Gotta love the corner Democrats have painted themselves into…

As the revelations of Obama administration pre/post-election chicanery unfold, we’re left with a very ironic conclusion based on how such activity is being excused by the Left.

Because it’s evident that an opposition Party campaign was being  surveilled by the incumbent Party using the awesome power of gov’t agencies…the FBI, the CIA, etc.

And those being caught out, supported by their political and media elites, claim they’ve done nothing wrong…they were doing it for the good of the American people.

Interesting – Democrats are now stuck in a corner THEY’VE painted themselves into.

Either those involved in campaign-spying activities against the GOP are guilty of such illegalities, or they’ve set a standard for justification to spy on opponent campaigns…

…just in time for the mid-term election…with the GOP as the incumbent Party.

High profile Democrats like John Kerry very publicly met with Iranian officials this year, which, by the new standard set by the CNN/Hillary/Clapper/Brennan crowd…

…makes the Democrats fair game for surveillance by Trump’s FBI, CIA and NSA.

Or, they can acknowledge the criminality of their 2016-2017 shenanigans, and offer up the Comey-McCabe-Brennan-Clapper-Kerry-Rice-Power cabal that broke the law.

Which will they choose – orange jumpsuits…or Black-Ops tit-for-tat?

Our guess – Democrats eat their own…Comey et al may want to lawyer up.

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