GOP Senate should respect Democrat wishes and reinstate nuclear option

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid invoked the ‘nuclear option’ when Dems were in power.

That halted the tradition of requiring 60 votes to approve presidential appointees instead just requiring 51 votes for Obama’s.

When Trump takes over in Jan, Republicans should do likewise for his appointees.

(After all, we wouldn’t want Democrats to think Republicans are disrespecting their ideas.)

Can’t wait for the wailing outrage to begin.

Coulda been worse for Democrats…Libertarian candidate cost Trump 6 other states

According to preliminary final results, it could have been worse for Democrats, if one assumes Libertarian votes would have gone Trump.

If the Libertarian candidate hadn’t sucked away votes, Trump might have pulled New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Maine.

That would have given Trump appx 340+ electoral votes.


GOP triumphed…now Impeach

Trump will have 306 electoral votes, with Michigan, Alaska, and Arizona finalizing.

That’s a pretty strong mandate for an ‘outsider’ to claim.

The GOP also retained majorities in both houses of Congress.

Two fundamental principles of our Constitution should now be reinstated:

  • the Rule of Law, which Hillary and Obama have trampled;
  • checks-&-balances, forsaken by the GOP out of fears of racist labeling.

Impeach Hillary and every cohort for illegal use of unsecure emails.

Impeach Obama for illegally sending billions of dollars to Iran.

Throughout highs and lows of the inevitable Facebook postings this post-election day, one making the scene today is especially relevant…

…over this campaign, Obama’s played the race-card. Hillary’s played the woman-card, and now Americans have used their Trump card.

Message to Congress…play your Trump card.


The idiocy of “can’t vote for Trump’ers”

We had a great respect for Stephen Hayes…until today’s column in the Weekly Standard.

Writing in Senator Lee for president was his moral imperative…and nobody has a right to impugn that act.

What is morally repugnant was his choice to write about it publicly, thereby inviting similar futility from other voters.


One political party supports Big Government, entitlement programs, and high taxes.

The other party supports Business…and if anyone isn’t aware of it, Business drives America.

Voting for that party supports what drives America…voting any other way hamstrings that effort.

Second, our Constitution provides checks-&-balances that controls excesses of any one branch of government.

Just because a gutless Congress is afraid to exert controls against a black president doesn’t mean they’d fear exerting it over Trump.

(If anything,they’d over-exert themselves.)

So, to invoke a lawless out-of-control Trump as a reason not to vote for that party’s president is disingenuous at best…deceitful at worst.

If you don’t believe anything else about your gutless Congress Republicans, believe this…

…they’re more afraid of offending Democrats and the media, than offending Trump.

Mr. Hayes…you disappoint.

It’s down to this…

If you want billion$ sent to terrorist-enabler Iran…

…if you want a continued anemic economy…

…if you want higher out-of-pocket health costs…

…if you want Rule-of-Law applied ONLY to non-Democrats…

…then don’t vote ‘Republican’.

When the Party of the KKK brings up the specter of the KKK…that’s desperation

Pretty strange, when Democrats warn of evil tactics they themselves spawned.

Obama and Hillary bringing up the threat that Trump being elected would bring back the KKK is bizarre…considering the KKK was a Democrat creation.

Just as bizarre as warning of a return of Bull Connor tactics and Jim Crow laws…

…also Democrat creations.


When it comes to ‘evidence’, the Executive Branch is the one in denial

Obama’s out campaigning for Democrats, complaining (if he gets elected) Trump’s planning to ignore evidence in order to throw Hillary in jail.

That’s rich, considering it’s Obama’s Justice Dept that’s obscuring evidence, and obstructing lawful efforts to get to that evidence.

(He won’t allow his Justice Dept. to convene a Grand Jury, which effectively bars the FBI from issuing any subpoenas for evidence.)

So the guy blocking access to evidence complains Trump will ignore evidence? In the Land of Gall, Barack Obama takes the cake when it comes to faux outrage.

And now we hear a top Justice Dept. official leaked info to the Clinton team in 2015 that her email chicanery was being investigated.

Honest Democrats should be appalled at the despicable tactics of their leadership.

They should not reward such criminals Nov 8.