…and, by the way…relying on lawyers to do things right isn’t a crime…

As a follow-on to our previous post, it should be noted that the manner in which Cohen decided to handle hush-money payments was his decision to make, not Trump’s.

And, as a lawyer, he should’ve known the right way to do things, and the wrong way… but giving him the benefit of the doubt – when Clinton’s aides weren’t charged with any in-kind campaign finance violations hushing Slick Willie’s female accusers…

…Cohen could very well have thought what he did was legal.

Besides…relying on a lawyer to do things in a legal manner is not a crime.

But arguing this matter is moot – since the law says hush-money isn’t illegal.

Cohen-Manafort…want some fries with those nothingburgers?

The panties-in-a-bunch crowd is delirious with joy over the convictions levied toward Trump’s lawyer Cohen and short-time campaign manager Manafort…but it’s forced.

Both men are being legally harassed because of their audacity to support Trump. If there’s any doubt about that, the information below will put those doubts to rest.

Manafort was convicted of crimes that occurred years ago, way before his stint with the candidate Trump, when he partnered with Democrat partisan Tony Podesta – and was given a pass then by Obama’s Justice Dept…because of that tie-in to a Clinton-ista.

As such, the Mueller push against him was to force cooperation against the President if there were any ‘Russia-collusion’ secrets he could be forced to reveal…but there aren’t.

Manafort was safe with Podesta…but radioactive as soon as he hitched to Trump.

Cohen set up corporations to paid $280k hush-money to 2 women, who claimed sex-trysts with private-citizen Trump years ago…seen as in-kind campaign contributions.

That amount, $280k, exceeded allowable amounts…but, as legal-eagle Andy McCarthy points out “The Justice Department has a history of treating serious campaign-finance transgressions as administrative violations, not felonies. A prominent example: The 2008 Obama campaign accepted nearly $2 million in illegal campaign contributions, but was permitted to settle the matter with a $375,000 fine.” (emphasis added)

Obama’s campaign finance violations amounted to $2 million, but was only fined. Yet when Cohen is found guilty of 1/10th the amount…he’s charged with a felony. Why?

He had the audacity to be connected to Trump.

One final note: while Cohen was subject to a maximum in-kind contribution amount of $2700, as the candidate, Donald Trump was not confined to that amount. He could have spent as much as he wanted…so criminal intent will be hard to prove.

(And a former head of the FEC says such payment isn’t a campaign contribution.)

Think about it folks…if hush-money paid to a woman is a campaign finance violation in that it helps a campaign, why weren’t Bill Clinton’s campaign team and aides ever prosecuted for the costly and extensive smear campaigns waged against his accusers?

Shouldn’t that type of ‘hush’ effort be considered an in-kind contribution? Just sayin’.

Bottom line – they’re just trying to make Trump supporters pay a heavy price.

One law for them…another law for the rest of us.

All the News fit to DISTORT…gives a hint of their desperation

Another day, another distorted news cycle…what else is new?

Rudy Giuliani spoke truth to FakeNews…and now they try to distort the context in order to, once again, try to bring down the man who was constitutionally elected Nov 2016.

In an interview discussing why he didn’t want the President taken through a perjury-trap wringer by Mueller and his Democrat cohort, he stated ‘truth isn’t truth’

…in the context of Mueller-as-prosecutor waiting to spring the trap is concerned.

But leave it to FakeNews to not report that context.

Alan Dershowitz, a Left-wing legal expert, explains exactly what Giuliani was saying.

But the good news is, more and more Americans see through out-of-context FakeNews efforts, and even as they step up attempts to smear…Trumps approval numbers rise

…yet they show no inclination to change their tactics.

We can’t begin to imagine their desperation as more deep-state chicanery is exposed.

Why DO Republicans continue to allow this abomination to our Constitution?

It’s obvious why Democrats are okay with this, but that doesn’t make it right. We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again – the ‘special counsel’ probe of President Trump is wrong.

Our Constitution establishes the government branches and their boundaries. It’s built on a ‘Rule-of-Law’ concept, but that’s been bastardized to allow this travesty to continue.

Only a lawyer – a far-Left one, specifically – could justify what’s going on in DC today.

Our laws state a special counsel can only be assigned when a specific crime exists, and then, under those circumstances, a criminal investigation is (or has been) launched.

If an Attorney General imposes special counsel in a counter-intelligence situation, there should at the very least be some evidence of wrongdoing that may lead to indictments.

But here we have a special counsel extraordinaire, established without evidence or an iota of wrongdoing, seemingly with unending authority to go wherever he chooses, and supposedly, without any constraints by any Constitutionally established authority.

Any honest American should be appalled at this un-Constitutional travesty.

In a free Nation enabled by its Constitution, it’s un-American to allow it’s abomination.

And it’s appalling to realize the depths of iniquity to which Republicans have sunk.

“…a better apolitical suggestion: remove security clearances of all former employees of federal gov’t’s national security agencies”

“It’s time to end the profiteering from information gathered on Americans’ behalf for cynical, partisan political use. We should end privileged access to our nation’s secrets.”

We enthusiastically agree with this Investor’s Business Daily article.

An apolitical implementation of removing security clearances of former gov’t workers makes complete and total sense…why should they parlay ‘clearances for cash’?

Besides, Democrats never had problems with stripping security clearances for political reasons, obviously, so they should welcome an apolitical solution with open arms…


Treason is, as Treason does

For a former CIA director, John Brennan isn’t too smart.

By word and deed, undermining America’s leader gives aid to America’s enemy.

Accusing a sitting President of treason, absent evidence, would be ludicrous if it wasn’t so dangerous; what part of that wouldn’t an intelligent former CIA director understand?

But, sadly, as with so many on the Left, he’d rather see America go down in flames…

…then act like a Loyal Opposition.

Brennan’s the ‘domestic enemy’ poster-boy of Constitution protection requirements, and by his disloyal vitriol, personifies the treasonous acts of which he accuses others.

He has no evidence when accusing others, but every time he opens his mouth on TV…

…he provides MORE evidence of his treason.

Wonder if big-hearted socialism ‘approval’ survives first contact with high-tax realities?

News a week ago on 57% of Democrats approving of socialism over capitalism may be much ado about nothing…if those polled weren’t informed of taxes needed to fund it.

According to Gallup “The question wording does not define “socialism” or “capitalism” but simply asks respondents whether their opinion of each is positive or negative.”

We also doubt respondents knew socialism’s definition: “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.” Good-bye free markets.

And an analysis of costs for socialist programs (healthcare, job-guarantee, free college) would be about $42 trillion over 10 years, which means everyone’s taxes have to go up.

As with Gallup ‘question wording’ not defining socialism, they didn’t disclose this either.

If those same ‘socialist-preference’ Democrats knew they’d have to pay what could be as high as a 60% tax rate to support the preference, we’re betting on a change of heart.

(That’s one estimate how much we’d have to be taxed, to pay for their socialist utopia; but even if that was high, and it were only 40%, we believe support would collapse.)

The best way to run this poll is to qualify it with a ‘you-ok-with-high-taxes?’ caveat.

Anything else is just cheap theater.

Even then, it’s easy to mislead in a poll, when there’s no price yet to be paid. But there is one place where the rubber-hits-the-road, and that’s at election booths in November.

Republicans should lay out the real aspects of a Socialist-based agenda, hammer it home for the next few months, and then the ballot box will decide who prefers what.

Will High-Tax Reality short-circuit ‘no-skin-in-game’ bleeding hearts? Time will tell.

Teddy R. would’ve never blamed the brawler who fought back

Americans Want Their President to Have a Little Class

Really, Mr. Cost?

We’d be willing to bet there’d be more ‘class’ in the President, if he were dealing with anything other than low-class opponents who have no problem hitting below the belt.

Americans want their opponent Parties and Free Press to have a little class, too.

Unfortunately, they’re trying to ‘mug’ a sitting President, because they lost an election.

Their methodology doing so is right out of Alinsky’s “12 Rules For Radicals” which calls for isolating a target, applying ridicule, tactic changes, and applying constant pressure.

President Trump’s supporters are tired of Republicans who won’t fight back, and while anyone should prefer a leader with dignity…they first prefer a leader willing to fight.

FINALLY, they have one, and the chattering class may sniff with derision and look down their long noses at him…but this is what happens when you mud-wrestle with the pigs.

He’s viciously attacked 24/7 by opponents, and he dares to fight back on their terms; if  doing so earns him scorn of highbrows, so be it. Trump personifies Roosevelt’s quote

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Your choice, Mr. Cost – credit he who ‘strives valiantly’

...or take your place among those ‘COLD & TIMID SOULS’.

BlueCollar stands with a MAN…who’s willing to fight back…on their terms.