Impeaching Hillary nullifies her eligibility to hold public office

A previous post notes Hillary Clinton can be impeached for lying to Congress under oath, and no President can roll back an impeachment.

Our Constitution says, once impeached, she could no longer hold public office (Article I, section 3, 7th para.).

And, further, a President cannot pardon an impeachment (Art.II, section 2, para.1).

She lied to Congress, which means she lied to the American people, about serious lapses of judgement, and deliberate efforts to conceal her activities.

All that’s needed is a House with guts to initiate articles of impeachment…

…and an honest Senate willing to hold a (former) public official accountable.

By the way, Comey’s review shows that Congress can impeach Hillary for lying under oath

Obama’s lawlessness neutralizes any Dept of Justice indictment regarding Hillary Clinton’s email malfeasance, but Comey paved the way for Congress to impeach.

Seems she lied under oath testifying before Congress on several issues, and the investigation FBI Dir. Comey referred to yesterday clearly pointed that out.

Obama can pardon indictments, but he can’t pardon an impeachment.

Problem? We need a Congress with guts…

…oh well.

Would you prefer a pre-election Hillary pardoned…or dangling in the wind?

As the conservative media twists itself into knots over Hillary’s escape from indictment, it’s important to remember a core principle supporting ‘rule-of-law’…

…It’s Only As Good As The People That Enforce It.

As our previous post noted, a lawless Obama would’ve pardoned her.

So, if the Democrat Party is willing to serve up Hillary for November voters…

…we repeat…

…would you prefer her pardoned…or dangling in the wind?

In our opinion, she’s more vulnerable left dangling until the election.

Silver lining in FBI Dir. Comey’s decision not to recommend Hillary be prosecuted?

Is there a silver lining in Director Comey’s decision? We think so.

Given the lawless nature of Obama’s administration, would there be any doubt he would pardon an indicted Hillary Clinton (especially if she has dirt on him)?

Hey, failing to prosecute now, is no guarantee she can’t be prosecuted later

…when another President (hopefully a law-abiding one) enters office…

…at which time, Obama’s pardon-powers will no longer be in effect.

(But we can’t ignore the idiocy that FBI Director Comey wants the American people to buy…he says because intent isn’t provable, no prosecution is possible. Taking that logic to it’s inevitable conclusion, any drunk driver who kills a pedestrian can’t be prosecuted for it…because the driver didn’t intend to kill anyone.)

Happy Birthday to the greatest Nation in the world

Happy Birthday America.

For those who sneer at the thought of U.S. exceptionalism, we refer you to the cold facts that America is the first Nation conceived in freedom, and her free-market capitalist economy is the engine that drives the global economy.

We’ve given more (gov’t & business) economic aid to foreign countries, and helped more nations achieve sovereignty, than all other nations of the world combined.

Not bad for a Nation whose GDP represents over 30% of the global GDP, while using less than 18% of global energy resources!

(And we won’t even mention our direct influence over other nation’s GDP.)

America – you are Beautiful…

…and your detractors are uneducated, rabble-rousing louts.