This president redefines the term ‘low’ by attacking private Americans

So the ‘RentSeeker-in-Chief’ is at it again, attacking private citizens.

At an energy confab in Vegas, Obama redefined the phrase ‘morally reprehensible’, using the office of president to attack the Koch brothers, as a favor to Harry Reid.

Senator Reid, for years in the pocket of green energy billionaires who, with his help, rigged the system to benefit themselves with tax-billions in crony subsidies…

…attacks the Koch brothers – for trying to rig the system for personal gain.

But the real story? Charles and David Koch don’t want subsidies for any industry, and are actively lobbying to eliminate corporate welfare…even if it benefits them!

So choose who you want to believe…

…Reid and Obama, who benefit from green subsidies with fat-kickback donations…

…or the Koch brothers, who don’t want any subsidies AT ALL.

The stupid and ignorant, along with those feeding at the trough, already chose.

Obama displayed his deceptive nature, by misusing the terms ‘rent-seeking’ and ‘competition’. He must know subsidies DEFINE rent-seeking, and kill competition.

If he’s not stupid, it was meant to be a lie, expecting his media toadies to go along.

(And, once again, showing how low a greedy politician will go.)

Mr. Koch fires back, saying such attacks are ‘beneath the dignity’ of a president.

But dignity is ‘the quality of being worthy of honor or respect’

…and sadly, Mr. Koch…Obama has demonstrated he’s worthy of neither.

Even the ‘snapback’ sanctions are an illusion in this Iran deal

There’s no part of this Iran deal that holds together.

Now we find out the snapback sanctions won’t cover important, financially effective areas like Iranian oil or gas sales – both of which are pivotal to a sanction process.

A ‘deal’ implies all parties involved get something.

So far, for America there’s 1) no inspection process, 2) no verification process, 3) no sanction-snapback process…and 4) no guarantee the ten$ of billion$ in released sanction funds won’t be used for Iran-funded terrorist activity.

We can’t verify where they’ve been in their nuclear program…

…we can’t inspect where they’re going with their nuclear program…

…we can’t stop them from funding terror…

…and, when they breach the agreement, we can’t snapback effective sanctions?

This Obama-Iran give-away may be many things…

…but it’s no ‘deal’.

Hillary prepares for…the Buffoon and Feaux-cahontas…?

News is that Joe Biden has visited Elizabeth ‘High-Cheekbones’ Warren.

(We’d like to claim the ‘Feauxcahontas’ label, but another coined it first.?)

With Hillary being measured for an orange jump-suit, speculation seems to center on Joe ‘Never-Been-Right’ discussing a VP slot for the Indian-that-ain’t.

But, wait…hasn’t there already been a sequel to ‘Dumb-&-Dumber’?

The ease of creating a global-warming scam…

How easy is it to create a global warming scam?

Mandate a 750-mile geographical ‘average’ as acceptable criteria…

Find the hottest reported temperature in that criteria…

Ignore the lowest temperatures in that criteria, then…VOILA!!

(Example: Phoenix, Arizona has an avg annual temp of 76 degrees. Cheyenne, Wyoming has an avg annual temp of 47 degrees. Distance apart – 670 miles.)

Base your statistical data on all high temps…declare a global-warming, then…

send tax-dollars to buddy billionaires like Tom Steyer in the Green Scam-dustries.

(Who, of course, then donate big to your political longevity…and future well-being.)

Simple, isn’t it?

Don’t say it isn’t working…

…NO ONE in Cheyenne believes their city’s avg temp is 76…

…but a lot of them remain Democrat voters, oblivious to the facts.

(And, as such, evidently happy to see their tax dollars misused.)

Why the 14th amendment does not bestow ‘birthright citizenship’

As Ann Coulter and Mark Levin point out, Congress has the power to establish the laws governing Naturalization (citizenship), according to Art 1, Sect 8, clause 4.

The 14th amendment (ratified 1868), section 1, was written to establish, once and for all, that slaves freed after the Civil War were, in fact, American citizens…and as such, “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”.

That amendment does not preclude Art 1, Sect 8, clause 4.

Besides, an illegal immigrant is a citizen of the country they came from, therefore, under that country’s ‘jurisdiction’ in citizenship matters. It’s not too much of a stretch to acknowledge, then, that a baby born to them would fit in that category as well.

There’s no such thing as ‘birthright citizenship’ for illegal immigrants.

Unless, of course…you’re a political Party seeking new voters…

(…or until you get the mealy-mouthed lawyers involved).

Use the looming Hillary prosecution to nab other high-level offenders

In the inevitable case against Clinton for email improprieties, don’t stop with her.

The prosecution will need to demonstrate how communications should be properly handled, so why not list other top-level Obama appointees as witnesses to testify?

Not only will Hillary’s goose get cooked, but others may become embroiled. After all, they have to take an oath before testifying – and who knows what information the prosecution may have from THEIR lower level employees…with axes to grind?

We see Treasury, Justice, EPA, Health & Human Services as a great place to start.

What do you call senior level Obama appointees in the same cooking pot?

A good place to start.

If a heart beats in the forest, and nobody hears it…is it still a life?

Ever cut through the face of a baby, to harvest it’s brain?


Planned Parenthood has.

Even the most die-hard abortion fan must be sickened by this latest video. It also describes details of baby hearts still beating, which means ‘born alive’.

For the low-info crowd, killing a baby deemed alive is against the law…murder.

You probably won’t hear about this anywhere in mainstream media.

Real journalism didn’t just die…

…Democrats aborted it…a long time ago.