” theory is infinitely expansive and subjective. It will erode separation of powers, making the President impeachable for what his political adversaries perceive his thoughts to be.” (bold, u/l emphasis added)

House Democrats base their Article I ‘abuse of power’ concept on what they think the President’s motive was in asking for corruption to be investigated by the Ukraines.

Understand, according to previous Supreme Court ruling, the President is “the sole organ of the federal government in the field of international relations.” (And, just in case there’s doubt, corrupt acts by American public officials fit precisely within that purview.)

The letter also blew away the Article II ‘obstruction of Congress’ charge, pointing out:

“If the House believed President Trump’s invocation of executive privilege was unjustified, it should have done what every other congressional committee has done: go to court to enforce the subpoena and challenge the assertion of privilege.” (bold, underline emphasis added)

Citing judicial decisions and specific fact, they DESTROY the SHAMpeachment, and the intellectually flawed and superficially deceptive reasoning the Democrats applied.

The letter (imbedded in the Fox article) is well worth the time to read. (For our readers, we’ve also added a ‘Destroying SHAMpeachment’ page with the letter in full.)

Lies, Damn Lies, & Liars that tell them: does truth matter to this Party at all?

Heading at the Bongino Report: “Adam Schiff Caught Lying AGAIN “

Seems the pencil-neck House Democrat Select Intelligence Liar…errr…Leader has, once again, ‘mischaracterized’ a communication, casting a Trump lawyer in a bad light.

But, according to former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova, this is their strategy: “DiGenova: Schiff, Democrats Have Adopted Nazi-Like “Big Lie” Strategy To Impeach Trump”

What honest American can be okay with this deceit?

Impeachment101 – the House makes the case, the Senate hears the case…PERIOD

It can’t be said any simpler than that.

Regardless of Democrat caterwauling and hair-pulling, it is not the Senate’s function in the case of impeachment to help build their case, but to try the case presented them.

If the House Democrats presented a faulty case, they own the fault.

That said…more importantly, is that their charges against the President actually involve accusing him of doing what it IS the President’s job to do – investigate wrongdoing.

Billions of American taxpayer dollars have gone down the Ukraine corruption hole, and it’s not the President’s fault that Democrats have a candidate who’s centrally involved.

That flawed candidate actually admitted coercing Ukraine to drop an investigation of the company at Ground-Zero of the corruption…where HIS son was employed.

Pelosi’s son was involved, as well as others.

Their only hope is to create a scenario that has at its base a fundamental principle that investigating demonstrably corrupt Democrats is akin to unlawful Republican behavior.

If a GOP-controlled Senate insists on hearing this laughable excuse for impeachment, it will behoove them to cast the existing corruption necessitating a probe front and center.

Pres. Trump will have the chance to contest the charges against him. There’s abundant evidence that corruption existed, and that Democrats were (and are) involved.

No reasonable American believes political candidacy can shield criminal behavior.

Get the popcorn ready.

2020 – Begin your fact-checking to ensure the positive agenda continues

“Promises Made, Promises KEPT” – a msg from President Donald Trump

  • Dismantled the disastrous Iran deal
  • Renegotiated the horrible, wrong-sided NAFTA deal
  • Added millions of New Jobs and trillions of New Wealth
  • Rebuild our great U.S. Military
  • Renegotiating extremely one-sided & horrible China trade deals
  • Moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem, the eternal capitol of Israel
  • Cancelled the worthless Paris Climate Agreement
  • Building a SERIOUS southern border wall to fight human/drug trafficking
  • Appointed justices to Supreme Court who are loyal to our Constitution
  • (not yet in his video) Eradication (ongoing) of Islamist terror leaders & evildoers

THIS is what ‘Winning’ looks life, folks…