GOP Senate would be in the Impeachment process driver’s seat…!

For those who point out that Impeachment would be difficult because it’s a Democrat-controlled Senate, we would respond that the Rule of Law negates that power…

…because those being tried cannot sit as jurors as well!!

Our Constitution gives the House sole Power of Impeachment under Article 1 Section 2, and the House of Representatives is GOP controlled. Impeach the Senate fraudsters.

Indict every Democrat Senator (and one Independent) who crafted the Obamacare law, voted for it, then remained silent while Obama lied for 3 years, and you can bet…

…the majority in the Senate left to sit in judgment will be Republicans

Any guess as to how that would turn out…?

What about the 60 Senate liars who stayed silent while Obama lied…?

The Wall Street Journal is forgetting something.

Their Monday story on panicked Democrat Senators up for re-election in 2014 ignores a larger picture: 60 Senators knew Obama was lying for 3+ years, but they stayed quiet.

58 Democrat Senators, one Independent Democrat, and an Independent made up the 60 votes which forced this disaster known as Obamacare onto the American people.

By their silence, they’re just as much liars as the ‘Liar-in-Chief’.

Experts say our Constitution doesn’t allow a ‘recall’ for members of Congress.

But, there are other ways to deal with these Liars…their fraud is a felony

…and according to Article 1, Section 6 of our Constitution, they can be arrested!

Because, under the legal definition of ‘fraud’…”When a person has a duty to speak, silence may be treated as a false statement.” Is there a lawyer in the house…?

Article 2, Section 4 says all civil Officers of the U.S. shall be removed from office for “…conviction of…high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Pretty sure fraud fits that definition.

And what of the bonus…? Has Hillary Clinton made any similar lying statements?

(Because we’re pretty sure the Constitution won’t allow felons to run for President…)

And this is how stupid Democrats think their voters are…

As predicted months ago, panicked Democrat Senators up for re-election in 2016 are pushing a plan now, to allow Americans to keep their  health plans if they like them…

…even though that would mean violating the other law that they already passed!

It also means requiring insurers to violate that other law by keeping non-compliant health plans in place…because…you know…Democrats run the insurance industry.


This is how stupid they think their Democrat voters are.

Democrats write law forcing insurers to change plans, which forces Americans to lose plans, then when it comes election time, try the ‘trust us, we’ll make it right’ routine.

Are deliberate defects really ‘flaws’…?

‘flaw’ implies a mistake, an error of judgment or calculation…

…but, there are no mistakes if such ‘flaws’ were deliberate…and calculated.

O’care’s designed to fail, pushing millions to clamor for single-payer, govt controlled health care, in essence turning over 1/6th of the economy to Washington DC.

And, thus, giving those politicians more control over you.

Obama and his Democrat cohort have openly stated a desire for a single-payer ultimate objective. Is it any wonder, then, when a ‘flawed’ Democrat law pushes you closer to it?

It’s bad enough when Americans are duped and lied to, then force-fed Obamacare.

But asking that we accept their ‘flawed’ premise as well is too much.

First we’re told it’s ‘universal’…but every group with Democrat ties are exempted.

Then we’re told it’s ‘law of the land’…but Obama illegally delays enforcing the employer mandate, and delays capping how much insurance companies can slam you for out-of-pocket insurance costs like deductibles and co-pays. (Good for insurers, bad for you.)

And throughout, there was the “if you like your insurance, you can keep it’ lie…

And now they’re claiming the law is ‘flawed’?

There’s never been a more clear definition of ‘adding insult to injury’.

Flaws? Ask yourself…why write a law that allows the penalty that supposedly forces everyone into the system…to so easily be avoided?

Face it folks…if this disaster remains law, it’s designed to fail to raise revenue, which means taxpayers will be funding 1 more out-of-control government monstrosity…


If small percentages are insignificant, why did we disrupt the healthcare system in the 1st place?

Obama’s mealy-mouthing about his ‘you can keep insurance if you like it’ lie.

He shrugs it off, though, noting that it’s only ‘a small percentage’ of citizens who are suffering insurance cancellations, mostly in the private-insurance category.

A small percentage? But that’s 15 million citizens.

Isn’t that about the same amount of uninsured…

…that Democrats used to force this O’care disaster on us in the first place?

Front-loading a question with a back-loaded lie…

A Left-leaning group says 71% of Americans support immigration reform.

But neglects to mention the question started with a ‘secure borders’ condition.

And, of course, those polled weren’t asked if they knew Obama runs the Border Patrol.

Considering Obama’s willingness to not enforce laws he dislikes, and to lie about the laws he’s forcing onto an unsuspecting public, a follow-on question is crucial to polling.

“With Obama’s track record of untruths and ignored laws, do you trust the President now to enforce a law he dislikes, to ensure borders will really be secure?”

We bet the support percentage for immigration reform would drop like a rock.

‘Cuz, all the while, after 5 long years, Americans now know what Obama’s thinking…

…”if I like my Border Control policy (the way it is), I’ll keep my Border Control Policy (the way it is)…


Dealing with Harry Reid’s useless (and imminent) anti-GOP bills

News sources report the Democrat-controlled Senate passed an anti-discrimination gay rights bill. There are already laws for that…so this just amounts to political theater.

Reid and his Democrat cohort think these types of bills passed over the next year will make House Republicans look bad if they don’t pass them, or bring them up for a vote.

Then Democrats can hammer Republicans before the 2014 elections, hoping by doing so it will distract from the Democrats’ O’care disaster, and drain votes from the GOP.

You can expect the same type of theater to be employed over the next 12 months for every voter group the Democrats want to exploit…women, youth, Hispanics, blacks, etc.

House Republicans can do a lot to defuse these efforts by bringing up honorary renewal ‘testimonial affirmation’ votes on every existing law that already covers their issues.

Such a move will reveal the Senate Democrats wasting time…and taxpayer dollars…and help highlight Republican efforts over the years to improve conditions for those groups.

Republicans know who the Democrats will play to. If the GOP have an ounce of pro-active sense…they won’t wait for the Senate Democrats to pull their shenanigans.

Getting in front of the Democrat tactics now would set Reid-&-Co. back on their heels.

(For a change…)

BlueCollar suggestion: after the House GOP uses a ‘testimonial affirmation’ of existing law to defuse this gay rights bill, the next affirmation should be the ’64 Civil Rights Act.

Fought for by the GOP over heated debate – and protracted filibusters – by Democrats.

Then honor the 1854 founding of the Republican Party…by anti-slavery activists.

Then honor the GOP laws that resulted in youth and women employment to skyrocket.

(And contrast that with this administration’s dismal performance for those same groups.)

Etc., etc., etc…

Is there a political reason for that anti-marriage incentive in Obamacare…?

Few have noticed the negative incentive directed at marriage in Obamacare.

Boiled down, because of the income-levels that affect subsidies, some married couples are considering divorce – with a single lower income, they’ll each qualify for subsidies.

Why would a healthcare law encourage being single?

For the curious, a look at exit-polling demographics may hold a clue. Locally and nationally, a large majority of single women vote Democrat, election after election…

…and Obamacare offers women financial rewards to be single…or become single.


Just asking…

The solution to voting, when you don’t trust any of them…

When even a president of the United States proves to be a liar, how do you vote?

Easy…in a 2-party system like we have, choose the Party platform you prefer.

The basic platforms drive America down very different paths. Democrats want Big Government, higher taxes, and heavily regulated business. Republicans support free-market principles & business, and (not often enough) smaller government.

Business and the free-market drives America.

Next time someone says you can’t trust any politician, give ’em that for an answer.