Black America…heal thyself

Monday night, Obama blamed Democrats for black riots in Baltimore.

Slavery, Jim Crow laws, discrimination, segregation, are all historically proven Democrat practices…and Obama says these factors are still in play today.

So, while not specifically saying ‘Democrat’, their policies speak volumes.

Cities like Baltimore have been run (down) by Democrats for 50 years.

Black voters overwhelmingly vote Democrat (98% in ’08, 95% in 2012).

The classic definition of “stupid is, as stupid does”…?

Anybody out there in Black America see the solution?


Do Liberals really believe death & destruction is okay?

From Baltimore riots to Iran’s nukes to terror attacks in Texas, it seems Liberals are fine with destruction and mayhem when it comes to certain societal groups’ rage.

Regardless of political leanings, how can anyone justify criminal acts?

Even a Liberal…

Inside baseball…did past ‘Great Ones’ use performance enhancing techniques?

Is it okay to question the ‘keep-it-pure’ philosophy that assumes greats like Willie Mays and Babe Ruth never used performance enhancing techniques themselves?

Since the Stone Age, Life’s combatants sought an ‘edge’ on their opponents.

Those who bemoan today’s use of steroids in professional sports can’t be so naive as to think such acts just started…or that yesterday’s heroes are above suspicion?

Human nature (to always seek adversarial ‘advantage’) suggests otherwise.

Odds are, yesterday’s heroes were just lucky enough not to be caught…

…or used products-of-the-day not thought of at the time as questionable or illegal.

Just sayin’.

If she’s pandering, can charges be made against her?

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby just charged Baltimore cops with homicide.

(Despite the fact a fellow prisoner said victim Freddie Gray acted violently inside the van used to transport him, and the wound matches a bolt inside the van…)

Mosby has a history with the victim’s family lawyer, and her husband is a Baltimore city council member…and that means his political future is tied to her actions.

Which begs the question…can charges be leveled against her if she’s pandering?

Back in the day, news media wouldn’t have let him get away with talk about ‘helping people’

Obama met with a group of DC school kids, telling them he likes to ‘help’ people.

There was a time where even the most ‘in-the-tank’ news agency would have gently prodded by asking how that squares with household income falling…

…or 27% black youth unemployment…

…or sub-par economic growth…

…you know…ask why none of his policies HELP people.