Who cares if Pelosi holds up the SHAMpeach articles? Senate can still debate them

And the next Pelosi/ Democrat gambit…stall sending articles to the Senate, all the while claiming ‘concerns’ over how ‘unfairly’ the Republicans will run their end of the process.

So what? Who needs to worry about such shenanigans? SHAMpeachment Articles are public. Senator McConnell should send them to the Senate floor, and open up debate.


Remember this: a practiced lie is STILL a lie…no matter how smoothly it’s made

Left-wing commentators can bloviate to their heart’s content over the SHAMpeachment articles passed on strictly partisan House Democrat votes, but 1 fact is unassailable…

…there’s NO evidence to support the two ‘charges’.

Supposition, perception, hearsay, and opinion is NOT admissible evidence.

NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE supports the abuse-of-power claim that demands of an investigation of a political opponent must be started before Ukraine aid was given.

(There IS self-admitted evidence of a corrupt extortion act by that political opponent however.) And declaring one’s candidacy doesn’t make them exempt from the law.

Wrapping this Democrat sham in pretty paper LIES doesn’t make it more credible. The President is being charged with crimes committed by Biden, Clinton, and Obama.

There’s plenty of REAL evidence against them…and none against President Trump.

No amount of smooth-talking BS changes these facts.

(And, P.S. – the House Democrats don’t have any say in Senate procedures.)

Now, here’s a definition of ‘conflicted’…

What’s up with Virginia?

As noted at the Washington Examiner today: “Uprising: 90% of Virginia counties become gun ‘sanctuaries,’ expanding movement to nine states”

But wait…didn’t Virginians just vote in November to go all-in Democrat?

How Voters Turned Virginia From Deep Red to Solid Blue”

As reported by the New York Times: “A new kind of suburbanization is sweeping through politics, from Richmond to Atlanta, Houston, Denver and elsewhere, and Democrats are starting to breach Republicans’ firewalls in elections.” Hmmm…

So, Virginia Democrats ‘breach’ Republican firewalls…by going full-blown GUNS?

That’s one helluva breach.

Is this an NRA conspiracy, or what?

And, then there’s this: “Leftists Threaten To Use Military Invasion in Virginia Counties If They Refuse to Enforce New Anti-Gun Laws” begging the question…

…if 90% of counties require invasion, can the 10% left even man-up a National Guard?

Follow-up question: If they’re the anti-gun segment, what will they use to invade?

Definition of ‘deflection’ – a FISA court that accepts unsubstantiated FBI info, then demands reforms…of the FBI

As reported at National Review Online: “FISA Court Issues Rare Public Order Condemning FBI for Russia Probe Abuses and Demanding Reforms”

The COURT demands reforms? We know where to start…AT THE COURT!

Forget for the moment omissions of ‘exculpatory evidence’ – there’s bigger fish to fry.

Their commentary is a condemnation of themselves…

““The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable,” wrote the FISA court.”


How can a FISA court be misled into justifying surveillance applications, when any idiot knows standard procedure in the process demands supporting evidentiary documents. 

Why haven’t those evidentiary documents been revealed? If we’re to translate their condemnation of ‘unsupported representations’…it means THERE WERE NONE.




The FISA court accepted spy applications…on American citizens…

…with NO ‘supported representations’? And these guys are the ‘Watchers’?

REFORMS? How about getting the FISA judges to explain THAT FAILURE?

Forget withholding exculpatory information…

…unsubstantiated allegations should’ve been enough to stop this in its tracks.

What good are reforms, if judges don’t follow procedure in the first place?

Follow-up question: Who’s watching the Watchers?

Like him or hate him…Rush Limbaugh deserves this acknowledgment

Today’s show started out with a monologue on how mortgages are being paid off for the American families of fallen military and law enforcement, who died in the line of duty.

Rush Limbaugh stated unequivocally that the contributions made through his show and the ‘stand-up-for-Betsy-Ross’ clothing line he began, was all credited to his audience.

He’s been vilified as a hater throughout his career by his detractors.

Can they stop long enough now, to acknowledge he gives all credit to others?

Our guess is no…which tells us who the real haters are.

When ‘false god’ analogies slam into today’s Democrat policies…

Erick Erickson (conservative evangelical American blogger and radio host) tweets that ‘if you can’t be friends with someone because their politics don’t align with yours, you worship a false god.’ Evidently, he doesn’t follow the recent antics of Democrats.

Democrats in the New York legislature recently passed a bill legalizing infanticide.

Democrats in Washington don’t want southern border security, trample on rule-of-law, and are in the process of shredding the Constitution to delegitimize our elections.

What part of that should we consider worthy of friendship?

In this political lock-step Democrat culture that has become their norm, those within its ranks don’t just own the milder issues, because the malevolent issues are force-fed.

Mr. Erickson, when our political differences consisted of fairly benign ‘big-gov’t vs small-gov’t’ and ‘high taxes vs low taxes’ issues, your point would be worthy of consideration.

But, when one Party starts legalizing infanticide, enabling human trafficking and drug smuggling, crippling national security, and negating Federal elections…sorry, but…


What part of lockstep politics don’t you understand, Mr. Erickson?

(Or, are you saying you’re okay with infanticide?)

Face the inevitable…

…if you vote Democrat, you own ALL their subsequent policies that get enacted.

Then, we’re left with a decision: are we okay with that?

Give the Senate minority the same number of witnesses House minority got…ZERO

As reported at RedState: “Chuck Schumer Releases His Impeachment Demands as Republicans Throw Their Heads Back in Laughter”

Well, the Democrat House majority denied witness requests from Republicans, so it would be a ‘what goes around, comes around’ decision to tell Schumer to pound sand.

Democrat hypocrisy drips.

(But, don’t waste time agonizing over such hypocrisy…that’s an old story.)

The GOP-controlled Senate has an obligation to be as fair as the Democrat-controlled House was in this SHAMpeachment fiasco, just by following the Democrat’s precedent.

That’s fair…no?

File under ‘We Told You So’…

As reported at TheGatewayPundit: ““Much More to Come” – Giuliani Says Impeachment is Intended to Obstruct Investigations of Obama-Era Corruption – ‘Billions of Dollars Laundered, Extortion and Bribery’”

We identified that as a tactic already – their corruption is HUGE, and they’re panicked.

And, as noted before…that’s why they can’t stop their attacks on the President.