GOP elites break out in severe ‘Palin-itis’ rash

Seems the Republican elites have redefined the definition of a split second…

…it’s now the amount of time it takes from the end of any Sarah Palin speech, to when the GOP elites start trash-talking her comments, vision, and ability.

A well-known journalist referred to her Iowa Freedom Summit speech as “…long, rambling, and at times barely coherent…”, then quoted others who trashed her effort as not up to the serious nature of what they believed that Summit should evoke.

But anyone viewing the C-Span video of her speech objectively will think otherwise.

Yes, she used personal anecdotes to draw attention to Left-leaning media bias.

Yes, she threw down on Hollywood and Michael Moore for vilifying our U.S. military.

And then she spoke of the need for strong conservative leadership, the need for our leadership to fiercely defend American Freedoms, and the importance of the federal government serving the people, instead of American people serving government.

‘Long’? ‘Rambling’? ‘Barely coherent’? When did conservative principles devolve?

Sarah Palin condemned the Left’s failed policies, domestic and foreign, and called for the GOP to “…go on Offense now…”to fight their demonizing, Alinskyite tactics.

“Calling Gov Palin’s remarks bizarre and disjointed would be charitable.” REALLY?

The Iowa Freedom Summit was organized “…to hear directly from conservative leaders on how we can get America back on track by focusing on our core principles of pro-growth economics, social conservatism, and a strong national defense.”

Sarah Palin spoke with personal perspective and a ‘back-at-ya’ approach that may seem ‘barely coherent’ and ‘bizarre’ to the GOP elite…but the ‘grassroots’ hear her, loud and clear – and that was the focus of the Summit: grass-root conservatives.

One would think elite GOPers would understand that goal…

…after all, it was noted quite openly on the Summit’s website Home page.

One wonders why so-called Republicans enjoy denigrating their own with such unbounded enthusiasm. It’s expected from Democrats, but why arm them?

A look at Governor Palin’s history might provide a glimpse of understanding. In her political rise, she took on corruption and incompetence in both parties.

Republican elites may be willing to do anything to protect their power…

…but objective journalists shouldn’t stoop so low to help them.

Message to the GOP et al

…when attacking politicians, please go for those with a (D) after their name!!

Message to honest Republicans: listen to Gov. Palin’s speech, decide for yourself.

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