
As reported by no less than the NY Times yesterday, and picked up by Breitbart –

“Obama admin knew Libyan Terrorists had US-provided weapons.”

Breitbart adds “Even more importantly, the Obama administration knew about it before, during, and after the Benghazi attacks.”

Too bad the NY Times didn’t have The Blaze journalists working for them – that organization was reporting this news BEFORE the election, in late October – but of course, was largely ignored or dismissed by mainstream media.

Watergate involved a 1972 3rd-rate burglary to wiretap Democrat National Committee headquarters, pre-election. Relentless media bloodhounds ultimately revealed Nixon played a part in the attempted cover-up. President Nixon resigned as a result.

Fast-forward to Benghazi, Libya. Pre-election, an American mission is attacked and overrun by terrorists over a 7-1/2 hour period. 4 Americans (including our Libyan ambassador) are killed, more wounded. All requests for beefed-up security before the attack were ignored. Desperate pleas for help during the attack were ignored, and/or denied. And the “Obama admin knew Libyan Terrorists had US-provided weapons.”

Before the attack.

So, a 3rd-rate Watergate burglary, where the only thing violated were a couple of phone lines, energizes a media frenzy to bring down a President…

…but unprotected Americans are murdered and wounded by what may have been U.S.-weaponized terrorists, and that same relentless bloodhound media elite descend…to Benghazi-gate’s toothless lapdogs. Too busy attending the ‘it was the video’ seminars put on by the White House, no doubt.

So much for present-day ‘journalism’.

If the TRUTH falls in a political forest, and no-one reports it….?

…does anyone know?

The political party controlling the White House and Senate is hellbent on raising taxes, and letting the public brand the other party as the fallguy. There is zero motivation on the part of the White House to work any kind of a deal…they love the ‘fallguy’ idea, and seeing taxes go up for everyone while the other party’s blamed (no matter how unfair or misguided that might be) is that much more icing on their cake.

An objective news media would point this out. An objective media would explain to the public that their welllbeing is threatened by just such ‘fallguy’ tactics as are playing out right now. But, an objective media is what we’re missing…so the public once again is held hostage to the political gamesmanship in Washington…and our diminished lifestyles and sinking income are the ransom unwittingly paid.

‘If a tree falls in the forest, and no-one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?’

This 18th century philosophical thought experiment involving Reality and Objectivity has been expanded to encompass a 21st century question on… the existence of Truth, when there’s no mainstream media to report it…