Ask Hillary if the French terror-murderers still deserve her respect, empathy with their ‘perspective’

Hillary Clinton spoke at Georgetown in December…

“This is what we call smart power,” Clinton said to a small audience at Georgetown. “Using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security. Leaving no one on the sidelines. Showing respect even for one’s enemies. Trying to understand, in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view. Helping to define the problems, determine the solutions. That is what we believe in the 21st century will change — change the prospects for peace.” (bold emphasis added)

Someone should ask her if she still feels that way after today’s French terror murders.

Does she understand the Islamist perspective is…convert to Islam, or die?

Scary question: Is she still the presumptive 2016 Democrat Presidential front-runner?


Common sense reveals the Democrat Senate was gridlocking

Rush Limbaugh went on a rant yesterday, fuming over the ‘conventional wisdom’ in DC that media and Democrats were pushing, basically accusing a GOP House for gridlock.

The contention being that Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had to bury bills passed by the House, because they were ‘too outrageous’…hence the burial process.


If Republican bills passed by the House were so bad, wouldn’t Democrats love to show it with open Senate debate, where its ‘radical, extremist’ nature could be exposed?

Americans are very capable of recognizing the obvious. Are we to believe Harry Reid was just protecting House Republicans from themselves? Yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket.

Democrats are defined by one signature tactic…continuous attack. To think they would suddenly NOT attack – but hide – legislation that damages Republicans is ridiculous.

Hiding the legislation was meant to protect Democrats from unpopular situations, where the American people would object to their stand (or votes) on a number of issues.

November ’14 midterms show Americans rejected bogus ‘conventional wisdom’.

Can we move on to important stuff now?

Saving Californians from themselves

At one time, California was the state America looked to for industry leadership.

Over-regulation, over-taxation, and crony politics have changed that status. So, now, manufacturing has left for more business-friendly states like Arizona and Texas, leaving behind service-oriented businesses that are heavily unionized, and favor one Party.

The politics of a state control its direction…Democrats mastered election tactics that get them the support of millions of low-income voters, taking control of California politics.

They do this by convincing poor and low-income voters that they are the party that will help and protect them best…despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary…and the state population is overbalanced with low-income and poor looking for state assistance.

So, it’s no surprise that an entitlement mentality gets Democrats elected. But, policies they put in place actually drive up the cost of living for those who can afford it least.

Breaking the alliance of unionized and poor/low-income majorities is a key necessity.

Republicans need to speak to these voters, but with understandable solutions.

Ranting against ‘Big Government’ won’t resonate…but vowing to make policies that will lower gas prices, or reduce housing costs and electricity bills will be heard, big time.

Lowering the state income tax means little to those who don’t pay them, but reducing a  sales tax on everyday purchases means a great deal to the less fortunate…

…because they are hurt most by sales taxes, high gas prices, and household costs.

California can be saved by converting poor and low-income voters to the Republican party, if the GOP addresses costly problems these besieged citizens must fight.

It’s high time to begin that process.

Fed agencies running amuck can be starved of funds

The EPA plans to add new ‘rules’ that will further hamstring the oil-&-gas industry.

Obama is committed to crony-partnering with Big Green interests, and he will do anything to force more ‘investments’ into their pockets, at the expense of us all.

When such rules drive our gas-pump and electricity bills sky-high, it affects everyone, and especially the low- and middle-income families hit hardest by such crony scams.

Obama’s new EPA rules will dampen the recovery made possible by the very industry he wants to destroy, in the process hurting millions of Americans…for the 1% he favors.

Congress has the power to defund a great amount of the extraneous programs of any agency that abuses its power without legislative mandate, and it should be done now.

Stripping funds and mandating priorities for what’s left will go a long way in checking Obama’s over-reach…Congress-created agencies like the EPA can be reined in.

A Byron York piece about stopping Obama’s immigration policy explains one way it can be done. You can bet funding language for the EPA has much of the same verbiage.

Republicans need to man up, and effectively fund the agencies Congress created.

Tax-dollar funded entities like the EPA must be for the benefit of Americans…

…not to cripple them financially, while funneling millions to green-energy cronies.

Sorry libs, you can’t ignore hard facts of bad energy policies

Liberal apologist Hillary N. bemoans our previous blog blaming Democrats for oil prices.

For her (and Liberal ilk in general), it’s much better to blame greedy oil companies.

But free-market fracking did create an energy boom in America, and that technology is repositioning the USA as the top energy resource in the world, despite all Democrat efforts to stifle those technological accomplishments with needless regulatory policy.

For all the Democrats rush to claim that ‘Republicans are in the pocket of Big Oil’, reality shows the very opposite to be the case…it’s Democrat policy that hikes oil prices.

The GOP ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ policy increases the supply, destroying artificial high costs.

And, lest we forget Hillary, it’s the so-called ‘greedy’ oil companies doing the fracking that’s driving unnecessarily high prices down, making Americans happy at the pump.

Greedy? Take a look in the mirror.

Taxation, Regulation, and Anti-Drilling policies reduces the supply, driving prices up.

By far, Democrat policy favors oil company profitability, plain and simple.

Economics 101, Hillary…did you sleep through that class?

If you like high gas prices at the pump, keep voting Democrat

Democrat policies restrict drilling, creating artificial shortages. Now, in their latest act of idiocy, the California Democrat legislature has passed a hidden tax that hits soon.

Gas prices are dropping due to the free-market fracking on non-federal land in America, and despite all of the Democrat attempts to halt fracking and maintain high oil prices.

Fracking forced the Saudi-controlled OPEC to keep pumping, driving oil prices down. That’s good for our economy, and bad for oil-rich terror-states who finance evil deeds.

But, with over-regulation, anti-drilling, and taxation policy, Democrats drive prices up. It’s a natural result of making business more costly, and creating supply shortages.

Bumper-sticker suggestion for 2016…

If you LOVE higher gasoline prices…Keep Voting ‘Democrat’

The proof is in California.

Facing reality…’Big Gov’t’ politicians aren’t THAT dumb

History is replete with examples of nations where big government fails.

Put simply – big government has never worked well, and fails miserably often.

Governments can only grow by taxing the free-market sector. When was the last time  your financial situation improved by giving Uncle Sam more of your income in taxes?

Short answer – never.

For gov’t to spend, it first must take…more gov’t spending means more gov’t taking.

So why, then, do the political elites continue to push big-government programs?

Because those programs work great…for the top 1%.

Big-government politicians aren’t dumb…they’re greedy…and they get their kickbacks.