‘Drill-Baby-Drill’ proves the Democrat lie in ‘we can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices’

Filled your gas tank lately?

Democrats have claimed for years that ‘drill, baby, drill’ was a cheap rhetorical device with no chance of success in driving down unreasonably high oil prices. Even Obama (the great and powerful) chimed in… “we can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices”.

Remember? Sarah Palin was skewered unmercifully by the Left for her suggestions.

But it turns out to be true. No thanks to Obama, who effectively restricted federal land oil and gas expansion, the free-market sector has used technology to increase our production and expand the available natural resources, driving global prices down.

Free-market fracking on private land has greatly increased America’s energy resources, and is one reason the price of oil has dropped over 40% – its lowest point in 5 years.

Naturally, we’re happy when we fuel up at the pump…but ramification of lower oil prices goes much deeper: every product we use in our daily lives costs less to produce also.

And, more importantly, terror-states that sit on oil reserves take a huge hit economically.

Do the math – Iran was selling a barrel of oil for $100…now it’s under $60/barrel. That means they’ve lost $40 PER BARREL to buy rockets and bombs for their jihadists.

At 1.1 million barrels exported per day, they’re losing $44 million revenue EVERY DAY.

Ironic, isn’t it? The free-market system Obama and his Democrats incessantly despise and attack is doing more to combat terror-nations than any feeble policy of theirs has.

Energy drives a global economy…control it, you control everything. Democrats want  more controls on energy…Republicans want free-market capitalism to work its magic.

It’s simple – more control drives energy prices up

…a free-market system drives energy prices down.

Next time they gas up, America’s families can thank a free-market system for helping them keep more hard-earned dollars in their wallet…and sleeping safer every night.

Who loves ya, baby?

Free-Market Capitalism, that’s who.

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