What Democrat is proud of a party intentionally inflicting pain on the vulnerable…?

Issues aside, Republicans should be proud of their Congressmen, who are fighting to protect the vulnerable from an unprecedented assault by vindictive Democrats.

What Democrat can be proud of a party savagely victimizing the most vulnerable of our citizens, in order to score a few political points and ‘win at all cost’?

If there were ever an example of the stark differences between parties, this is it.

When you get a minute, let your GOP Congressman know how proud you are.

They’re passing legislation every day, to restore funding for essential programs.

And give your Senator a call…

  1. Demand they bring these crucial bills to a vote;
  2. Demand they stop inflicting unnecessary pain on the most vulnerable.

Neutralize the Wall St fear-mongering AND inoculate the GOP…

As a follow-up to our last post, Obama’s hell-bent on using Wall St against the GOP, even if it means causing huge sell-offs and, possibly, another recession.

And, of course, his pliable national media will help. But, there is a solution.

Republicans should stop this despicable act by turning it back on Obama…making sure everyone knows continued over-heated rhetoric of Obama’s can damage the economy.

Speaker Boehner should prepare Articles of Impeachment as a demonstration of just how serious the GOP is on this issue…and that act will get national attention FAST!

Just talking about how dangerous Obama’s rhetoric is won’t cut it. Staring this bunch of Democrats down takes desperate measures…as does protecting the economy.

Obama’s playing a dangerous game; getting media attention isn’t easy. If safe-guarding the American economy doesn’t warrant such an act, we’re not sure what does.

The GOP can stop this reckless act now, and inoculate themselves if Wall St tanks.

This guy’s throwing spitballs…the least the GOP can do is play hard-ball.

Brush ’em back from the plate with an Impeachment HEATER!!

If you want to name the pitch…call it the ‘ImpeachYaLator’.

(Here’s the link…’encourage’ your congressman to get in the game.)

Does threatening the U. S. economy qualify as a High Crime…?

Larry Kudlow is a noted economist, and strives to be a centrist.

So, when he levels such an accusation, it must be taken seriously.

His opening comments in the Human Events opinion article says it all…

“Never before has an American president threatened and risked the U.S. economy and financial markets the way Barack Obama has in recent days.”

Is Obama trying to provoke a massive Wall Street sell-off, for political advantage?

Sure looks that way. Such an apparent effort should be dealt with expeditiously.

The House of Representatives should prepare Articles of Impeachment, and make it known they intend to invoke them if Obama continues to threaten the economy.

Do it now, & fast…no cheap politician should play ‘chicken’ with America’s well-being.

Attacking the most vulnerable is what Democrats do…

So, during the gov’t shutdown, Obama’s minions have done what Democrats do…

Attacked and harassed the most vulnerable among us.

Nonagenarians, octogenarians, seniors, ill and endangered children…you name it, Obama’s vindictive cohort will do their damndest to make them hurt.

But then, what do you expect from those not willing to protect the unborn…?

National Review confirms BlueCollar assertion: as a ‘tax’, O’care is unconstitutional…

Finally, national groups are starting to understand what BlueCollar has asserted…

If Obamacare’s individual mandate can only be enforced as a tax, it’s unconstitutional.

Article 1, section 7 states “All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House…”

But, Obamacare originated in the Senate.

The Supreme Court upheld that government cannot force individuals to participate in commerce, so the only way an Individual Mandate is enforceable is as a tax.

And if a tax, which is a ‘bill for raising revenue’, it must originate in the House…

If words mean anything…

If the Constitution means anything…

If the Rule of Law means anything…

Obamacare should not be a law.

So, if the gov’t shut down, who’s answering HHS Obamacare phones?

Seriously…is Obama classifying Intelligence agency personnel as ‘non-essential’

…but keeping Obamacare HHS phone operators as ‘essential’…?

The intelligence community answers to Obama. If anything happens as a result of this decision, forcing intel ops to take a back seat to Obamacare, it’s impeachable.

Republicans should be highlighting every decision this administration makes to force unnecessary hardships on Americans, on a case-by-case basis.