Why change – if the ‘nuclear option’ was okay with Democrats?

The Democrat Senate used a ‘nuclear option’ to facilitate Obama’s judicial nominees.

This has given Obama’s agenda a huge advantage, especially in the D.C. Circuit Court.

And you can bet, once the power of the Senate swings GOP in January, Democrats will be screaming for the nuclear option to be reversed, since they’ll be at a disadvantage.

Articles are already speculating whether the Republicans will reinstate the old rules, out of some misguided sense of ‘fairness’. But why change – Democrats chose the path!

By their actions, they deemed a ‘nuclear option’ preferable.

As for the Obama administration’s so-called judicial advantage, that can be undone by invoking the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, section 8, subsection 9:

“The Congress shall have Power…to constitute tribunals inferior to the supreme Court”

A Republican-led Congress has the power to control how inferior courts are composed. Democrats in control added D.C. Appeals Court seats…just subtract them in January. 

Of course, that depends on Republicans actually remembering we have a Constitution.

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