A liar, a coward, and a politician go into a bar…then she sits down…

…and the joke’s on black Americans.

New polling indicates Ben Carson can pull some black voters away from Democrats and that could spell great news for Republicans if he gets to run against Hillary.

Incredibly, Hillary still polls over 80% with black Americans.

How is that possible for a crooked politician of her caliber?

70% of black Americans are in middle- or upper-class income brackets. It begs the question how such a successful demographic group continues to reject the GOP.

Democrats are the party of the KKK, Jim Crow laws, and Bull Connor. As a Party they fought against the Civil Rights Act, with Senator (KKK wizard) Robert Byrd.

Martin Luther King was a Republican.

The Republican Party was founded as an anti-slavery Party, Lincoln was the first Republican president, and Republicans forced passage of the Civil Rights Act.

Democrat policy has devastated the black family, driven unemployment sky high, expanded income inequality, and forced millions more down into poverty level.

Yet a black Republican like Ben Carson gets only 19% of black voters polled?

Democrats have demonized Republicans to the point where, even with all the truths given above, black voters remain in lock-step with the Party that oppresses them.

Sad. Very sad.

‘Weakling-in-Chief’ forgets he & Democrats RAN from Fox debate…and keep running

Obama’s trashing GOP candidates because of the CNBC debacle?

First and foremost, the candidates masterfully threw down on CNBC chicanery.

More importantly, Obama forgets the real chickens are Obama and Democrats, who ran away from a Fox News debate some years ago…and still avoid Fox today. 

It was Obama who couldn’t face Fox moderators (at all) then…

…and Obama who can’t face Putin, Iran’s mullahs, and Assad now.

Move over Tom Steyer – there’s another billionaire trolling for taxpayer $ubsidies

Bill Gates says private enterprise is ineffective; government is where it’s at.


Private R-&-D developed today’s innovations, and sure, some with the assistance of federal funds, but even that funding came from…private enterprise-sourced taxes.

And, from nuclear bombs to i-Phones, private enterprise developed the innovations.

There’s a big difference between being ‘the money guy’, and being ‘the innovator’.

Does Gates really believe Microsoft can be run better by the government? Doubtful.

But if Gates plans to plunge $2 billion in green energy, he wants a big payday. And the way to make that happen is to get our tax-dollars to make sure it profits him.

During an interview where he was asked how to push a green agenda when our DC politicians couldn’t even agree there was global warming, he said “If you’re not bringing math skills to the problem, then representative democracy is a problem.”

Sorry Bill…

it wasn’t math skills that changed recent temperature data to make warming ‘real’…

…it was D-E-C-E-I-T.

More accurately, government deceit at NOAA, where recorded satellite temperature numbers were adjusted higher overnight, to fit a narrative supporting Obama’s plan.

(And we’re wondering how recorded Antarctic ice growth fits a warming narrative?)

If Bill Gates doesn’t know the difference between math skills and deception

…then a lot of his investors should look v-e-r-y close at Microsoft stock valuations. 

When deceit is necessary to push an agenda…there’s something wrong.

Bill, if you’re not bringing factual integrity to the problem, then YOU are the problem.

Representative democracy works fine, until rentseekers like you troll for subsidies.

Typical billionaire, putting OUR money where his mouth is

In an earlier post, we suggested if Bill Gates embraces Socialism, he can prove it very easily by turning over his assets and company to Obama.

Of course he’s not going to give up his gazillions, or Microsoft…he wants others to sacrifice, but you can guaran-damn-tee he’s not going to do that himself.

His inane statements are no more sincere than Warren Buffett or George Soros pushing for a higher income tax rate, implying they don’t mind paying higher taxes.

But billionaires don’t make their money from job ‘income’…they don’t pay income tax. Any tax they pay is at a lower rate, generally an investment or cap gains tax.

That’s why they love standing in front of news cameras, encouraging income taxes.

By the way, Democrat politicians know this, but play along to make voters think that they are the champions of the middle-class…the very ones hit hardest by tax hikes.

So next time you see Obama with his hand around Buffet’s shoulder while calling for higher income tax rates, and they’re both smiling, remember this important tip…

…this VERY important tip…

…the (higher income tax) joke is ON YOU.


Syria – Democrats’ Vietnam redux…

John F Kennedy sent ‘advisors’ to Vietnam, refusing to call it ‘combat’.

Fast forward to current day, where our SpecOps force in Syria ‘aren’t in combat’.

At least, according to this White House.

But the bullet or RPG missile aimed their way doesn’t speak ‘Obama-nese’.

So what else is new? Another Democrat non-war, another day.

Just once it’d be nice to see this ‘Noncombatant-in-Chief’ standing beside them, if for no other reason, to drive home the need for the right ‘rules-of-engagement’.

But, failing that, let’s hope they’re allowed to improvise…SpecOps style.

Economy-v-Benghazi…Reading polls, and understanding polls, are 2 different things

An IBD poll shows 60% of respondents believe Hillary lied to us about Benghazi.

(65% of Independents think Clinton and Obama lied.)

Even so, the same poll says that ‘the economy’ is the most important factor for most of the respondents planning to vote in the upcoming 2016 election cycle.

But GOP candidates focusing their message on the economy shouldn’t forget that, if the majority of Americans don’t believe Obama and Clinton were truthful…

…T-R-U-S-T is the main factor when calibrating their messaging.

After all, if they’re willing to lie to win election when Americans were killed – can they be trusted telling the electorate anything, including their economic plan?

Republicans should hammer home the ‘untrustworthy’ messaging of anything Hillary Clinton says between now and Nov ’16, before laying out their economic plan…

…with a reminder: they lied on a critical issue repeatedly, to save an election.

What good is any promise of theirs this time…without trust?

GOP pundits need to be civil, stop helping Democrats, or SHUT UP…

We don’t support Jeb Bush now, because there are more conservative choices.

That said, Gov. Bush has more political savvy and understanding of getting things done than ANY of the Democrat 2016 candidates, so…give him a break.

So he didn’t set the world on fire at the debates. That doesn’t mean he’s better off skulking away into the underbrush. Competition breeds excellence…he can help.

Winning the war of ideas requires…ideas. Some are better than others, but without the ‘competition’ sounding board a great idea may never come to light.

Message to so-called ‘pundits’…give these GOPers a break, stop dismissing them. In the debates, poor performances don’t necessarily mean the ideas are poor.

Let’s give GOP candidates respect and constructive feedback.

Leave the knee-jerk ‘attack-all-that’s-Republican’ scenarios to the Democrats.