The family of a former professional football player filed suit Wednesday against the NFL, alleging ‘acts or omissions’ that hid the dangers of repetitive blows to the head.
Sadly, that player committed suicide in May, 2012. Predictably, nanny-state elitists stepped up their continuing tirade against the violent nature of professional football, alleging (among other things) that suicidal tendencies were one result of the game.
In this day and age, does anyone really not have the intelligence to understand the violent and potentially serious consequences of playing professional football? And, as for the consequences of repetitive blows to the head…ever heard of Muhammad Ali?
Everyone has, and we all saw first hand the results of repetitive blows to the head as his situation deteriorated over the years. So please, try not to insult our intelligence by implying that a college-student-turned-pro football player doesn’t see the danger.
As much as we admire professional athletes on the field, and feel badly when their post-career strain catches up to them, we need to make sure the data being spoon-fed to us by agenda-driven media and elitists are legitimate.
Remember personal accountability? No one forces a player into the NFL.
And cause-and-result analysis? Suicidal tendencies, for instance. Does playing football result in a disproportionate number of suicidal personalities, or are a disproportionate amount of suicidal personalities drawn to playing football?
‘Cuz it’s all a matter of perspective…
“And cause-and-result analysis? Suicidal tendencies, for instance. Does playing football result in a disproportionate number of suicidal personalities, or are a disproportionate amount of suicidal personalities drawn to playing football?”
When I played soccer I remember trying to hurt girls on purpose and being removed from the game from my coach. Maybe I should have been playing football instead. (or at least hockey)