Want to hear a scary reason why the White House is undermining Hillary…?

Is the White House sabotaging Hillary on this email scandal?

If you’re wondering why, ask yourself who in the White House would benefit the most from Hillary losing her 2016 presidential front-runner status…

…and the name ‘Michelle Obama’ should come to mind.

As major media steps up rhetoric about the lack of depth for a presidential nominee in the Democrat Party, don’t be surprised when her name pops up.

Hey, if a community organizer qualifies for the job…why not his wife?

Just sayin’.

If the NSA can catch up to fast-moving terrorists, why not a slow-moving grandma…?

Arguments to justify phone eavesdropping and email monitoring by our intelligence-gathering agencies have long centered around the needs of national security.

Such capabilities by definition must be fast when it comes to sorting data. (We’ve all seen endless ‘where’s the bomb?’ scenarios on ’24’ emphasizing a need for speed.)

The American public should demand lawmakers push the NSA to kick that high-tech system into overdrive, and produce emails linked to the lawless in public office.

You can’t have it both ways: if it’s an effective system, it’s got limitless capabilities.

What good is NSA surveillance-gathering, if it can’t be used against lawbreakers?

Think about it: if it can track down fast-moving terror cells bent on doing evil against Americans, it should be able to catch an old lady bent on hiding her wrong-doing.

NSA intel-gathering casts a wide net…by necessity, lightning-fast

…it’s time to sort through the smelly fish in Hillary’s Catch-of-the-Day.

If it wasn’t for the cable guy, this president wouldn’t know a damn thing

Obama claims the first he heard of Hillary’s email setup was on the news.

Rush Limbaugh lists all the other ‘first heard on the news’ moments…

  • Fast-&-Furious scandal;
  • Secret Service scandal;
  • AirForce1 Buzzing Manhattan scandal;
  • VA Veteran Abuses scandal;
  • IRS Targeting Conservatives scandal;
  • Gruber’s ‘Obamacare For Stupid Americans’ scandal;
  • Hillary Clinton ‘Private Email Only’ scandal.

Looks like, if it wasn’t for CNN, he wouldn’t know he’d been re-elected.

But then, how would he know…since he skips his intel briefings…?

Andrew McCarthy asks why Obama would tolerate Clinton’s email behavior?

Besides the obvious (lawlessness begets lawlessness), how would he have known?

His intel-gathering services that would have picked up on it he largely ignored.

Say what you will about his actions – Obama’s managed to set a new standard…

…for future White House tenants…ANYTHING GOES.

There’s a new placard on the Oval Office desk…

‘The Buck Stops Short Of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.’

What this ‘president’ didn’t know, and when he didn’t know it, is breathtaking

They know when you don’t vote, file tax returns, or pay a parking ticket…

But when one of them violate the law…’oblivion’ takes on new meaning.

What’s worse…Obama thinking Americans are stupid enough to believe him…

…or admitting he’s clueless and unaware of what happens around him?

America is no longer home of the ‘Leader of the Free World.’

Obama would rather you see him as a Stranger in a Strange Land.

There’s a BIG difference between what’s left on Hillary Clinton’s computer…and what WAS on her computer

A close friend and former White House Clintonista Lanny Davis says everything on Hillary Clinton’s private home computer server will be turned over.

What about everything that’s been wiped OFF her computer and server?

Let’s face it…in light of the Obama administration’s recent IRS and EPA lost-email scandals, we have to recognize there’s a world of difference between promising every email…or what’s left on her computer after this scandal erupted.

Now would be a good time for Congress to call on those eavesdropping, email-scanning, much-reviled NSA snoops for a little help in this matter…

…don’t you think?


A ‘Class-action’ Impeachment guarantees 75% Senate majority concurrence

Republicans should stop saying they can’t get Senate votes needed to impeach Obama. A class-action Impeachment that indicts Senators is the solution.

Just follow the U.S. Constitution:

  • The House of Representatives must prepare articles of Impeachment – Step 1.
  • The Senate shall try the Impeachment – Step 2.
  • The Senate must convict with a 2/3 concurrence of members present – Step 3.

Impeachment and removal from office involves “…Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” (Article II, section 4)

For an elected official, there’s no greater ‘High Crime’ than violating the Public Trust. Obama, Biden, and every Democrat/Independent Senator still holding office, who lied about virtues of Obamacare, then passed it into law, defrauded Americans.

(A strong argument can also be made that their combined related activities violated multiple sections of the RICO Act, involving back-room extortion and bribery to push Obamacare legislation, and aiding/abetting the latest executive action on amnesty.)

A class action Impeachment against those 30 – as a group – neutralizes any claims of racism, and guarantees ‘a 2/3 concurrence of Senate members present’…

since the 25+ Senators included in such a class-action cannot sit in judgment on  themselves…leaving 70 Senators (75% of them Republican) sitting in judgment.

Obama and his Senate cohort have continually violated the Public Trust. Nothing in our Constitution stops the GOP from a class-action Impeachment. Cowardice could stop them…but our ‘rule of law’ foundation being shredded should stiffen spines.

As Andrew McCarthy points out:

“The Framers understood that usurpation of lawmaking power would be the road to tyranny. They were right . . . and avoiding tyranny should not be a partisan issue.”

Unfortunately for Americans, it WAS a partisan issue…for Democrats.

Party ideology trumped unconstitutional overreach…so now, using the ‘fraud of Obamacare‘ as a class-action impeachment vehicle solves the 2/3 majority hurdle needed for impeachment, that many Republicans claimed was stopping them.

That’s the only sure path to Obamacare repeal, and ending a lawless reign...

…class-action Impeachment, against the elected officials who defrauded Americans (and even admitted that they knew it was a fraud…from the beginning).

After the dust settles, the Speaker of the House then becomes President.

Problem solved.

Unimpeachable…It’s not a mystery why (but it is unmentionable)

Dr. King yearned for the day when character content trumped skin color.

But, if character quality is judged by respect for the law (or sworn oath), it would appear that, for high-placed politicians, such yearning has been reversed.

Presidents were hounded for far less than the illegal, unconstitutional acts of the current White House occupier; it should be evident by now why he gets away with it.

Someone has to say it…but it seems even the most powerful among us won’t.

BlueCollar will.

If he were white (or Republican), impeachment would be a foregone conclusion.

But let’s be honest – if you had a ‘Stay Out Of Impeachment Free’ card…

…on issues closest to your heart, wouldn’t you play it too?