Beware the media, anointing a GOP presidential candidate…

They’re falling all over themselves, praising Chris Christie for his NJ win. Christie, basking in post-election bliss, crowned himself as a ‘conservative’.


In New Jersey that’s not saying much…regardless of national media adulation.

Compared to Corzine, Jimmy Carter could have called himself a Republican in Jersey. A record like Christie’s would make him a Democrat anywhere else in GOP-ville.

A Jersey resident has interesting details of Christie’s ‘less-than-conservative’ agenda. Worth a read, but the final exclamation point on a ’16 presidential run is made by CNN.

‘Cuz, before the media crowns him as leader of GOP hopefuls for the 2016 presidential race, they should try explaining this:

How does a moderate Republican…who ‘won’ the women’s vote big in New Jersey (16% with most of the vote counted)…

…still manage to be 4 points BEHIND Hillary Clinton in exit polling, when asked about presidential preferences for the 2016 race?!!?

When a liberal news group like CNN sees that as a problem for Christie, Republicans should pay extremely close attention.

After 2008 (McCain) and 2012 (Romney), it should be very clear that the crucial swing states see ‘moderate’ Republicans as less preferable than a Democrat.

Especially when an uber-liberal media outlet like CNN raises a red flag…

The answer for the GOP in 2016 isn’t…more moderates.

Unless, of course, Republicans want another Clinton as President…?

VA governor election could show why ‘3rd-party’ ideas aid Democrats

A Libertarian candidate in Virginia may have pulled votes away from the Republican, giving the Democrat Clinton-frontman McAuliffe a victory with only 47% of the vote.

And a story alleges the Libertarian was funded by a Democrat bundler.

That’s how unpopular politicians get elected in tight races. Dupes from 3rd parties, with no chance of winning, are talked into the race to drain votes from their opponent.

The irony?

Libertarians believe in ‘minimum government’…but allowing himself to be duped into this Virginia race, Sarvis may have helped a ‘Big Government’ Democrat get elected.

That’s the danger of 3rd party ideas, voiced by Republicans. It always splits their vote.

The solution is not a 3rd party…the solution is running strong primary candidates as alternatives to status quo Republicans who don’t seem capable of getting the job done.

Virginia is a battleground state in national elections.

Libertarians have a right to get their ideas out there, and test the waters for voter sentiment. But in close races like Virginia, if a Libertarian has no hope, that candidate should pull out and endorse a small-gov’t Republican rather than a Big Gov’t alternative.

That alternative is NEVER a good thing.

Hijacker of the Nation accuses GOP of…competition…?

Sunday, Obama accused the Tea Party GOP of hijacking the nation.

This from the president of a Democrat Party that locked Americans out of the process, locked Republicans out of the legislative negotiations…and voted in Obamacare despite overwhelming negative polling for the planned healthcare law by the American people?

If anyone’s an expert on this, it’s the ‘Hijacker-in-Chief’ and his Democrat cohort.

A ’70’s era bumper sticker read…”don’t steal, the government hates competition”…

Today’s bumper sticker should read…

…’don’t hijack America… the Democrats hate competition’.

Sorry, can’t blame states that refused to set up exchanges…

A reader of our ‘Liar’ post says the problem stems from GOP states that took advantage of opting out of state exchanges, and that’s what caused the O’care difficulties.

Errrr…it was the Democrat Party that included the opt-out clause in their law.

So, in this reader’s mind…FOLLOWING this Democrat law is obstructionist…?

C’mon you Liberals…try a little harder, okay?

Lies…and the lying liars who tell them…

Open message to the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, ABC, NBC, & CBS…

You’re all LIARS.

Blaming Republicans for Obamacare’s many failures is like blaming water for pooling up behind a dam. Democrats built it behind closed doors…they need to own it.

Democrats slammed the door on C-SPAN transparency during the run-up to the bill’s negotiations, locked Republicans out of the crafting process, and wrote it in secret.

Not one Republican voted for the final bill.

Democrats wrote it behind locked doors, passed it on Party-line votes, and have had full responsibility for its implementation (or, more accurately…failure thereof).

Ironically, the only actions carried out against Obamacare have been by Democrats and Obama, in the form of canceled segments, waivers, exemptions and (illegal) delays.

Democrats and Obama forced a gov’t shutdown, to make sure O’care was funded.

They bragged about forcing the GOP to fund it, bragged about a powerless GOP…yet now, in their next breath, they claim Republicans are responsible for its failures?

It bears repeating… …the law, and its implementation, has been the sole responsibility of Democrats. No amount of media lies or Democrat spin can refute that simple truth.

And those who would believe such deceit are ‘lie if we must’ Liberals themselves.

When your Liberal buddy tries to tell you its the GOP, ask him for one example.

And, please, send any such examples to BCP for analysis (it won’t take much).

BlueCollar welcomes the opportunity to hear if there are any out there.


Gettysburg? Why would Obama want to honor the 150th anniversary of Lincoln’s address?

He isn’t going. Why would this president want to honor the Gettysburg Address?

After all, Obama’s only the first black president (with apologies to Bill Clinton).

Could it be because it might shine a spotlight on the fact that the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, guided America through a war that ended slavery?

Or that it reminds voters the Republican Party was started by anti-slavery activists?

Might cost some ‘Jim Crow-Bull Connor-KKK legacy’ Democrats a few votes

Wouldn’t want those little nuggets of information to resurface before Nov ’14 elections…

An IBD facade can’t hide the fact that being Liberal means never having to face the facts…

Thank you, Eugene Robinson. Rarely does one get to recognize Liberal mendacity so quickly, as is made possible by your article in Investor’s Business Daily.

In the title, Robinson reveals all that’s needed to know about the Liberal mindset:

“GOP Didn’t Want ObamaCare, Now Complain It Doesn’t Work”

“Now”, Eugene? Au contraire…they don’t want it BECAUSE it won’t work.

Then, in the first two sentences, he manages to continue misrepresenting the position of the GOP where this disgusting travesty known as Obamacare is concerned.

Republicans have repeatedly stated the law is unworkable…and NEVER state they ‘want the law now’. But what the heck, Obama lies…why shouldn’t Robinson?

That’s not a ‘cheer’ you hear Eugene, that’s a cry of despair over the disaster of a bad law’s rollout. And whoever was in charge of that disaster deserves to be fired. NOW.

Plus, this lousy law IS implemented Jan, 2014…how on earth do you believe Obama’s still got ‘three years and change’ to make it work? Americans need insurance NOW.

And don’t even get us started on how you can define skyrocketing premiums and huge deductibles being forced on Americans through exchanges as …customer-friendly?

Not to mention how you can casually shrug off as “careless” Obama’s repeated lies that, ‘if people liked their insurance, they could keep their insurance’. Or how Obama “explaining the fine print” after invoking the lie…could possibly have made those lying promises of his less of a lie?

BlueCollar usually links articles…but, as is typically the case when it comes to Eugene Robinson, this one’s so mendacious – if honesty is to be respected – we can’t.

Opinion articles should at least be based on a factual premise – Robinson’s rarely are.

We respect Investor’s Business Daily, and can’t help but wonder what motivates such a great source of information to publish rubbish that doesn’t even make good fiction?

So, we linked to IBD above…if you enjoy trash, Robinson’s article is there for review.

And, would it be too much to ask IBD that, if op-eds from the Left must be published, they at least include some semblance of fact in their position?

And guess who allowed unions to skirt ‘grandfather’ caps…

Unions can keep their healthcare policy ‘grandfather’ status even if caps exceed limits, according to fine print in that June ’10 Federal Register (pg 9-10, see footnote 9).

So if you’re not in a union and your policy exceeded cap limits mandated by O’care, your ‘grandfather’ status is void. If you’re in a union…your granddaddy loves ya.

Brought to you courtesy of Obama and the Democrats.

Makes you wonder what ‘equal protection under the law’ means any more…