Would you be happy if it cost you $150k/year to add $50k/year to your income?

Obama’s crowing about ‘his healthy economy‘ that Trump will inherit, but facts can be a difficult thing when you look at the total picture.

Those who brag the Obama economy grew $3 trillion conveniently forget to mention it cost $10 trillion to get there. Since when is a $7 trillion negative a good thing?

(And the 96 million work-age but jobless Americans might have a say in this also.)

Bitter clingers…how intel agencies they hate become the Left’s darlings

Talk about bitter clingers – seems the Left has an outspoken, deep-seated hatred and scorn for the intelligence community until partisans within serve their purpose.

Just days before, Obama was (yet again) bashing intelligence agencies for missing the rise of ISIS (blithely ignoring the fact that he skipped scads of intel briefings).

Now, he clings to the (anonymous) intel-myth that Russians ‘hacked an election’.

(Never mind that his own Director of National Intelligence refutes that claim.)

But the actual email leakers, WikiLeaks, now have come forward to tell us that the leaked emails were given them by whistleblowers inside the Democrat camp.

Of course, that narrative doesn’t serve the Democrat purpose, so you can bet the only ones who know where emails came from will be discredited and demonized.

All the while, obscuring the fact that the damaging emails are legitimate, and any voter reaction of disgust that benefited Trump was, in fact, justifiable as a result.

Benny Hill could not have made this any funnier…

…Shakespeare couldn’t have made this any more tragic.

Were Democrats this angry in 1863, when Republicans freed their slaves?

18 intel agencies: sources say there’s NO evidence of hacking the election

BCP’s heard anonymous sources from 18 different intelligence agencies say that there’s no evidence of a ‘hacked election’, and the possibility of hacking one is nil.

Wonder if that negates the 17 anonymous sources who say differently?

(That’s the problem with ‘anonymous’ sources…anyone can come up with some.)

Maybe the Sham-stream headlines should read…Dueling Anonymity…?


Political hack Podesta should be more concerned current WH resident ignores briefings…

Clintonista…errr, political hack…errr, ex-CIA director Podesta should be more concerned with Obama attending Intel briefings…

…after all, he is the president for another month.

(VP-elect Pence is attending briefings regularly, and Trump is 3X weekly.)

Intelligence leaders are tasked to keep Americans safe, and typically have the power and authority to exercise options necessary in given situations.

Once taking office, for Podesta to claim it’s on Trump if terror attacks occur is crazy partisan quackery. To imply only a micro-managing president can direct minute-to-minute tactical operations is ridiculous….

…a responsible media would call Podesta on such egregious idiocies…


If elections could be ‘hacked’, Democrats would’ve done it by now

Melissa C “just doesn’t understand” why BlueCollar dismisses notions of a ‘hacked election’, evidently failing to understand it was an email chain of crooked Democrats that were hacked…not an election.

If an election could be hacked, you can bet Democrats would’ve done it long ago.

We have no sympathy for crooked politicians who get exposed, and excuse us if we display an indifference as to how they’re exposed.

Blame the crooked politician, not the messenger.

Lost in the fake news of Russia hacking the U.S. election is one very important question

Regarding fake news stories of Russia ‘hacking our election’, paraphrasing Hillary…

“…what difference, at this point, does it make?”

After all, if the ‘hacked’ emails that supposedly did Hillary Clinton in were fake, one would think that an adept Sham-media could’ve undone the damage easily, right?

No way would the media let up on stories involving that scenario, and despite their claims now, no stories have surfaced with proof of fake emails or cheating.

It’s all innuendo, and emotion, with no substance to back up the claims.

Which means the ‘hacked’ emails were real, proving the Democrat candidate and her aides were underhanded, petty, unworthy of office, and even criminal.

So, isn’t any damage caused their own fault…regardless how it came out?

Such logic won’t play well to Sham-streamers, but their desperate attempt to undo the election can be pretty easily knocked down by anyone willing to use their head.

It’s all meant to de-legitimize Trump’s win, and coerce the upcoming Electoral vote.