Senator ‘Play-Money’ reveals the (non)importance of Syria

When it comes to a battle between Syrian ‘thug’ocracy and al-Qaeda-backed rebels, it’s easy to hope that both sides lose.

With the administration realizing the UN won’t do a thing, and desperately seeking an aspirin factory to bomb, many Americans wonder how this is seen as our issue?

And, nothing reveals the non-issue of the Syria matter better than John McCain.

The Arizona senator was caught playing iPoker during a 3-hr Senate Foreign Relations committee meeting arguing the necessity of the U.S. using military force against Syria.

No worries, Arizona…he told CNN he lost thousands in play-money, not tax dollars.

(Evidently he only risks the loss of billions – in real tax dollars – on senseless military intervention, such as the very Syrian issue that demanded so little of his attention.)

Arizona must be comforted to know they have a great deliberative man on the case…

…or is he just trying to live up to his ‘Maverick’ nickname?

After all, according to Wikipedia, that series did have comedic overtones

…just like the United States Senate.