Welcome to Obama-world…

What a difference a couple of centuries make.

1798 – “…Millions for defense, but not one penny for tribute…!” words declared by House Ways & Means Chairman (Rep.) Harper, upon hearing foreign nations were demanding tribute to stop attacking America’s ships at sea.

It only took 215 years to reverse that priority…

2013 – …’Millions for Tribute, but not one penny for Defense’…paraphrasing John Kerry, United States Secretary of State, evidently citing his boss’s new foreign policy.

As planes fall from the sky, and America’s kids, the elderly, and our national military readiness prepare to ‘suffer‘ from the ‘spending-cut pain’ of Obama’s sequestration

…incredibly, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood terror-masters get $450 million from Obama’s newest State Department lackey!

This is Obama-world…brought to you by Mainstream Media Productions…

Word has it our new coins will have ‘E Pluribus Unum’ replaced with a new motto…

“Tribute for thee…Sacrifice for me”