Grow a spine, GOP…EVERY registered voter spoke in the November election

As Republican Senators waffle over how to deal with the amnesty issue Obama wants to jam down the throat of America, they should understand one thing…

…EVERY registered American voter made their voice heard in the Nov mid-terms.

Obama makes it a big deal that only one-third of registered voters went to the polls in November…but it doesn’t mean voices of the two-thirds staying away were silent.

Not voting indicated they refused to support the Democrat policies being pushed. In essence, November ‘stay-at-homers’ spoke just as loudly as those who voted.

Senate Republicans should grow a spine, and de-fund Obama’s amnesty efforts in the Homeland Security bill. That’s why many of them just got elected in November.

Worrying that doing so will get them blamed for not funding DHS if Obama vetoes the bill is useless…the media will blame Republicans no matter how it plays out.

Thinking a District Court judge’s temporary stay ruling in Texas will suffice is also useless. What one judge decides, another can just as easily overturn.

And don’t let them whine a Democrat filibuster is stopping them. They can easily get around that by doing the same thing a Democrat-controlled Senate did…

kill the filibuster process…trigger the nuclear option.

As argued previously, Democrats did it to stack the courts…surely Republicans can justify doing it to achieve what a majority of Americans demand – stopping amnesty.

Here’s an idea…exercise your democratic right to call your Senator

…and let them know how you feel about a DHS bill that de-funds amnesty.

Hey…when you’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t…

…how hard is it to do the RIGHT thing?

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