Why does Black America allow victim demagoguery?

American blacks have one of the highest per-capita black income averages in the world, and have become “…increasingly affluent, educated, and diverse.

(Which might explain why we don’t see an exodus back to ancestral homelands.)

In an era where leaders should express pride in the efforts our black population has made (by global comparison), the Obamas are relentless, determined victim-crats.

It’s sad that so many are willing to allow this, without fighting back.

Stoking a victim mentality may get Democrats more votes, but at what expense?

Are votes worth more than encouraging self-reliance and merit-based achievement?

We can see how Democrat politicians (and media lapdogs) answer that question, but it’s baffling why Republicans don’t challenge this mentality head-on.

In messaging, optimism feeds hope…pessimism feeds despair.

We hope that President Trump can set an optimistic tone for our black community.

God knows, after 8 years of Obama pessimism, it will be a welcome change.

The problem with pardoning Hillary

Actually, there are several problems with pardoning Hillary…

  1. As a public official, she violated federal laws to avoid public oversight;
  2. her national security lapses exposed America to serious harm;
  3. emails regarding Benghazi personnel may have contributed to their deaths;
  4. thousands of her emails are still unaccounted for, which means we still don’t know the true extent, or potential consequences, of her felonious acts;
  5. her aides and co-workers are also guilty of violating those federal laws;
  6. she illegally acquired millions of pay-to-play dollars – domestic AND foreign.

No greater crime can be committed by a public official than to violate public trust.

When such a violation may have directly contributed to the deaths of Americans (Benghazi), the thought of dismissing such acts through a pardon is obscene.

And before anyone cries there’s no proof her crimes caused American deaths, we remind them her illegal email system detailed mission and movements during that period – the burden is on Hillary Clinton to prove her emails didn’t contribute.

Doherty, Stevens, Woods, and Smith deserve to be remembered anytime some political pundit casually bandies about the ‘of course she should be pardoned’ idea.

To those who decry persecuting political opponents, remember, America supported such acts in Iraq against Saddam Hussein, and Libya, against Muammar Gadaffi… and lest we forget… they were executed for crimes against their people.

Maintain a perspective, people. Are American lives any less important?

There was only one reason for Clinton to set up an illegal private email system, and that was to avoid public oversight while sucking up millions for her private benefit.

Rule of Law dictates that deaths occurring during an illegal act make the guilty just as liable as the killers, especially if such acts contributed directly to those deaths.

She’s been uncooperative, deceptive, and unrepentant since her activities were exposed; we still don’t know what further harm may have been caused by her acts.

Pardon Hillary Clinton? Why?

Who among us supports a theory that pardons deadly money-grubbers?

Democrats admit – Republicans are much better at national security!

Democrats whining about the Russians hacking the DNC and Hillary Clinton aides’ email are, by that act, conceding that they are LOUSY at national security.

Hacking efforts against both DNC and RNC sites were initiated, but didn’t succeed against the RNC…wonder why sham-stream media doesn’t note the implication?

And why is there no concern voiced about the fact Podesta was a major target that failed to protect information…wasn’t he Bill Clinton’s presidential chief-of-staff?

AND, a counselor to President Obama?

Makes you wonder…was he a lousy security risk while serving in those capacities?

You’d think an objective media would point these things out.

Shouldn’t the real outrage be towards a Party that sucks at National Security?

Just asking…