LOST…in Phoenix… Obama was warned, but veterans are SCORNED

“1,700 vets not on official wait list at Phoenix VA facility, preliminary report finds”

And the Inspector General finds the ’24-day’ avg wait time the Phoenix VA reported is really…115 days, confirming that “…wait time schemes and data manipulation are systemic throughout VA and are putting veterans at risk.”

But Obama, who sees treatment of vets as ‘a sacred trust’, is waiting for a final report.

Over 40 VA treatment centers are suspected of ‘systemic’ schemes. Any bets that those schemes are identical, from location to location? Which means…coordinated!

But Obama, waiting for a ‘final’ report, does nothing, while spewing platitudes.

How many more vets will die, before he decides ‘not to stand for’ what he has stood for, since being told of the systemic fraudulent wait-time lists in 2008, after he was elected?

Obama was warned…but veterans were scorned!

Every veteran death caused by VA malfeasance, since his swearing in, is on his head.

And his Democrat lapdogs in Congress share in blame. They controlled both houses of Congress 4 years through 2010 – but no oversight or relief was provided for veterans.

The GOP took back the House in 2010, and since 2011 have passed a dozen reform bills which – even now – Democrat Senate Majority Leader Reid blocks from a vote.

From Benghazi rooftops to America’s VA hospital beds…

…veterans are dying from Democrat incompetence and neglect. Even worse…

…whether from incompetence, willful neglect, or deliberate malfeasance…

…Obama, Shinseki, and every VA administrator involved are guilty of manslaughter.

Where’s the U.S. Attorney General when you need him?

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