‘Pontificator-in-Chief’ to tax-fleeing corporations: ‘do as I say now, not as I did…then’

Obama thinks tax-avoiding corporations are economically unpatriotic.

Corporations merging with foreign companies and moving headquarters to those other nations, as a means of incurring lower tax rates, are taking heat from Obama.

He says they’re ‘unpatriotic’, and the tax loopholes allowing such acts should be closed.

Obama’s comments would probably seem more genuine, if he hadn’t helped a GM spin-off, Delphi, do the exact same thing in 2009…with $1.7bn of our taxdollars to help.

But, what else is new? Maybe he thinks it’s different, when union jobs are at stake?

However you look at it, his lips are moving, which can only mean one thing…


(Hat tip to Bloomberg.com’s Z. R. Mider)

Another ‘we should pay our fair share of taxes’ Liberal…fighting taxation

Mugged by Reality…

Actor and Liberal activist Robert Redford is fighting with New York over taxes. He says he already paid taxes to Utah, but why would a Liberal resent paying just a little more?

They say ‘a Conservative is a Liberal who just got mugged’.

Mr. Redford is fighting mad…at this point the question is will he remain Conservative…

…or revert back to Liberalism…once he has his money safely tucked away from tax-crazed politicans?

(UPDATED) Democrats’ open border policy exposes us all to deadly epidemics

One of the most obvious reasons for controlling the influx of immigrants is a health issue – when there’s no checks or health screening, serious consequences result.

Ebola, a deadly virus plaguing Africa, is as serious a possibility as it gets.

News reports of bodies along our border haven’t included whether the victims were being autopsied to determine if the journey, or something more deadly, was the cause.

Obama’s policy of re-locating illegals throughout the Nation could have an unwelcome impact if health-screening isn’t being done prior to those people being transported.

And now, it seems hourly we hear of another medical facility quietly testing for Ebola.

Controlling borders is a top priority Democrats have fought against for decades. If Obama’s HHS and DHS minions are suppressing info*, deadly consequences result…

…and those are Democrat ‘chickens’ no-one wants to see come home to roost.

(*UPDATED to add CDC suppression link at Breitbart.com)

As if you needed more proof that Jimmy Carter is a fool…

Long an apologist for Islamic jihadists, Carter dips his beak into the terror swamp again.

He says “…recognizing Hamas as a legitimate political actor…” is the key to solving the long-standing conflict between Israel and its bloodthirsty neighbors.

What ‘legitimate political actor’ sends thousands of rockets into bordering nations, with no expectation of sudden and extreme retaliation for those acts?

Open message to Jimmy…you can call Hamas ‘Little Bo Peep’ if you’d like…

… but don’t ask why they’ve lost their sheep, when they keep attacking Israel.

A terrorist ‘legitimate political actor’ is still a terrorist…and deserves consequences.

What an embarrassment this guy is.

The only ones surprised by this study have never been involved with the subjects

An article just reported what any person seriously involved with horses has known all along…horses communicate with their ears, as well as other methods.

Trail-riders not aware of this could find themselves on the ground rather suddenly.

Useful information for those unfamiliar with horses, but nothing new otherwise…

…after all, they can’t point their fingers.

WARNING: Auto-renewing health plans in Obamacare could be hazardous to your financial health

If you don’t like IRS surprises, you better read the fine print.

Those enrolled in Obamacare should be very careful about auto-renewing health plans.

The law has built-in factors that allow insurers to…

  • make auto-renewal (thru Healthcare.gov) seem the easiest option;
  • hike premium costs for plans (the cheapest plans will increase the most);
  • add new, lower plans, quietly replacing benchmark plans that qualify for subsidies;
  • require doctor changes;
  • require different (more costly) out-of-pocket costs to consumers;
  • keep changes low-key, veiling the status change of subsidy benchmark plans (eliminating your subsidy, shifting total costs to you, without you knowing it).

For more detailed explanations of these hidden landmines in Obamacare, go here.

The final kicker?

“…most people might not even know that they need to go back through HealthCare.gov just to keep the deal they already have.”

Surprised? You shouldn’t be – this is just one more example of Democrats and Big Insurance dipping one hand into your wallet…

…while gently patting you on the head with the other hand.

It’s cheaper and more humane to invade Central America

Liberals are all about ‘the humane thing to do’ when justifying illegal immigration.

So, fine: with an added benefit of driving Liberals crazy, BlueCollar suggests the humane solution to an illegal immigration problem is to invade Central America.

After all, there’s a fatal flaw in Liberal ‘they’re fleeing Central American violence’ logic.

Taking in illegals here…doesn’t stop the problem there. Think about it.

If Liberals really want a humane solution, isn’t that to stop Central American violence? It would let its citizens stay in their homes, keep families together, and build a safe future.

And the USA would save a lot of money.

In 2010, the annual costs incurred by the USA for an estimated 13mn illegals was $113 billion, much of that burden shouldered by the states. (State breakdowns are here.)

If Liberals get their ‘open border’ dream, it’s easy to see the number of illegals doubling, which means the annual cost to America would double as well…to $226 billion a year!

The 2003-2010 Iraq War – on an annual average – cost America half as much!

When gang violence breaks out, the city of LA doesn’t spend tax-dollars to re-locate its peaceful citizens…they send in specially trained tactical police to get the bad guys.

Why not do the same in Central America?

Sending specialty forces to cripple the violent activities there solves its problems…

…and cost us half what we’d be spending here annually doing it the Liberal way.

To quell the wailing over an overstretched military, let’s use capable illegal immigrants already in the USA to man that specially-trained force of shock troops, after all…

…(Liberal Lament #1) it would get them out of the shadows

…(Liberal Lament #2) they would – temporarily – earn a lot more than minimum wage

…(Liberal Lament #3) and provide them the diversity of culture and pride of their native heritage by giving them a chance to fight for their homeland…while…

…(Conservative Lament #1) paying back America for decades of bearing the cost…&…

…(Conservative Lament #2) make it possible for them to return to their native land.