There’s a thousand-pound camel sitting in O’s mosque

That thousand-pound camel sitting in the Islamic prayer room is known as ‘sharia’.

Even if Obama was right (he’s not), it doesn’t matter what he sees as ‘True Islam’.

Andrew McCarthy spells it out: interpreting the Koran to determine who qualifies as an ‘innocent’, or what constitutes ‘injustice’, is, at best, an exercise in evasion.

The real fact is, the Koran considers only one law to be true…sharia.

And that’s a fact Obama’s verbal gymnastics cannot seem to grip.

Mr. McCarthy has been pointing this out for some time.

Think about it…what good is interpreting selected sections of Islamic Law, if self-proclaimed ‘experts’ like Obama ignore the fountain from which they spring?

Most importantly, only a Muslim world can solve the Islamic problem; the sad reality is they haven’t managed that feat despite continuing horrific atrocity in their midst.

Considering the existential threat, in the meantime America would be well served to acknowledge the dangers of a radical nature, and prepare accordingly…

…rather than mouth saccharine platitudes of ‘job creation’ and ’empathy’.

Sadly, that White House photo-op wasn’t just a ‘summit without substance’

…it was a summit without foundation…the Sharia issue.

Without foundation, there can never be substance…

…but isn’t that the definition of this president anyway?

For a ‘constitutional scholar’, he sure is obtuse

Congress wants time to review and okay any ‘deal’ Obama makes with Iran.

Considering that terror state’s past record of eating the Appeaser-in-Chief’s lunch, it’s little wonder Senators are wary of backroom deals Obama may cook up.

Besides, there’s this little thing called the U.S. Constitution

…which very clearly states that the Congress be involved in such matters.

If Obama says otherwise, he would be advised to seek a dictionary…

…and look up the definitions of ‘Power’ and ‘Reprisal’ (Art. I, section 8, clause 11), ‘Treaties’, ‘Advice’ and ‘Consent'(Art. II, section 2, clause 2)…for clarification.

You know…as in “…Congress shall have Power to…grant Letters of…Reprisal…” and “…the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties…”

But then, you’d think a constitutional scholar would know all this.

‘Bam needs only look in a mirror for the ‘boozle…

The destroyer of the middle class says the GOP is ‘bamboozling’ the middle class?

When it comes to hurting middle class Americans, Obama has no equal.

(Guess who loses with his Obamacare and amnesty policies?)

And when you look at take-home pay, ‘Bam has ‘boozled them…Big Time.

During Obama’s 6 year reign, median household income has fallen 5 percent while Wall Street heavies and big corporate CEOs have seen their incomes skyrocket.

You know…the ‘fatcats’ he always whines about that make all the money.

If you had an honest mainstream media, you’d know why they’re all smiling…

…’cuz the ‘Whiner-in-Chief’ is the reason fatcats are happy.

There’s bamboozlin’ going on all right… 

Wait…Liberals laugh off Democracy-building in the Middle-East, then push job-creation in the Middle East?

When George W. Bush voiced hope creating a democratic Iraq could provide stability in the Middle East, he was ridiculed unmercifully for his ‘naive’ view.

Fast forward to Obama’s State Department spokesperson Marie Harf, who says now that the only way to defeat radical Islamists is to create jobs for them.

So, what…now Obama wants to force Syria to open more Burger Kings?

We can see the bumper sticker now…

‘Hey ISIS…Give Burger-flipping A Chance’.

Grow a spine, GOP…EVERY registered voter spoke in the November election

As Republican Senators waffle over how to deal with the amnesty issue Obama wants to jam down the throat of America, they should understand one thing…

…EVERY registered American voter made their voice heard in the Nov mid-terms.

Obama makes it a big deal that only one-third of registered voters went to the polls in November…but it doesn’t mean voices of the two-thirds staying away were silent.

Not voting indicated they refused to support the Democrat policies being pushed. In essence, November ‘stay-at-homers’ spoke just as loudly as those who voted.

Senate Republicans should grow a spine, and de-fund Obama’s amnesty efforts in the Homeland Security bill. That’s why many of them just got elected in November.

Worrying that doing so will get them blamed for not funding DHS if Obama vetoes the bill is useless…the media will blame Republicans no matter how it plays out.

Thinking a District Court judge’s temporary stay ruling in Texas will suffice is also useless. What one judge decides, another can just as easily overturn.

And don’t let them whine a Democrat filibuster is stopping them. They can easily get around that by doing the same thing a Democrat-controlled Senate did…

kill the filibuster process…trigger the nuclear option.

As argued previously, Democrats did it to stack the courts…surely Republicans can justify doing it to achieve what a majority of Americans demand – stopping amnesty.

Here’s an idea…exercise your democratic right to call your Senator

…and let them know how you feel about a DHS bill that de-funds amnesty.

Hey…when you’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t…

…how hard is it to do the RIGHT thing?

…because the Amish are beheading non-believers…?

Obama won’t admit radical Islamists beheading and burning people alive are Muslim.

Appeasing Muslim summit attendees, at one point he said “No religion is responsible for terrorism – people are responsible for violence and terrorism.”

Uhhh, yeah…but the atrocities committed are being done by people of one religion.

Unless we just missed the stories of radical Amish burning Jews alive?

More news confirms Iraq DID have chemical weapons

The CIA carried out a ‘buy-back’ program of chemical weapons in Iraq from 2005-2006.

Rockets with surprisingly strong purity of sarin gas were included in the transactions.

This should put an end to the Left’s “Bush lied…” mantra, but for them, any lie will do.

But when no less than the New York Times runs the story…

…it now appears the Liberals Lied…and Truth Died.

Of course the War Powers request sent to Congress was ‘vague’

Washington Times headline…

“Obama confounds Congress with vague Islamic State war powers request”

His failure of foreign ‘policy’ has stoked the current crisis in the Middle East. He doesn’t want to beat ISIS-al Qaeda half as much as he wants to beat Republicans.

Any bets his War Powers request was intentionally designed to be rejected by a Republican-led Congress…thus laying the groundwork for blaming the GOP as the crisis worsens in that area?
