Want to remain a victim? By all means, vote (d)…they’ll be glad to help…

Democrat politicians have built careers creating & maintaining victimhood. For those who wish to remain a victim, with no solutions ever available, keep voting (d)…

…but, just out of curiosity, what part of

  • record low unemployment among minorities and women…
  • historic Middle East peace deals…
  • record high stock market gains to pension funds & 401k’s…
  • respect for law-&-order, and the rule-of-law…
  • destroying ISIS, and the terrorist leaders targeting Americans…
  • bringing back good, high-paying manufacturing jobs from overseas…
  • reverence of our American ideals of constitutional freedoms…
  • elimination of economy-strangling regulations…
  • seating judges who will interpret laws constitutionally..
  • creating strong, secure borders…
  • energy independence that keeps America strong and self-reliant…
  • free-market competition that increases quality and reduces price…
  • phenomenal year-to-year gains in household income levels…
  • unrestrained freedom to pursue a better way of life…

…don’t they like?

For the record, every one of those bullet points noted were achieved during the 3plus years of this Trump administration, despite everything thrown against the President.

Can someone from the other side explain what’s so attractive about a sub-par economy, high joblessness, record illegal migration, endless Mideast turmoil, and unending war?

Democrat states are riddled with debt, lawless chaotic rioting, and corrupt leadership who promise everything, give constituents nothing…but always enrich themselves.

What is so attractive about remaining a victim under such circumstances?



America has been a positive force in the world, and the free-market capitalist system has been the engine that drives the global economy, bringing millions out of poverty.

Maintaining the USA as that global guiding light is valorous in the extreme, raising our own minority communities out of poverty even as we make the world a better place.

Two choices face Americans in November – Valor…or Victimhood.

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