21st century ‘Malaise’ redefined…but the culprits remain the same

Jimmy Carter is heaving a great sigh of relief…his ‘malaise’ moment is being replaced.

(35 years ago, then-President Carter blamed consumption-centric American citizens for the ‘crisis of confidence’ that was gripping the nation, absolving Democrat-created 13% inflation, 21% interest rates, or an energy crisis due to over-reliance on Middle East oil.)

Not surprisingly, Republican Ronald Reagan won a landslide victory the next year.

Now, fast-forward to today.

According to apologists for the Democrats’ current economy-dampening policies, we as Americans should get used to a new sub-growth norm, defined as ‘Secular Stagnation’.

Irwin Stelzer defines the term as “that the economy’s historic potential, its ability to produce goods, services and rising prosperity, can no longer be fully realized.”

In other words, subpar growth and nagging unemployment are the new normal.

From ‘crisis-of-confidence’ to ‘secular stagnation’…prevailing wisdom, redux.

But economists who predict America’s best days as being over fail to see that the crisis of confidence in the ’70’s and current secular stagnation have a common theme…

…they’re both results of Democrat policies…that can be reversed.

A Reagan presidency did it in the ’80s…

…a GOP-controlled House & Senate can do it again.

November midterms can’t get here fast enough.

The depth of voter stupidity…

As more news stories publish about worried Democrats asking Obama to hold off on his immigration move to provide amnesty to millions of illegals, it begs the question…

…shouldn’t such stories create an election backlash any specific act would create?

After all, it telegraphs to everyone those Democrats will support him AFTER elections.

Knowing this, yet believing a delay will dupe voters, reveals Democrats’ view of them.

That’s how stupid they think voters are.

Obama hopes Hispanic voters can drag Democrats over the Senate-election finish line.

But, with effective messaging, the GOP should be able to neutralize that effort.

If ‘all politics are local’, and ‘people vote with their wallet’, the following will resonate; bringing in more illegals demonstrably reduces a piece of the resource ‘pie’ for many.

EVERY illegal immigrant amnestied by Democrats means fewer jobs for minorities…

…more crowded classrooms taking precious teacher time from legal minority kids…

…fewer higher-education grants for legal minority high school graduates to receive…

…and a lowered wage scale (after all, these illegals aren’t scientists and doctors).

Hispanic and black minorities vulnerable to these facts will hear that, loud and clear.

Winning the Senate is crucial to stopping a border surge of illegal immigrants…

…message up, GOP.

Publishing daily intel reports in Golf News Digest may have ensured they would be read?

So Obama’s daily intel reports noted the threat of Islamic jihadist growth for a year.

Big surprise? Not hardly. The intel report has to be read, in order to be acted upon.

You can’t read an intel report and tee off in Martha’s Vineyard at the same time. It would have had a better chance of being read if it were published in his daily golf magazines.

Don’t Obama’s national security hacks know anything?

Pre-election ‘tough-talk’ campaigning NEVER trumps post-election ‘toeing the line’, for Democrats

Democrats in election-year Senate races talk tough about opposing Obama.

They see past the artificial polling…on every key issue, Obama’s approval numbers are down, from immigration to the economy, and dismal when it comes to foreign policy.

So, they promise (if elected/re-elected) to oppose unpopular Obama policy.

Problem is, pre-election promises never survive post-election amnesia.

A February NRO article sums it up…all tough-talk Senate Democrats facing re-election have a ‘supported Obama policy’ voting record of 90%-or-higher for the last 6 years.

Proving the old adage…Talk is cheap.

Hopefully, this election will yield the proper consequences.

If it weren’t for the media, Harry Reid would be a Senate laughingstock

The economy continues to underwhelm…

Cost-of-living hikes take more cash out of our pocket…

The bleak unemployment rate is really around 18%-20%…

(Black youth unemployment in murder capitols like Chicago – 92%…)

The inferno-also-known-as The Middle East has gone up in jihadist flames…

But word has it Harry Reid plans to continue attacking a GOP donor who ranks 90th on the big-money donor list…while #1 ranked Tom Steyer keeps bankrolling Democrats.

Why? To create an election-year boogeyman rallying cry to get out the Democrat vote.

If you ever needed proof Democrats prioritize self-over-America, read from the top…

  • Economy Tanking…
  • Huge Unemployment/Underemployment…
  • Cost of Living Skyrocketing…
  • Middle East Burning…

…and Harry Reid’s #1 Priority? Attack the Koch brothers.

Sorry Liberals, you can’t blame GOP for black plight in Chicago, Detroit, etc

The failure of Democrat policies in cities like Chicago and Detroit is epic.

Liberals trying to blame Republicans for black unemployment rates and the continually plunging wage and income levels within that demographic can’t hide this fact.

Democrats controlled those cities for decades…Detroit’s bankrupt, Chicago is close.

According to a recent article, Chicago’s black youth suffer 92% unemployment…and when you consider Chicago ranks 2nd in number of black Americans, that’s huge.

Detroit’s population is 82% black American, and (some contend) unemployment is 38%. Is it any wonder that the highest, deadliest crime rates are committed in these cities?

Democrat tax and immigration policy devastates the black community, driving business away with high taxation and hiking joblessness with open-border immigration largesse.

But the black community continues voting Democrat.

Well…they get what they vote for.

If blacks knew how badly they’re duped, Democrats wouldn’t stand a chance on election day

Illegal Immigration Surges drive down hourly wages and drive up joblessness…

Black Unemployment rate twice as high (or worse) than the norm…

Black Annual Income Levels plunging…

Energy Policies drive up costs, from the gas pump to the grocery store…

Cost-of-Living price shocks hit minority groups hardest…

Failed Education System blocks school choice, protects teachers…

Black High School Graduation Rates 2/3 that of the average for non-blacks…

Black Out-of-Wedlock Birth Rates highest among ethnicities…

Incarceration Rate at 6 times the norm…

If the black American voter bloc ever realized Democrats controlled Congress over 68% of the time since 1949, and Democrat policy led to the abovementioned negatives…

…those Democrats would never get elected again. They’ve done nothing for blacks.

If anything, their policies have destroyed the black family unit, and held them back.

But no worries: the media will still cover for them…Democrats will still race-bait…

…and the black vote will continue overwhelming support of the Party that dupes them.

When Democrats warn of a return of Bull Connor police intimidation, Jim Crow laws, and K-K-K terror squads, they’re the ones who know best…

…because those were ALL Democrat tactics!