The circle is now complete – ‘hacked’ Democrat server forensic analyst…once worked for Mueller

The alleged ‘hacked’ Democrat server that was never seen by federal agencies, but initiated a ‘Russia, Russia’ Democrat-crazed meme, was only analyzed by CrowdStrike.


Democrats refused to give the FBI access to any of their ‘hacked’ equipment. So, the FBI had to rely on that Democrat-hired/funded private company for forensic ‘analysis’.

And, now, we learn the Crowdstrike analyst performing the forensics worked at one time in the FBI for none other than – surprise, surprise – Robert Mueller.

What idiot doesn’t see what’s going on here?

It’s not about ‘what’ he does wrong…it’s that ANYTHING he does will be wrong

Trump wouldn’t give the media a show in Russia, so they’re mad

Another day, another opinion piece on what President Trump did wrong, or weakly, or whatever, during the recent Helsinki meeting with Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

Fact is, no matter what he did, it would be criticized. This isn’t about right or wrong…

…for the anti/never-Trump crowd – ANYTHING he does is wrong. (They rage that he didn’t get in Putin’s face over election meddling…but you can bet if he had gone postal with Putin, he would’ve been damned for that as well…and be declared ‘illegitimate’.)

Don’t think there would’ve been a right way for President Trump to do his job, ‘cuz with the Looney Left, FakeNews, Never-Trump’ers, and Trump Derangement Syndrome

…he’ll NEVER be ‘right’.

Fortunately, he knows this…and every decision/Tweet he makes reflects that.

CA gas-tax ‘repeal’ isn’t enough…remove EVERY politician who voted for it in Nov

California Gas-Tax Repeal Organizers See Rallying Point for GOP Voters

Don’t stop with repeal, Californians…’cuz politicians can always pass more law.

Sure, repeal bad law…but why leave in office those who PASS bad law?

27 CA senators and 54 CA assemblymen passed this bill; if they’re still in the legislature after November midterms…who’s to say they won’t just pass MORE of the same?

Since when does the Democrat Party get federal indictment powers?

Think about it – the latest Mueller indictment of Russians hinges on…

  • Spearphishing Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails;
  • ‘Hacking’ the Democrat Congressional Committee’s network;
  • ‘Hacking’ the Democrat National Committee’s server.

All charges are based ONLY on a Democrat-paid company’s (CrowdStrike) say-so.

None of the computer equipment was allowed to be examined or analyzed by federal agencies – the Democrats hired a private company to perform this service, so…

…Mueller’s latest indictments are solely DEMOCRAT-sourced (and funded).

The indictment is 29 pages of fiction, based on Democrat-funded data, and, as icing on the cake…never mentions that Russians attempted a failed hack on Republicans.

(Update – pg 13 one-liner mentions a 2015 effort vs individuals ‘affiliated’ with GOP.)

Yeah, yeah…no political bias there.

To the best of our knowledge, a political Party cannot be granted power to issue federal indictments, but now it looks like Mueller has aided and abetted in a whole new deal.

Nowhere in this indictment is there mention of the fact that…

a) federal intel agencies were DENIED ACCESS to Democrat computer equipment;

b) the indictment is based solely on data provided by a Democrat-funded source.


…a Democrat conspiracy…created and funded by Democrats, based on ‘hacked’ Democrat computer equipment that Democrats would NOT allow federal agencies to analyze…is once more perpetuated – by a Democrat-cohort special counsel.

Yeah…gosh, wonder why President Trump is so skeptical about Mueller?

Here’s a great take on the President’s Helsinki gambit

“Trump’s Helsinki Comments Were a Defense of U.S. Voters, Not of Russia”

Bulls eye.

“…context matters. Trump didn’t just plop down in Helsinki and criticize America’s intelligence community and give Putin leeway when it comes to the Russian government meddling in the U.S. election on a whim. This meeting came after two years of unprecedented investigation of a presidential candidate and a president who has been accused of colluding with a foreign government based only on opposition research by the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign.

The media leaks, counterintelligence investigation, improper FISA warrants, use of spies before a full investigation has even begun, a special counsel probe into collusion without evidence of a crime, biased investigators, more media leaks, and hounding of the president at every step by the intelligence community have disrupted our political system far more than any Russian meddling could — meddling that wasn’t new to 2016, by the way.” (bold and underline emphasis added)

We couldn’t have laid out a more concise, spot-on analysis than this.