Will Obama’s ‘composite girlfriend’ be Kavanaugh’s next accuser?

When the high-school accuser loses traction, and the college accuser really doesn’t seem to have any memory of the next accusations, it’s time to call out the big guns.

In their desperation to derail Kavanaugh, Democrats may have to unleash Obama’s composite girlfriend soon: why not, since credibility and proof aren’t necessary?

After all, they can’t remember WHO was involved, WHERE it occurred, or WHEN it happened, so the next extension to Liberals’ un-real Twilight Zone makes sense.

Who needs REAL women…when the composite girl is in the closet? 

SPENDING growth has caused deficit growth…not tax-cuts

As the Democrats grasp for any straw to prove the GOP tax cuts are bad for America they claim that the growth in the deficit is a direct result of Republican tax policy.


Do the math.

As Investor’s Business Daily reports, tax revenue actually increased $19 billion over the previous year: prosperous companies hired more workers…who paid more taxes.

But, they say, the federal deficit went up $224 billion from last year.

Yeah – but SPENDING WENT UP $243 billion compared to the previous year.

Republican tax-cuts result in higher revenue…but spending creates higher deficits.




“Feinstein Still Hasn’t Turned Over the Letter From Kavanaugh’s Accuser to Chuck Grassley”

So, a Trump nominee can’t see the letter from a ‘victim’ claiming sexual groping by a (??) number of assailants in a year she doesn’t recall at an address she’s not sure of?

For someone who ‘deserves to be heard’…she’s not very forthcoming, is she?

Oh, and by the way – nothing from the Trump dossier has been corroborated either.

(Just thought we’d throw that in)

But, when you think about it…it’s apropos.

President Trump has been reviled for 2 years based on an unsubstantiated dirt dossier document. And now, Kavanaugh’s going through it too. Both are Democrat documents.

Anyone see a pattern here?

Puerto Rico’s nightmare – regardless of hurricane death-count, it was exasperated by bad LOCAL gov’t

“Don’t buy revisionist history: Hurricane Maria response was best it could be”

A new article by a former FEMA director points out the reality of dealing with a direct-hit hurricane ravaging an island that already had disastrously crumbling infrastructure.

Despite the hysterical rhetoric, Democrats controlled Puerto Rico for decades, and the absolutely horrendous conditions BEFORE the hurricane contributed greatly to deaths.

They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with their ‘Trump’s-to-blame’ pre-election lie.

It insults brave FEMA and U.S. Military who worked tirelessly to help. And it gives cover to the very politicians responsible for 3rd-world conditions that added tragic deaths.



How does one ‘downplay violent threats’ when violence was attempted against HIS opponent?

“Dem rep apologizes for tweet downplaying threats against Collins’ office”

Rep Swalwell (D-Ca) ‘boo-hooed’ reports that aides of Senator Collins (R-Me) had been threatened with physical assault and rape by Left-wing activists over the last few weeks.

This is the same Democrat who’s political opponent narrowly averted being stabbed by one of his supporters two weeks ago, when the loon’s switchblade malfunctioned.

Takeaway? Sensitivity training is not applicable, for Democrats.

If his Republican opponent has the cajones, this is a perfect case of ‘War-on-Women’ being waged by a Democrat against the opposite gender…based on Party leanings.

Swalwell doesn’t deserve to be an elected official in ANY capacity.

The ‘Scum-of-the-Earth’ Club just added another member.

Winning votes with lies…what else is new…?

Dems Winning Votes With Big Lie About Pre-Existing Conditions

What a shocker – Democrats winning votes with LIES.

The author says “Unfortunately, Republican pols failed miserably last year to explain how their Obamacare repeal bill safeguarded people with preexisting conditions. That failure opened the door for Democrats to vilify them this election season as enemies of people with health problems.”

Knowing how MaliceNews works to mislead us, it’s debatable whether ‘Republican pols failed miserably last year to explain’…or it just wasn’t reported when they did explain.

Either way – if the issue is so important, Republicans should speak up loudly, and often.

So, hiding info by exec privelege order is ok…declassifying for transparency is ‘abuse of power’?

Washington Post headline: “Trump’s Declassification Order Is an Abuse of Presidential Power” Translation: O-M-G, Deep-State’ers are being exposed.

Gotta love their hypocrisy – they had no problem with Obama hiding information behind executive privilege, to conceal his administration’s disgraceful Fast-&-Furious behavior.

But, they have a HUGE problem with transparency over fraudulent FISA app exposure?

Hiding info to protect Democrats – OK; declassifying info to expose Democrats – Bad.

Class dismissed.

Bad news for Slick Willie…?

Statute of limitations on rape is 15 years; on sexual assault it’s 6 years.

But, based on what appears to be the new Democrat standard they’re trying to apply to the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, looks like those limitations are fini.

Bill Clinton – call your lawyers.

Hey…accountability is accountability…RIGHT?