Obama ‘it-was-the-video’ liar NSA Rice behind unmasking of Trump transition team surveilles

Funny you don’t see this blockbuster info on the front page of the NY Times…

Evidently it was Obama’s national security adviser asking for the unmasking, as the Eli Lake-Bloomberg article reveals…is anyone surprised at this?

Or, surprised that, when asked last month about reports of incidental unmasking of American citizens, Rice responded that she knew nothing about it?

(When it comes to congenital liars, seems Hillary has a serious competitor here.)

And, wonder of all wonders…the sham-stream media has missed the story, if you go by the lack of reporting on the front pages of the Washington Post, et al.

GOP panties-in-a-bunch crowd need to know Freedom Caucus is willing to deal on Obamacare

As reported Firday by the Washington Examiner “Here’s what Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows of the Freedom Caucus said about Obamacare repeal”

They’re willing to vote for the Republican bill if two issues that seriously affect health costs are dealt with…Essential Health Benefits and community ratings mandates.

Both adversely raise costs – simplified, the EHB allows a Health-&-Human Services secretary the discretionary latitude to declare ANYTHING to be deemed ‘essential’.

(The appalling ambiguity of this mandate screams for its elimination.)

And (again, simplified) the community ratings mandate makes a policy for a healthy twenty-one year-old the same price as the policy for an eighty year-old.

(And trust us, it’s not the eighty year-old that gets the break.)

As the Freedom Caucus people noted, of the 12 most serious mandates with this Democrat Obamacare disaster, only 2 were addressed…they’re asking for 2 more.

2 mandates, that seriously drive up health costs. Seems like a reasonable request.

A final statement on the ‘Russia election hacking’ meme

We have a final statement on the ‘Russia election hacking’ meme.

The claim is provably laughable, but even if true…

If the power of a Democrat president and his vast American intelligence community was so inept to allow such a thing, that alone disqualifies them to lead the country.

Bottom line: the Democrats ran a flawed candidate, or a flawed administration.

Take your pick…either way, they’re not qualified to lead.