…but then, non-negotiable destruction of a nation should be condemned…no?

Don’t you wish Obama and his State Department at least read headlines?

Bibi Blasts Iran Talks After Iranian General Says ‘Israel’s Destruction Is Non-Negotiable’


Bibi Netanyahu, Israel’s PM, deserves to be a tad outraged, one would think.

(John Kerry has yet to respond…too busy giving Iran nukes, no doubt)

Capitalism does for the world what Democrats can’t do for poor Americans

As reported, a study on global poverty reveals a glowing tribute to Capitalism.

By a newer 2008 World Bank measure of poverty, it showed “…the overall (global) poverty rate falling from 53 percent in 1981 to 17 percent in 2011.”

Capitalism and Industrialization played a key role.

When a Democrat asks for your vote, ask ’em why they can’t do for America what Capitalism has done for the world…our poverty rate has held at 17% since 1964.

Why? Because, while our capitalist nature blossoms, government strangles it.

Over-regulation, over-taxation, and crony capitalism…brought to you in large part by the Democrat legions sent to Congress over these last 50 years. (And if you have any doubts as to the Party responsible, just Google who held Congress since ’64.)

Democrats held that control by a wide margin over the last 50 years.

Jim Crow laws are a Democrat legacy…and now, the new Gay Religion?

As the caterwauling continues over Indiana’s religious freedom law, it’s amazing to hear Democrats thunder ominously about the return of Jim Crow laws…

…discriminatory laws which are a DEMOCRAT legacy.

You would think they’d have the humility to avoid use of such a disingenuous claim.

Religious freedom is just that…the right not to be forced to violate one’s religion.

The Democrats’ Jim Crow laws mandated segregation in ALL public schools, public places, and public transportation…anywhere in Democrat-held southern states.

That was a widespread, all-encompassing law, affecting everyone in those states.

In contrast, religious freedom laws protect an individual business owner’s religious freedom. (I.e., a religious-owned bakery is protected…not ALL bakeries in a state.)

Militant gays demand ‘tolerance’ for their personal lifestyle…

…yet condemn tolerance of everyone’s personal (religious) lifestyle…anywhere.

Which group do you think is REALLY seeking to inflict ‘Jim Crow’ law?

GOP needs to stop playing the other team’s game

With yet another story of House Republicans demanding Hillary Clinton appear at yet another House subcommittee hearing, it’s striking how the GOP never learns.

Do they think they can use slow-dance image-eroding as well as the other guys?

Except Fox, Democrats own the mainstream media. With that help, damaging news stories and events can be played out in a ‘slow-dance’ to sap an enemy’s strength.

Image-eroding ‘death-from-a-thousand-cuts’ strategies work for Democrats, aided by their enthusiastic, omnipresent media allies and the 24/7 news-cycle capabilities. 

With one media ally, Fox, it’s pointless to try the same slow-dance strategies.

It’s time the GOP understands they don’t have the same advantage, and consider a Watusi instead of a Waltz. Take lawful action, then move it along expeditiously.

From Fast-&-Furious, to Benghazi, to Iran, it’s obvious Democrats aren’t held to the same standard by supporters when it comes to honesty, integrity, or capability…

…and there’s no loneliness more acute than being the only one on the dance floor.

Stop playing their game, when a muted media makes it to their advantage.

Force the legal points…and keep moving forward.