Jack Johnson, pardoned…victim of the same type of antipathy aimed against the President who pardoned him

Jack Johnson was our first black heavyweight boxing champ, in an era when it was dangerous to be black, dangerous to marry a white woman, and to be a champion.

His conviction was an obviously racially motivated charge, and deserving of a pardon.

Funny, right? Obama, the first black president, wouldn’t pardon him

…but, by some accounts the ‘most racist’ President just did.

But, we suspect that this President knew what Jack Johnson went through, back then.

Not of the Swamp and being attacked by Swamp denizens daily, President Trump knows how Mr. Johnson felt, what it is to have implacable forces pitted against him…

…just like Jack.

Well done, Mr. President.

Why the NFL made the right decision…belatedly…even if it’s not without fault

The NFL finally got off it’s knees, in requiring players stand during the National Anthem.

Those who rage against the decision are short-sighted.

They claim the right to protest the oppression of police brutality, but kneeling during the NATIONAL Anthem basically condemns ALL of America for the failures of a few…

…hey, sorry guys, that’s not the American way.

Americans don’t judge ALL blacks by criminal acts within the black community, and it’s not right to blame ALL of the police in America for the terrible acts of a few, either.

But kneeling during the National Anthem does exactly that…it’s no more right than banning all black athletes from playing in the NFL, because of black criminal activity.

How hard is that to understand?

Still wobbly, the NFL pandered, allowing those players who want to abuse the privilege (by smearing all police as oppressive) to stay in the locker room during the Anthem.

Sorry – We think that’s just as un-American, so we won’t follow the NFL this year.

Others can do what they want, but veiling un-American behavior is just as wrong.

It’s tragic to see what misguided ‘social justice’ misanthropes have done to the NFL.

Sorry Libs, can’t have it both ways…

Lefties scream ‘foul’ by claiming no equivalence between what the Democrats pulled by spying on the Trump campaign…and our contention that it’s the new norm that can thus be used by the GOP during the upcoming midterm election – and beyond.

Sorry guys…Democrats like John Kerry are meeting behind closed doors with America’s enemies, most notably with Iranian officials; if that doesn’t qualify as a legit concern, with Iran as the global leader of sponsored terror, we don’t know what does.

And, guess what? Democrats created the obscurity for campaign donations that can veil foreign dollars pouring into the Party coffers…so don’t blame the GOP for being leery.

Foreign dollars and foreign efforts support Democrat campaigns…

…don’t blame Republicans – the Democrats have set the standards.

You brought it on – admit the illegality…or learn to live with YOUR new norm.

Gotta love the corner Democrats have painted themselves into…

As the revelations of Obama administration pre/post-election chicanery unfold, we’re left with a very ironic conclusion based on how such activity is being excused by the Left.

Because it’s evident that an opposition Party campaign was being  surveilled by the incumbent Party using the awesome power of gov’t agencies…the FBI, the CIA, etc.

And those being caught out, supported by their political and media elites, claim they’ve done nothing wrong…they were doing it for the good of the American people.

Interesting – Democrats are now stuck in a corner THEY’VE painted themselves into.

Either those involved in campaign-spying activities against the GOP are guilty of such illegalities, or they’ve set a standard for justification to spy on opponent campaigns…

…just in time for the mid-term election…with the GOP as the incumbent Party.

High profile Democrats like John Kerry very publicly met with Iranian officials this year, which, by the new standard set by the CNN/Hillary/Clapper/Brennan crowd…

…makes the Democrats fair game for surveillance by Trump’s FBI, CIA and NSA.

Or, they can acknowledge the criminality of their 2016-2017 shenanigans, and offer up the Comey-McCabe-Brennan-Clapper-Kerry-Rice-Power cabal that broke the law.

Which will they choose – orange jumpsuits…or Black-Ops tit-for-tat?

Our guess – Democrats eat their own…Comey et al may want to lawyer up.

Proof, once again, that FakeNews is wherever they decide to find it…

Even when the FakeNews media forget their playbook, they manage to entertain.

The Hill headline “Mystery in Mueller probe: Where’s the hacking indictment?”

The story revolves around a mystery of why the DNC ‘hacking’ has never brought an indictment…but, evidently, they don’t read their own FakeNews reporting.

After all, the only ‘hack’ of the DNC servers was never officially confirmed by the FBI, because the DNC REFUSED to turn over the server they claimed was hacked.

It’s pretty hard to get an indictment…when it can’t be proved a crime occurred.

Of course, that doesn’t seem to dissuade Mueller.

Role reversal? What’s working for America could work for California…

Republican policies are helping America recover it’s mojo.

Investor Business Daily headline: “Bad News For Dems: Household Income Hits All-Time High Under Trump … And He’s Getting Credit For It” (underline added)

“Household income – 50 year high…; The latest IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index is 53.6…; Quality-of-Life index (at) a 14-year high…; the Financial Stress Index is at an all-time low…: CNN’s poll finds that 57% now say “things are going well in the U.S”…; latest CBS News/YouGov poll found that 64% rate the economy as somewhat or very good…68% of the public now says Trump’s policies deserve at least some of the credit…”

But when considering the Obama era, we ask why ‘at least some of the credit…’? IBD lays it out in a devastating condemnation of failed Obama/Democrat policy

“Consider this: President Obama raised taxes, imposed massive new regulations and mandates, and routinely berated the private sector. The economy responded with the worst economic recovery in modern times. Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress have gone in the exact opposite direction, with sweeping tax cuts and significant deregulation. And since then we’ve seen growth, income, optimism all moving upward. Given that, we think the public has it right for giving Trump credit for this turnaround.” (bold-underline emphasis added)

Hey, California…it’s not too late. Democrats have ravaged this state long enough.

Follow America’s positive change – Vote Republican next cycle.

After all, considering Democrats’ recent massive gas-pump tax hike and unlawful sanctuary programs that are adding even more economic disaster and hardship…

…what’s there to lose?

There’s NO justification for Obama’s cohort to spy on Trump’s campaign

We repeat, for clarity…

There’s NO justification for Obama’s cohort to spy on Trump’s campaign.

Avoiding ANY appearance of partisan bias should have been the default standard.

The only legitimate way a non-partisan FBI or CIA could handle any concerns over the possible meddling in an election by Russia et al would be to go directly to the campaign.

BOTH campaigns.

Any justifiable ‘spying’ should have been conducted against the foreign meddler, not an American presidential campaign. To imply otherwise is just falsehood veiling criminality.

To imply a meeting justified such spying on one campaign candidate, when payments of over $150 million paid to the other campaign candidate did not, is pure dishonesty.

Exposure of campaign spying emphasizes the weaponization of government agencies implemented by the Obama cohort, and perpetrators should be held accountable.

FakeNews media colludes with Russians ALL THE TIME…

“…American media and Internet outlets hired a Russian company called EastBanc Technologies to help with IT and web services, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation. The companies include The Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, Slate, Facebook, AOL, Comcast and U.S. News & World Report.”

“This clearly is a hypocrisy issue,” retired Col. James Waurishuk, a former deputy director for intelligence at the U.S. Central Command and a senior national security analyst with the National Security Counsel under President George H.W. Bush, told TheDCNF. “All of the media companies have reported Trump and the Russian collusion story that all things Russians are bad. So why are they doing business with a Russian company?”

Full story is available at The Daily Caller.

When it comes to collusion…FakeNews should know.