In the REAL war-on-women…Democrats have no equal

56 million dead.

If the world’s 24th largest nation was totally wiped out, there would be global outrage..

56 million dead…that’s almost the entire population of Italy.

Of course, no country was wiped off the face of the earth. That number represents the number of abortions performed in the United States since the 1973 Roe decision.

Even if you’re ‘Pro-Choice’ (i.e., Pro-Abortion), the number should be stunning, put in a context of national populations. The equivalent of 7 Israels, 11 Denmarks, 14 Irelands.

The Democrat Party champions the Pro-Abortion issue. And, if national demographics follow, that means (since 1973) about 28 million of those sad statistics were baby girls.

28 million girls, never to experience their first hug, first kiss, or first prom.

Even if you’re Pro-Choice, the numbers should give you pause.

Remember the bumper sticker? “Abortion = 1 dead, 1 wounded”.

THAT is a real War on Women…brought to you by the Democrat Party.

Democrats’ political posturing shields terrorists

Glen Doherty, Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, and Tyrone Woods deserve better.

They were the fatalities in Benghazi, the night Obama turned his back on them.

And he continues to turn his back, by refusing to ID the terrorists who killed them.

Even a Democrat-controlled Senate report has identified them as al-Qaeda affiliates.

But election years have consequences…acknowledging that the Benghazi attacks were conducted by elements and affiliates of al-Qaeda could hurt Democrats at the polls.

So to help Democrats on election day, the Obama team lets terrorists roam.

It’s that simple…

…it’s that shameful.

By this standard, using the freeway means you have to join the Teamsters union…

The Supreme Court is going to hear a case about states pushing home health care workers into unions. States claim paying family members with Medicaid makes it so.

Many are faced with the problem of caring for elderly parents, or those with special needs. Family members that take on the task are partially reimbursed by states.

But that doesn’t give the state a right to force them into unions. Why do they try?

Only one political party pushes this forced union concept. The reason is obvious: more union members means more union dues. Unions donate disproportionately to…


Despite the fact approx. 40% of union members lean Republican, over 90% of union donations go to the Democrat Party. States with Democrat ties crave that money.

But, our Constitution preserves the right to free association…not forced association.

Which means, of course, that people shouldn’t be coerced into joining unions.

But hey, in the Age of Obamacare, where citizens are forced to buy a product…

…anything goes…

They turned their backs on Americans in Benghazi, but ‘got your back’ on health care now…?

Isn’t it amazing?

The same Democrats who wouldn’t protect a few Americans overseas…expect you to trust they’ll protect 300+ million Americans with government-devised health care?

And, since when is forced ‘1-size fits all’ coverage a good deal, when lies are necessary to sell the concept to those who were already satisfied with plans and doctors they had?

Say what you want about the free-market system, but one thing can’t be denied: from iPads to eye surgery…when competition is open, the cost of everything goes down.

So, the question for your Liberal pals should be framed in that context before asking:

Who do they trust more to handle their health care needs…health insurance companies that have the opportunity to openly compete for their business, with tailored plans…

…or a government that forces ‘1-size fits all’ coverage without considering their needs?

(Seriously…does their grandfather REALLY need a pap smear…or birth control pills?)

A better idea to stop politicizing the State of the Union addresses…

Radio talk show host Mark Levin says Republicans should boycott the SOTU address.

The party in power rarely uses the event to advise on the ‘state’ of the union. More often than not, it’s used to spin their accomplishments…while bashing the other side.

An infomercial, if you will…for the party in power…but at the taxpayers’ expense.

A better idea…make it a non-televised event.

In the Land of the Blind…John Kerry is King

John ‘I-served-in-Vietnam’ Kerry says poverty “is the root cause of terrorism”.

But 99% of terrorist acts are carried out by followers of one religious group, and their (rich) leaders just happen to come from theologically totalitarian (and oil-rich) nations.

Talk about income inequality. No greater example of that than in those nations.

Yet terror acts aren’t committed against those countries led by sheikhs and ayotollahs, who bathe in myrrh and frankincense while their poor live in grinding squalor.

Two questions for the Secretary of State: Isn’t it at least a little odd that impoverished terrorists don’t act against their oil-rich leaders…who keep them poor? And…

How much of your personal fortune have you sent to lift those ‘misguided’ from poverty?

The one-eyed man is king in the Land of the Blind…

…but that doesn’t mean he knows what he’s doing.

Even Liberal think-tanks point to Democrats as the problem in Congress…

To quote Gomer Pyle…Surprise, surprise, surprise…

The GOP-led House got their work done, but not the Senate. Why?

The Liberal-leaning Brookings Institute says their study shows the Democrat-controlled Senate is causing the problems, using the committee process to kill legislative bills.

They could have saved a lot of time and money on that study, by reading BlueCollar.

That ‘door of opportunity’ better have a built-in radiation scanner…

The ‘appeaser-in-chief’ thinks the world’s leading terrorist state needs a chance.

Obviously Obama never had to deal with a schoolyard bully. Worse, this is a bully on steroids, with a religious mindset that reveres the death of those enforcing Islam.

‘Give peace a chance’? Ask a dying 26-year old woman how that worked out for her. She was part of a peaceful demonstration, shot down as she walked on a sidewalk.

‘Give peace a chance’? Ask Israel, a nation under daily attack by murderous zealots, funded by a state that refuses to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.

Obama’s ‘door of opportunity’…better have an x-ray scanner and radiation detector.

A study in how pre-election ‘mavericks’ become post-election toadies

The news today is that Democrat Senate Majority Leader Reid is blocking a vote on an Iran sanctions bill in the Senate, a bill that’s ‘supported’ by many Senate Democrats.

Our guess…?

The only reason Democrat Senators support the bill is ‘cuz they knew Reid wouldn’t.

It gives them a chance to appear as brave mavericks to voters back home in their bid for re-election, despite the fact they’ll join Harry Reid in lockstep once re-elected.

What intelligent American believes a nuclear Iran could be a good thing? But, there are very large blocs of anti-Israel sentiment among Democrats. What’s a Democrat to do?

BCP predicts the majority of maverick Democrats ‘supporting’ Iran sanctions is directly proportionate to the number of Democrat Senators up for re-election this November.

Any pro-Israel Democrat voter with a brain should realize pre-election promises don’t count, when it results in a post-election Majority Leader like Harry Reid…

…it’s the post election actions that speak volumes.

What good is a pro-Israel Democrat…in an ANTI-Israel Party?

Republicans challenging incumbent Democrat Senators must effectively message that.