Let’s hold Obama to his words…! (updated)

File this under “A Modern Proposal” – Let those who voted for the system, pay for it.

Spender-in-Chief Barack Obama stated plainly in his Monday press conference that  “raising the debt ceiling does not authorize more spending. It simply allows the country to pay for spending that Congress has already committed to”.

Since all of the spending bills Obama refers to were legislated by Congress Democrats when they were in total power prior to 2011, and since all of the new House Republican spending bills have been held up during 2011-2012 by a Democrat-controlled Senate, it’s obvious that Obama et al does not believe in, or plan on, representing all Americans.

They only believe in representing those Americans who voted ‘Democrat’. Fine, since “words matter”, let’s invoke those principles most favored by this regime…

Campaign finance laws being available to guide the way, let’s suggest that – since the minority are not allowed representation under this Democrat administration – then, only those people and groups who donated to the Democrats ‘winning’ 2012 election should have to pay for Democrat spending, which only they ‘racked up’.

After all, it’s only ‘fair’

(Update – Sandy S objects to the use of Obama’s name without the honorific ‘President’, stating that omitting same is disrespectful. For those who wonder or object, please refer to the new ‘Honorific’ page added to the BCP site. Essentially, we reserve the respect of such Constitutionally-bestowed titles for those who actually respect that Authority…and their oath of office.

In. Plain. Words…Those who disrespect the very Authority that makes their title of office possible don’t deserve that respect for themselves.)

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