The idiocy of “can’t vote for Trump’ers”

We had a great respect for Stephen Hayes…until today’s column in the Weekly Standard.

Writing in Senator Lee for president was his moral imperative…and nobody has a right to impugn that act.

What is morally repugnant was his choice to write about it publicly, thereby inviting similar futility from other voters.


One political party supports Big Government, entitlement programs, and high taxes.

The other party supports Business…and if anyone isn’t aware of it, Business drives America.

Voting for that party supports what drives America…voting any other way hamstrings that effort.

Second, our Constitution provides checks-&-balances that controls excesses of any one branch of government.

Just because a gutless Congress is afraid to exert controls against a black president doesn’t mean they’d fear exerting it over Trump.

(If anything,they’d over-exert themselves.)

So, to invoke a lawless out-of-control Trump as a reason not to vote for that party’s president is disingenuous at best…deceitful at worst.

If you don’t believe anything else about your gutless Congress Republicans, believe this…

…they’re more afraid of offending Democrats and the media, than offending Trump.

Mr. Hayes…you disappoint.

It’s down to this…

If you want billion$ sent to terrorist-enabler Iran…

…if you want a continued anemic economy…

…if you want higher out-of-pocket health costs…

…if you want Rule-of-Law applied ONLY to non-Democrats…

…then don’t vote ‘Republican’.

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