At American Greatness: “Trump Has the Bad Guys Surrounded in Ukraine”
In his call transcript to Ukraine’s new leader, President Trump said he’d appreciate that leader’s help in investigating the activities of Ukrainians during the 2016 election cycle.
And he specifically mentioned CrowdStrike, which was the Democrat-funded outfit that ‘forensically analyzed’ Democrat servers and claimed Russian hacking…but refused to give actual servers to our federal law enforcement agency (FBI) for official verification.
“CrowdStrike’s chief technology officer and co-founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a Russian expat (&) senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a think tank with an anti-Putin agenda…” (which) “is funded by Ukrainian Billionaire Victor Pinchuk, a $10 million donor to the Clinton Foundation, with additional millions promised.” (all emphasis added)
Any further question why Democrats are FRANTIC to shut-down Trump?
(Prediction: as we blog, there’s a server or two getting BleachBit treatment in Kiev.)
Is this why Democrats are trying to BleachBit errr…impeach…President Trump?