Chuck Noll, R-I-P. (& to Rush’s ‘stick-to-the-issues’ crowd…W-W-Y-T?)

Chuck Noll, former Pittsburgh Steeler coach, died a week ago Friday.

He is the only NFL head-coach to win 4 Super Bowl titles.

Rush Limbaugh is the quintessential Steeler fan. And he paid tribute to Chuck Noll this week, in a moving commentary that rose above mere football, to salute Noll’s humanity.

Rush noted the great coach was a teacher of Life, a man who helped others bring out the best in themselves. For the fans that followed the Steelers, he embodied inspiration.

Chuck Noll never sought publicity, and deferred paid endorsements to his players. In a world where each position is a mere steppingstone to the next, he was an enigma…

…he never ‘cashed in’, never coached anywhere else after head-coaching the Steelers.

Rush Limbaugh’s monologue for Chuck Noll is an inspiration, yet some Rush followers inevitably complained that he should ‘stick-to-the-issues’ (meaning politics of the day).

It’s scary that they don’t know how wrong they are. Hey, ‘stick-to-the-issues’ crowd…

What Were You Thinking? Chuck Noll personified the America we admire.

Rush may get down into the weeds when he starts talking ‘cigars’ or specific game details, but when it comes to what Chuck Noll embodied as an American spirit…

…that IS the issue we so definitely need to examine, revere, and EMULATE.

If America’s leadership had one iota of Chuck Noll’s qualities, we’d be better off.

Thanks, Rush…for sticking to the issue.

And to Chuck Noll…thanks for the inspiration, and the memories. R-I-P

(As for the ‘stick-to-the-issues’ crowd…get out of the shallows – there’s deeper water.)

Hillary’s laughing ‘rape-defense’ anecdote is analogous of what Democrats do to Americans…every day.

Anybody and everybody is taking a swing at Hillary’s laughing off a child-rapist defense.

The revelation she acted like a lawyer, instead of a 12-year old’s champion, is news that could be enough to stifle any Democrat hope that she’ll run for the presidency in 2016.

The long knives are out, and the anti-Hillary crowd anticipates having a feast…but that’s minutely small potatoes, when compared to the larger picture…

…Democrat politicans have been laughing about their rape of Americans for years…

…all the while raking in big campaign donations…and stuffing their pockets.

Think of it – their 1990’s steroid version of the CRA created the bubble that burst in ’08, draining pension fund and home value wealth, then they bailed out…the banks;

…since they ascended to Congress in ’07 and the presidency in ’09, they shafted GM and Chrysler creditors, then they bailed out…those carmakers and the UAW unions;

…Democrats threw hundreds of millions at green energy sinkholes (Solyndra, Solar City, SunRun, Sungevity, Ener1, Amonix, Abound, etc)…rife with Obama bundlers;

…they block oil drilling and pipelines which causes per/barrel costs to leap, so hedge fund billionaires like George Soros and Tom Steyer rake in profits from their oil and natural gas investments…while our gas pump prices, food, and utility bills skyrocket;

…and let’s not forget Obamacare – as Obama openly attacked insurance companies for their ethics and profits…he had them write the legislation Democrats forced on us now!

Anyone honestly believe that deck isn’t stacked in the Big Insurers favor?


Massive minority unemployment, sluggish economy, enormous increase of food stamp recipients, expanding income inequality…brought to us by crony-feeding Obama-crats.

Follow Democrat money…and it always leads back to a crony: Steyer, GE, CostCo…

Hillary’s laughing ‘rapist anecdote’ is disgusting, reprehensible…very un-American…

but sadly… analogous of what Democrats are doing to Americans every day.

Democrat rhetoric aside, with GOP policies of lower taxes, fewer regulations, and oil drilling expansion, businesses will profit…your costs are lower…and everybody wins.

With Democrat policies, only politicians and cronies win…we’re stuck with the cost.

Aren’t there any honest Democrat voters left who understand this…are tired of this?

Or…are they all (nervously) giggling with Hillary…over the defense of a rapist?

Washington Examiner article destroys any doubt about who is causing the border chaos

Well done, Mark Tapscott. He reports Obama’s immigration people posted a bid request for ‘escort services’ for huge amounts of illegal immigrant kids…in January of this year.

Then goes on to make the argument that Obama’s policy changes could be the catalyst.

The Liberal narrative of ‘internal chaos and poverty’ falls flat, when you consider the way things were…and the way things have been since his policy changes took effect.

Well done.

Has this become a ‘Willie Horton moment’ for Hillary Clinton?

The Washington Free Beacon ran a story of Hillary laughing about her legal defense of a child-rapist she believed guilty of the crime he committed against a 12-year old girl.

And now, over the last 5 days, Hillary and media lapdogs are in damage-control mode.

But how can Hillary try to minimize this story, when the University library where the archived 1975 tape was found now makes those archives off-limits to news agencies?

In an interview with the (now 52 year-old) unidentified victim, that lady says she would confront Hillary and say “…you lied on me…You call that [being] for women, what you done to me?” She remains unidentified, but her use of grammar resonates.

The vernacular is…compelling; and it’s odd that photos of the criminal she represented have been swept from the Internet, but first photos showed him as a black-American.

He was known as a friend of the family…would it be a stretch to believe a black family?

Willie Horton was a murderous convicted felon (life imprisonment without possibility of parole) who amazingly qualified for the Massachusetts weekend furlough program, who ran free while on furlough, to commit assault, armed robbery and rape.

Dukakis, governor at the time, may have ended up losing his presidential bid over this.

Hillary Clinton has enough baggage to destroy her presidential hopes now; this ‘raped girl from 1975’ story is enough to damage her credibility as a champion of women…or of those children she adamantly proclaims to be an advocate for

…but just imagine how much worse it will get if that rape victim was a minority

Developing…(She laughs about excluding and manipulating evidence…but isn’t an attorney supposed to be an officer of the court first?)

…and then the pollsters start whining…

Now we’re taking hits from pollsters, who remind us all they do is ask the questions. It’s the media at fault, you see, when the polling is analyzed to fit an agenda.

Forget that framing polling questions…or selectively excluding context questions…will drive the poll results regardless of what group does the analyzing…it ain’t their fault.

And posted details of the survey as a news story, with the headline: “Public Faith in Congress Falls Again, Hits Historic Low” Still claim no fault, pollsters?


REPEAT: No Confidence vote for President…but media fawns (some whine)

A prominent news agency protests the BlueCollar blog on no-confidence in Obama.

(Didn’t take ’em long – Elapsed time, from ‘zero-to-blog protest’…13 minutes.)

They point out (correctly) that Congress has the highest ‘no-confidence’ ranking.

While never pretending to be a polling agency, BlueCollar notes there are 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen, but only one President…and in our humble opinion…

…Gallup (and most other pollsters)…and a fawning media…ignore that fact.

A polled respondent has 1 Congressman, and 2 Senators representing him; he may be very/somewhat confident of his politicians…but not so with the other 532 in Congress.

But, every polled respondent has only ONE president.

BlueCollar believes, to keep a ‘no-confidence’ vote for Congress in context, a follow-on query MUST include questions regarding the respondent’s confidence in their own congressman; otherwise any response is ambiguous at best…and deceptive at worst.

Considering that every respondent has multiple political parties and hundreds of other people to complain about in Congress, it’s no wonder that body takes a beating in polls.

It’s a HUGE moment when The One takes a beating, and tragic that the media yawns.

Of course such media games will continue…

…we just wish a few responsible groups would note the deception sooner.

Whine all they will, the media can’t hide that Americans see this president as #2.

(Pun intended)

Did you know, ‘Confidence In President’ ranks next to LAST, in Gallup poll?

National media trumpets low Congress numbers – why not a President’s?

Obama’s media machine blares out Gallup polling to slime…selectively.

They focus on ‘Great Deal/Quite a Lot’ responses to drag Congress through the mud regarding ‘confidence’ levels, but when it comes to ‘Very Little/None’…silence.

Why? Doesn’t the public care if there’s very little to no confidence in something?

Of course they do…but the Obama-media won’t give you THAT story…

…because ‘The Presidency’ (you know, The One) ranks next to DEAD LAST there!

Shouldn’t that worry people?

America’s leader has a devastating ‘very little/none‘ confidence rating…

…with the people of America.

Lawyers, unions, TV news, banks, public schools…and Big Business rank better!

In a SPECIAL irony, he’s tied with Obamacare and his Insurance Company cronies in that category – which tells you how Americans view him, and his Obamacare travesty.

Yeah, Congress still has the top spot in that ‘very little/none’ confidence category…

…but, according to the American people, this Presidency is…


Shouldn’t the question be ‘WHO is the IRS hiding’?

The Hill has an article titled: “What is the IRS hiding?”

Considering the depth of their cover-up, shouldn’t that be ‘who’ are they hiding?

After all, we’re talking about lost emails from hard-drives, servers, and printed files…

…never mind the non-response so far from super-snoopers at Obama’s NSA.

In that context, the question undeniably becomes ‘who’.

Not surprisingly, one or two names come to mind…

Everyone can relax now, Obama’s getting better data on VA…

Isn’t it wonderful? Obama’s getting better data now…

Oh, by the way…

…looks like veterans on long waiting lists are more than double what was reported.

But isn’t it great, Obama’s getting better data now? Everyone can breathe easier…

…well, of course, except for veterans on those waiting lists…

…but, you know what they mean. He REALLY cares now.