‘Journalists’ report news, Mr. Kristof…enemies make it up

NY Times commentator Kristof takes umbrage with the President calling out FakeNews as ‘enemy’…but if the shoe fits, guess they’re stuck with the ‘sneakers’ they wear thin.

Despite one debunked lie after another, the FakeNews groups keep trying to hit home.

Moans about being called out on lying sure as hell doesn’t make them look better.

Especially when they sneak in LIES about the President in the FIRST lines of their editorials…where they’re complaining about being exposed as LIARS!

When a President says “…we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.  It has no place in America”

…and it’s not defined as ‘distancing oneself from Nazis or violent white supremacists’…

…then we assume Mr. Kristof et al just has a higher, more (let’s say) nuanced standard of ‘distancing’ than mainstream Americans…at least, where Mr. Trump is concerned.

Sigh…if only journalists denounced liars in their midst like they denounce Mr. Trump…

Playing on Kristof’s words…

…President Trump has become an indispensable constraint on journalistic abuse.

Mr. Kristof, we wait with bated breath for you to present your Obama condemnations…

…you know, the columns written of Obama’s past alliances, that included communists, fascists, racists, anti-Semites, cop-killers, anarchists, race-baiters, and America-haters.

And your condemnations, for not ‘distancing’ himself from such un-American people.

You know…to prove you’re not just one of ‘those’…ENEMIES.

(We prefer ‘HATERS’…but are willing to bow to the President’s more generous term.)

FINALLY!! Global warmers get their hurricane…unless Harvey becomes an invisible rabbit?

The 1950 comedy-drama Harvey was the story of Elwood, a kindly alcoholic (played by Jimmy Stewart) who has an invisible (pooka) 6’3-1/2″ tall rabbit Harvey as a friend.

Now comes news that Global Warmers have been dying to hear…a hurricane, named of all things, Harvey, is forecasted to make Texas landfall early Saturday morning.

For the last 10 years, dire predictions of increased hurricane activity have proven wrong and the warmists have been tearing their hair out trying to figure new ways to scare us.

So, it’s not hard to picture them kneeling bedside for the next couple nights…praying fervently ‘dear God, make this be a hurricane of Biblical proportions’

…lest Al Gore be proven, once again, a gas-bagged blow-hard buffoon.

(They only need one hurricane, you see, to bring back the apocalypse, in all its glory.)

Odds are this time doomsayers will get lucky (who cares about Texans, right?), but…

…it sure would be fun to see ‘Harvey’ turn invisible…just one more time.

Sorry, Al…BlueCollar is keeping fingers crossed for Texans.

We’ll pray, just like your namesake, you disappear…Harvey.

Surprise!! Bill Clinton hasn’t changed his middle name to ‘Lincoln’ yet

One would’ve thought William Jefferson Clinton, being the political animal he is, had already made a legal move to change that completely inappropriate middle name of his.

One can only assume the reason he hasn’t is because of the (d) after his name.

Otherwise, Antifa-BlackLivesMatter would be baying at the door.

But, if ‘Jefferson’ is code for white supremacy, maybe Slick Willy’s reconsidering?

The world holds its collective breath.

Plug up the Democrats’ funnel of cash to Big Insurers

If they honor our Constitution, Obamacare must die.

During the Obama years, Democrats shoveled billions into the pockets of Big Insurers, as a ‘subsidy’ to cover the costs of insuring many people with pre-existing conditions.

Problem is, that money was never ‘appropriated’ lawfully by Congress, as required.

That, among other reasons, is why Obamacare must die.

And, how much longer before Democrat voters realize their blind Party loyalty only succeeds in funneling tax-dollars to the very corporations their political leaders vilify? 

Idiots (or TDS?) abound in the Party of Lincoln

Yet another ‘conservative’ (anti-Trump) article headline, this one claiming “Trump Can’t Win A War Against McConnell”and it does beg the question…

Are the pundits writing this bilge not aware of Trump’s approval rating vs Congress?

(And, excuse me, but isn’t Mitch’s approval rating at 18%…in Kentucky?)

Or a follow-up question…

Aren’t they aware of how much Obama did by pen, against a recalcitrant Congress?

President Trump could borrow the infamous 1-word retort of Charlie Sheen’s…


Disingenuous congressmen bemoan the President’s ‘continual campaign’ format, while blithely conducting their own continual campaign…this fact isn’t lost on the electorate.

When articles appear on winners-v-losers, you’d think approval ratings would factor in.

Money may be the ‘mother’s milk’ of politics, but with in-the-dumpster approval ratings it seems the question for McConnell is ‘does he think he’s winning’ against Pres. Trump?

(Our opinion? Mitch, you better have a couple trainloads of cash to fall back on!)

Or…are we missing something in the author’s premise?

We seriously doubt such authors are obtuse…and wishful thinking isn’t professional…

…so we’re left with Trump-Derangement Syndrome as the final diagnosis.

There is a TDS cure, by the way…

  • get down off your high horse;
  • hold politicians accountable for their promises;
  • stop looking down your nose at the Nov 2016 electorate.

Just sayin’.

Left-wing’s double-standard won’t change while media enables it

Facts are a tough thing to change.

The double-standard enjoyed by Democrats and the Left will not be held to account as long as the Sham-stream media enables them, and they show no sign of letting up.

All we can do is point it out when such double-standards emerge, and hope for common sense to prevail among the citizenry as they try to wade through the morass of deceit.

If ‘talk is cheap’, Antifa-BlackLivesMatter is the 99-cent store of protest groups

Protesting the Confederate statues as ‘memorializing slavery’, but ignoring a Democrat Party that fought so hard to keep America’s black population down, is a telling omission.

If the Antifa-BlackLivesMatter crowd were REALLY about seeking justice and retribution from the past history of slavery, they would be demanding the demolition of that Party.

Talk is cheap…and some talk is simply inflammatory.

Who rages against long-dead soldiers on the miserable side of slavery’s history…but gives a ‘pass’ to the Party – still very much alive – that fostered such misery and evil?

300,000+ Americans died for a change today’s rabble-rousers ignore, but Democrats that fought against change then claim they’ve ‘evolved’ now…and they’re forgiven?

If America’s history is fully accountable…so must Democrat history be…from inflicting slavery, to fighting for slavery, to KKK-Jim Crow tactics, and to anti-civil rights efforts.

FakeNews media and Left-wing crazies cut-&-pasted their racist past onto the GOP and Republicans would be advised to aggressively reject such despicable acts of deceit.

Republicans must demand, at every opportunity, that the ghosts of the Democrat past, from slavery to subsequent efforts keeping blacks down, be held to open account.

If ‘talk is cheap’, and the totality of slavery with its enablers exposed aren’t included in that dialogue, then, truly, Antifa-BlackLivesMatter is the 99-cent store of protest groups.

And their REAL agenda…diminishing America’s greatness…is revealed.