How to stop ‘executive’ amnesty? Constitution says impeach them ALL

Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

The Constitution gives Congress the power to set immigration law. There are laws on the books that already cover immigration – Obama simply refuses to enforce them.

Any executive action that he takes which violates existing federal law is actionable as a ‘high crime and misdemeanor’…any civil officer aiding and abetting is violating the law.

Republicans should stop worrying about which scenario Obama will use to invoke his will – cite the laws already prevailing, and warn all offices of government to comply…

…or suffer impeachment with their Dear Leader.

Impeach every last one of them, from the directors in the Department of Justice to the Department of Homeland Security, if they act in a manner contrary to existing law.

(Message to Harry Reid – Obama’s not the only one who can ‘go big’.)

Want proof that liberal policy has devastated black Americans?

No one says it better than Thomas Sowell – The current problems facing blacks in America owe more to the Great Society than to slavery.(emphasis in bold added)

His contention is that the Legacy of Liberalism has done more to devastate blacks since the mid-1960’s than the legacy of Slavery before, and he offers this data to prove it:

  • Pre-1960’s rapid rate of poverty decline slowed after the War on Poverty began;
  • Pre-1960’s, most black children were raised in 2-parent families, but 30+ years later the majority of black children were being raised in single parent families;
  • Pre-1960’s murder rate among blacks was 1/2 of what it became 20 years later, “…after a legacy of liberal law enforcement policies.”

Take the time to read the entire article, then ask your Liberal friends to comment.

Impending riots could be stopped by REAL black leaders

As a grand jury nears release of its verdict in the shooting death of Michael Brown, dire warnings of racial unrest and rioting mount, if the police officer involved is exonerated.

The saddest word in that sentence is “if”.

Brown, 18, was 6′ 4″ and weighed 292 lbs. Just prior to being ordered to stop walking in the middle of a street, he had shoplifted a convenience story, assaulting the clerk.

Minutes later, when ordered by a policeman to move to the sidewalk. Brown viciously assaulted the officer in his car, and tried to get the officer’s gun, which discharged in the scuffle. He ran, but then turned on the injured officer, who shot and killed Brown.

Brown was shot 6 times before going down, the last bullet probably hitting him as he fell to the ground. Autopsy results of his wounds show he was facing the officer, who had taken a severe beating to the face and eye during the minutes-earlier scuffle.

Common sense tells us there was strong provocation for the shooting, when facing a 6’4″, 292 lb assailant who had just shown no hesitation by attacking the police officer.

If the color of these two participants were reversed, there’s not a black person alive who would question whether a black police officer should be exonerated based on the facts.

But where are the black leaders now?

Sharpton, Jackson, and, yes, Obama, must take a strong stand on this issue.

Allowing more violence now does no service for the people and businesses in our communities, for the black community as a whole, or for the rioters themselves.

It just creates more white-v-black resentment…

…but maybe, that’s what black leaders want?

Obamacare hubris – an egotist PhD who refused to stay on the QT

MIT’s Jonathan Gruber couldn’t suppress his glee over scamming stupid Americans.

As video after video is uncovered, this PhD’s scorn for the American people reveals the mindset of a Liberal mentality that does not bode well for Obamacare, or its makers.

Obama tries to deny culpability, even as White House logs show Gruber in the Oval Office with him during the law’s crafting…a fact Obama’s lapdog media can’t cover up.

Ironic, when you think about it…

…the ‘Narcissist-in-Chief’, being undone by a narcissist PhD.

If you’d like to contact ‘Dr.’ Gruber, here’s your opportunity.

Shut-up & focus, GOP – If Obam’nesty was a winner, it would have been done before elections

Republicans need to focus on core issues – economic vitality and job growth.

Obama’s amnesty threat is a distraction, a strategy to just muddy the waters.

Facing an apocalyptic midterm election, does anyone doubt Obama would have pulled that trigger, if it would have helped him retain Senate control for the Democrats?

The American populace oppose amnesty. In liberal Oregon, voters struck down driver licenses for illegals, 66% v 33% (and its Democrat Senator is up for re-election in ’17).

Black- and Hispanic-Americans see illegal immigrants taking their jobs, and benefits.

Republicans should stop trying to act as if they’re the smartest adult in the room. They will never win that battle with a mainstream media who carry Democrat water daily.

They can’t stop the talk-show crowd from postulating, but they can minimize the hype. If asked about an Obama-amnesty hypothetical, Republicans should have 1 response…

…’Our U.S. Constitution will show us the way.’

January 2015 is when the rubber hits the road.

The price of independent thought…

A reader asks why there’s no advertising on BlueCollar…

In today’s politically charged atmosphere, self-styled righteousness rears its ugly head to suppress the free exchange of ideas and impose their values through vicious attacks.

And their first target, to suppress honest dialogue? They attack a blog’s advertisers.

Then there’s the old adage ‘perception is Reality’. Few believe it possible for a product or service to accept advertising dollars…without being influenced by those dollars.

Advertisement-free, BCP cannot be seen – or construed – as bending to outside forces.

BlueCollar will never solicit ad dollars. If, in some instances, donations are received, it’s with the understanding that BlueCollar will always continue its independent journey.

On November 19, we celebrate two years of service to that principle.

Why not impeach Obama & Biden?

If both the President and Vice President are impeached, guess who’s next in line?

The Speaker of the House…which in this case, is Republican John Boehner.

How? Indict both Obama and Biden for human trafficking.

The Constitution says the Congress has the power “…to define and punish…Offences against the Law of Nations.” (Article I, Section 8, Clause 10)

Obama’s administration laid the groundwork for bringing in illegal kids, even getting bids for their transport. Obama himself admitted the children of a Nation are its future. And the human trafficking of those illegal immigrant children violates the Law of Nations.

Add to those articles of impeachment Democrat Senators who aided in that illegal trafficking by their silent support, and the majority of the Senate swings GOP.

(The Constitution clearly states Congress is responsible for immigration law. They sat by and let it happen…and impeached Senators cannot sit in judgment on themselves.)

President Boehner…has a good sound to it, don’t you think?

Better the dunce…

Argument against impeaching Obama: Joe Biden as President?

BCP suggests a ‘dunce’ is more preferable than a devil.

Before the Liberal uproar ensues over using the term ‘devil’, consider it was our U.S. Constitution that made it possible for America to gain its global stature in just 200 yrs.

The current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is intent on shredding it.

Our U.S. Constitution is the very fabric used to weave our American exceptionalism.

In its unique position, this Nation has done more for other nations than all other countries combined. Destroying that fabric of American exceptionalism is demonic.

We contend the term is qualified.

Last Laugh – Obamacare architect Gruber served as a GOP useful idiot

Some conservatives are agonizing over the lies told to sell Obamacare to Americans.

But this isn’t a story about how Americans were duped…polling shows they didn’t want Obamacare from inception – it couldn’t get through the House, so the Senate did it.

A Democrat-controlled Senate, without 1 GOP vote, passed it despite its unpopularity.

Now almost 30 of those Democrat Senate seats will be held by Republicans, in 2015.

So run your stories about how Obamacare architects thought Americans were stupid, then tune in to C-Span the first week of January to watch the Republicans take over.

And, maybe, send an email to Gruber, thanking him for helping the GOP re-take power.

Conservative voices like Rush Limbaugh need less angst over how the Liberals, their politicians, and their media lapdogs think Americans are stupid…

…and more angst over how the GOP pushes an effective agenda that helps America.

In the meantime, Harry Reid should remember this…he’s up for re-election in 2016.

The electoral mills of justice grind slowly…but they grind exceedingly fine.