And, then there’s this… political article: “Pentagon Says DOD Could Fund Border Projects, After Trump Suggests Military Could Build the Wall”

According to a Pentagon spokesman “Congress has provided options under Title 10 U.S. Code that could permit the Department of Defense to fund border barrier projects, such as in support of counter drug operations or national emergencies…” (u/l added)

Any guesses who just noted it’s become a ‘national emergency’ this morning?

(Hint: initials are DJT.)

Open-borders policy is provably IMMORAL…and demonstrably RACIST

We repeat, for clarity: Open-borders policy is immoral…and racist.

In the most overt, and covert way.

Uncontrolled borders allows an influx of illegal immigration that 1) takes jobs away, and 2) drives wages down, from the most vulnerable Americans…minorities and the poor.

(Let’s face it – there are ZERO rocket scientists and PhD’s among the horde.)

Uncontrolled borders allows an influx of illegal immigration that 3) strains our welfare system, and 4) takes services away from the most vulnerable…minorities and the poor.

(Ditto – there are ZERO middle-to-high income, well-off immigrants climbing the walls.)

Uncontrolled borders allows an influx of illegal immigration that 5) threatens the health and well being, and 6) overloads the medical system, affecting our most vulnerable…

…you guessed it – minorities and the poor.

(Who believes the healthcare system they left behind was keeping them healthy?)

Using the poor and desperate in Central/South America as pawns is despicable.

Championing open-border policies that hurt minorities is racist.

Championing open-border policies that hurt the poor is immoral.



The 1st priority of a Nation’s leaders is the safety and security of its citizens

Walls work – ask Israel.

That said, a bill for the southern border wall was passed BY DEMOCRATS 10 years ago…problem is, they refuse to fund building the wall necessary to secure the border.

President Trump, as the leader of this Nation whose top priority is the safety and security of its citizens, is right to demand the funding be part of a spending bill.

Unfortunately, the top Democrat leadership in Congress don’t agree, but there is a very uncomfortable reality they will live with by digging in and refusing wall funding priority…

…they were happy to join with Obama to send $150 billion (or more) to Iran.

And the President was happy to point that out in a tweet today. Democrats will try to put lipstick on that pig by saying it was JUST their money frozen by sanctions – but those sanctions were in place because Iran’s a global funder of terrorism…and STILL IS.

Which means, they were given MORE money to fund terrorism.

Bottom line…

…Democrats are okay with funding Iran’s terror programs…

…but not okay funding America’s border security.

Chuck, Nancy…how good do you feel about that?

(Oh, and…well played, Mr. President.)

‘Finding truth and confronting it fearlessly’ is the last thing they’ll do

NeverTrump’ers, true to form, all have one thing in common: their derangement as a group interferes with any ability to see facts, symbolized by this David French column.

His article sub-heading “Let’s find the truth and confront it fearlessly” is ironic, as his first few paragraphs attempt to set up an argument built on a false premise…that is, the proven abuse of FISA warrant applications is somehow a ‘fatally flawed’ theory.

It’s an established, settled law that FISA applications are to be based on verified data.

As a lawyer, you’d think Mr. French could understand that concept, but his disdain for anything Trump, as with his NeverTrump cohort, blinds him to such proven realities.

Which begs the question – is there an HONEST NeverTrump’er out there?

  • FACT – The FISA applications were not based on (required) verified data;
  • FACT – The infamous Steele dirt-dossier has never been corroborated;
  • FACT – The Russian ‘hack’ of DNC emails was never verified by American law enforcement…because they’ve never had access to the server, or the scene;
  • FACT – Meeting with others to discuss available opposition info is not illegal;
  • FACT – Absence of a collusion crime means this has all been a HOAX.

Is it possible for you to CONFRONT that truth fearlessly, Mr. French?

BlueCollar Called It…Preident says if Congress won’t fund southern border wall, military will build it

Yesterday, BlueCollar noted a report that the President actually UPPED the military budget in a departure from former remarks that the budget might need to be lowered.

BlueCollar queried in that blog whether his decision to go billions higher may be because adding billions could pay for a southern border wall Congress won’t fund.

Now, in today’s Washington Times, headlined Trump: If Democrats hold back on border wall, the military will build it” looks like we predicted accurately…again.

We may be blue-collar, we may not be political experts, but we are the man-on-the-street…and that’s the mentality President Trump brings to Washington DC.

(UPDATE) BlueCollar beat Rush Limbaugh to the prediction as well…he began his daily broadcast today discussing the President’s sudden hike in military funding saying it “looks like an end run” (around Democrats who are stalling wall funding he wants).

Msg to Congress: be careful what you wish for…

Nadler: Hush Payments May Be ‘Impeachable Offenses’

As noted in a previous blog, non-disclosure agreements with financial incentives are the same thing as ‘hush-money’ and, considering the millions Congress has spent with our TAX-$$, they might be well advised to think twice about idle ‘impeachable’ threats.

Unless, of course, they mean to purge their own as well?

For that matter, EVERY NDA is a hush-document…including those of Congress

Congress has paid out over $15 million in hush-money NDA’s, going back years, and the worst part of that fact is THEY USED TAXPAYER DOLLARS for those payments.

Getting panties in a bunch over NDA’s that Trump arranged doesn’t pass a smell test for two reasons – first, it was while he was a private citizen, second, it was his money.

If the American public should be outraged, focus on the tainted political leaders who use our tax-dollars, WHILE IN POLITICAL OFFICE, to veil and/or obscure their imbroglios.