A vote for Democrats is a vote for amnesty…and other ‘loser’ policies

One headline says it all:

Fired Up Obama to Immigration Activists: ‘No Force On Earth Can Stop Us’

It can’t get any plainer than this: a vote for Democrats is a vote for amnesty.

If there was any doubt, Obama cleared it up for everyone, saying he may not be on the ballot this November, but his “policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them.”

Enjoyed losing your health plan and doctor? Love bailing out insurance companies? No problem with your annual income dropping? Love those gas prices at the pump?

Okay with al-Qaeda blossoming again? Not worried about open borders allowing every manner of plague and terrorists to walk though? Happy with IRS and VA failures?

Never worried about long-term joblessness? Okay with a cutback to part-time hours?

Sure, vote Democrat…you get the government you vote for.

Democrats won’t bail you out…why let them bail-out insurance companies?

Obamacare mandates tax-payer bailouts for insurers who lose money supporting it.

Democrats wrote the law. They claim the ‘risk-corridor’ section is revenue neutral, but the fact is taxpayers are on the hook for that mandated insurance company bailout.

81% of Americans are against taxpayer bailouts for insurance companies, but it’s not as easy as it sounds to run individual GOP campaigns on this issue.

Republicans running for office in November run the risk of forcing insurance companies to send Democrat opponents huge campaign checks if they sound the bailout warning.

So it’s up to the GOP PACs and conservative news outlets to send out the alarm. Doing so on a national scale makes it more difficult for insurers to counteract with donations.

Ask everyone you talk to if they realize voting Republican could stop an insurer bailout.

The ‘informed voter’…and Dr. Carson’s politics of wishful thinking

Dr. Ben Carson won over many conservatives with his plain talk and common sense.

Unfortunately, it looks like he’s begun a journey down the Wishful Thinking Highway.

It’s true that many of today’s voters are woefully ill-informed. And it’s true that to vote responsibly requires the voter to make an effort to become informed. Yes…e-f-f-o-r-t.

As they say…‘Therein lies the rub’.

For the Low-Information voter, making an effort is not high on their priority. They see no difference between the need to vote…and the need to vote intelligently.

Rather than calling for acts (i.e.,making an ‘effort’) we know will be ignored, Dr. Carson would be well advised to follow a much more logical path to guide the ill-informed voter.

Make it easier for them; boil it down. Make it about Party ideology.

A nation where the economy is prosperous and growing benefits everyone…a nation where government picks winners-and-losers profits only the select few.

The Democrat Party believes in Big Government and crony legislation that favors a few select groups. The Republican Party supports free enterprise, and all business equally.

Business drives America. Everyone benefits, not just the select few.

Try using that logic the next time you talk to an ill-informed voter…

…after all, when was the last time Democrats bailed out one of them?

Proof ‘election cycle’ Democrat Senators are in trouble now…and Hillary’s in trouble in 2016

Drudge has a developing lead that Michelle Obama won’t help in Senate races.

Despite bogus reasons she may give, the real reason she won’t stump for Democrats is there’s a blow-out coming, and she doesn’t want her ‘brand’ tarnished when it happens.

For the GOP…that’s the good news for 2014 midterms.

The bad news? Protecting her ‘brand’ means she has political office in mind.

Move over Hillary…

…looks like there’s another Obama planning to overshadow your candidacy in 2016.


Obama blames bad intel…Intelligence experts blame bad president – daily briefs hold the answer

First the ‘Blameless-in-Chief’ said bad intel estimates failed us on Islamist resurgence.

Now comes a DoD/Intel official who lays the blame right where it belongs…on Obama.

Rush Limbaugh is right…the Daily Briefing reports will tell us who failed.

Wonder why Obama won’t offer them up to validate his claim?

Obama/Democrat ‘open-border’ policy enables the spread of disease (UPDATED)

The agencies responsible for securing our borders are controlled by Obama.

Border chaos created by Democrat policies have opened the door for disease.

And the most vulnerable among us are children, who rely on adults to protect them…so reports of mystery diseases and close contact with Ebola indicate a critical gov’t failure.

Republicans have fought an uphill battle against Obama and his Democrat cohort to make them control our southern border for 6 years, for just such a reason.

Voters should keep that in mind when they go to the polls in November.

(UPDATE): “Immigration Expert: Obama Admin Responsible for Letting Ebola Patient into U.S.”

Validated by Breitbart.com