…which means over 1/3 of House GOP members don’t know the Constitution they swore to uphold…

“Nearly Two-Thirds of House GOP Backs Bill to Censure Adam Schiff”

Schiff lied about no contact with their gossip-monger…err…’whistleblower’…and lied publicly about the telephone conversation our President had with the Ukrainian leader.

Lies that were specifically intended to smear and undermine a sitting President.

And, furthermore, continues an ‘impeachment’ illusion while trampling due process and rule of law basics that are bedrock principles of the Constitution he swore to uphold.

And only ‘NEARLY’ two-thirds of the House GOP backs a bill to censure Schiff?

Considering ALL collusion evidence points to Democrats, scrutiny of their finances is justifiable

So far, with the Russia-Ukraine fiasco proving any and all collusion/corruption/whatever has been conducted by Democrats, it’s high time to subpoena Democrat tax records.

That is…if proof and/or evidence are any justification.

(You know…the rule-of-law ‘due process’ thing they seem very willing & able to ignore.)

Just sayin’…

‘Journalism’ dies in bias

Remember ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’?

For 2 years+, so-called journalists ran un-founded story after un-founded story alleging collusion, cover-ups, and corruption amongst Donald Trump-&-Co…based on bias…

…all to bring down, at first, a candidate…then, an elected President.

Now, it’s ‘Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine’?

We’re hearing un-founded story after un-founded story alleging cover-up, corruption, and quid-pro-quo against Pres. Trump-&-Co…based on the same bias and objective…

..to take down President Donald J Trump.

Anonymous sources, deliberate lies…none of it challenged by honest media.

Yeah, ‘democracy dies in darkness’…and NOTHING kills real journalism like bias.

(But don’t just believe us…look at media-trust polling.)

By their actions, they’ve changed the task of reporting truth to destroying opponents.

Judging by their sinking trust-polls, as compared to Trump’s rising poll numbers…

…they’re the ones being destroyed.

You’d think even if vanity wouldn’t stop their insanity…self-preservation would.

Hmmm…if Twitter is banned in China, how can its 1.4bn citizens be outraged?

Good question on the Rush Limbaugh show, in the middle of the 2nd hour.

China’s leadership raged over a tweet an NBA team owner sent out in support of Hong Kong citizens demonstrating for their freedom, saying all Chinese were insulted.

How could they be, if Twitter is banned in China?

Want some real irony?

NBA teams are made up of approximately 85% black players. And, yet, the brutal and widespread oppressive actions of Hong Kong police are okay with most NBA players?

You know, the same players decrying brutal/oppressive behavior by American police.

What’s the difference? China has billions invested in the NBA and its sponsorships.

One would almost suspect financial motives behind such a 180.

Someone tell House Democrats…democracy dies in darkness

“GOP member of Judiciary Committee not allowed in Fiona Hill deposition”

If any Party is killing democracy, it’s the Democrat Party.

Aided and abetted by FakeNews media.

We suggest the GOP members who were in the hearing should pull a Schiff…

…and LEAK that deposition.

Here’s a ‘what if’ for you…what if the ‘anonymous whistleblower’ is Robert deNiro?

Open question to Andy McCarthy…since when did impeachment replace elections?

At NRO, Andrew McCarthy’s article “What Is Impeachment For?” speaks to the act of impeachment as being ‘…a political process, not a legal one’ but then, bends the curve.

On the issue of what is impeachable conduct he notes…

“There is considerable debate among legal scholars about what kind of conduct impeachment should apply to. Some say that it is limited to abuse of presidential power. Others counter that it applies to anything that demonstrates an incumbent’s unfitness. I adhere to the latter position, but it is not clear-cut.” (bold, underline emphasis added)

Hmmm…‘ANYTHING that demonstrates unfitness’? 

Other than actual election-meddling criminality that affected its outcome, we fail to see how an astute legal-eagle like Andrew McCarthy could make such a preference.

We thought the election process that involved combined sentiment of a Nation was the proper method to determine an incumbent’s unfitness. Got old PRE-presidential dirt?

Tell us…then, let elections decide.

Usually, we bow to Andrew McCarthy’s wisdom…in this case, respectfully, he’s wrong.

Hey, sneaky pollsters…who are you REALLY aiming at?

Various polling schemes used to boost Democrat spirits and suppress Republican optimism actually blew up in the pollster’s faces when the 2016 election played out.

Over-confidence based on their own trick polling caused them to lose states they should’ve won. And, as 2020 approaches, it looks like the pollsters are at it again.

As The GatewayPundit reports: “STUNNING. FOX News Plays Trick on Viewers – Oversamples Democrats by 14 POINTS in Junk Impeachment Poll”

Understand, by oversampling Democrats the ‘yeah, let’s impeach’ results get skewed to look as if the American public is coming around to their phony impeachment efforts.

The polling represents normalcy up front, using Political ID numbers of 48% D, 40% R; but looking deeper, at ‘voting in which primary/caucus’ numbers, it’s 48% D, 34% R.

Therein lies the manipulation – you wouldn’t see it unless you pored through details. It may make the ‘impeach/remove’ numbers look stronger, but not if you see it’s skewed.

Or, try this: “What makes Fox News’s ‘Trump impeachment’ poll totally unreliable”

…issue of impeachment is overtly political, the political make-up of the respondents in any poll is critical.  In this recent Fox poll, 48% of those polled claimed to be Democrats, 40% Republican, and 12% independent.  However, as Gallup points out in its most recent research, 31% of all Americans identify as Democrats, 29% as Republican and 38% as independent.” Overrepresent D‘s 17%, underrepresent I‘s 26%? (emph. added)

Such over/under representation skews results (for D’s) very nicely, thank you. (And under-representing Indies by 26% likely explains the huge voting-in-caucus disparity.)

Of the two, we see this second scenario as the more easily understood form of polling manipulation. Either way, it’s bizarre Democrats continue to fall into their own traps.

(Hey, are you going to believe the polls…or your own lying brain? Besides, there are a lot of people deeply invested in forcing the right result, and FakeNews needs to be fed.)

Does it mean Democrats look like they may step in it…again…? History says ‘yes’.

Our policy is to NEVER stop those intent on digging themselves deeper into a hole.

Keep those shifty polls coming, guys.